Commies S E E T H I N G in r/military over boomer post.

87  2019-04-29 by Manchu_Fist


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. This Post -,,,

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what are commies doing in /r/Military anyway

They're conscripted.

Agitprop, what else

R/military is like the r/politics of the military related subs. They will ban you for saying fsggot.

No we won't. We will however give a warning for the N word, followed by a swift ban if the warning is ignored. Hi, /u/Tehsyr here, military mod.

Why can’t you say “nigger” there?

We've been dealing with a rather tenacious user who keeps coming back every day (at least for now he stopped) where he kept spamming the N word in everything, as well as when we ban people and they take it personal since they have a history in the subreddit, they will use bots to change all of their comments to either "/u/Tehsyr is a cunt/faggot/n*gger" or any other expletive that no longer was the original comment and breaks the conversation it was a part of. Not to mention our rule of keeping things civil. Deliberate attacks on another users person by trying to demean them with words as such are met with a warning to bring it back in line. Some people don't so we give a temp ban so they can cool off. Others don't care and end up making spam accounts to slam our subreddit.

what is up with this subreddit's CSS

Its part of the charm. Semper Fi, hooah, oorah, kill bodies.

Shut up nigger

What a faggot

everybody hangs out in their ideological enemies' subs just to see what they're doing and get upset

They like to come by and call us baby killers and imperialists once in a while.

As with all things, fucking srdines ruined r/military. I used to exclusively hang out there on my main account but a few years ago someone linked a post from there to srd saying that a top mod was removing all their comments because they were critical of daddy and they mass brigaded it so hard the mod in question decided he didn't want to deal with the shit and stepped down and deleted his account. The thing is though, there was a very strictly enforced rule against ALL political posts and comments that weren't directly related to the military to prevent the sub from turning into a giant circlejerk like the rest of Reddit. The dude was a solid mod (as far as jannies go) and was very fair and even handed in the enforcement of the rules. So basically srd and the rest of Reddit brigaded the sub, took a giant upper-decker, pulled up their maternity pants and left the sub in ruins then never returned. Pissed me off so much because it was one of the few places on Reddit I could go and shitpost with other vets without hearing about how many brown people I directly killed to prop up the wealthy or whatever looney toons fantasies these piss drinking apes conjur up from all the movies they watch. Then sometime later I remember reading some Chapo shit about how they should take over smaller subs like gamingcirclejerk and military to name a few so they can try and subplant their galaxy brain takes on the evils of being a well-adjusted human being.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Yeah, yeah...

Confronting the military they talk about over throwing in the only way their physical ham bodies can effectively do so; Internet arguments

/u/Amphabian is an economist who has a series of beliefs which go against mainstream economic theory and a base knowledge of economic history.

Writing „as an economist“ and then spouting bullshit that would get you laughed out of 99% of reputable econ departments (you won‘t find one commie in Sloan, Booth, HBS, LBS, HSG, INSEAD, Saïd, Bocconi, Wharton, etc etc) is dishonest.

It‘s like an MD prescrobing homeopathy.

lol, this country is rated exactly 39.7 Freedom Units. What, it's a totally real and not-made-up system! Also, and this is purely coincidental, those Freedom Units line up exactly with our economic and military interests and the only way to get more Freedom Units is to enact policies we, the creators of Freedom Units, want.

But it's totally legit.

Mad because America is #1 😎

#1 at being fucking gay lol

1 at having a military full of cool guys 😎 also #1 in worker rights and happiness


True and you can't prove me wrong. Commie stomped yet again

That's a good thing

Are you a boomer?

1 in obesity and mental illness, sure.

Cope from irrelevantcountrycel

Post chud, hog.

Because capitalism is just going swimmingly, isn’t it? A financial crash every 10ish years, 1st world citizens living in 3rd world conditions, birth fatality rates that rival undeveloped nations, lack of guaranteed access to medical treatment even for life threatening conditions, tuition rates so high that it’s like children are taking out mortgages, zero upward mobility for blue collar workers, a vanishing middle class, most Americans not having anything in their savings accounts.

As an Economist, I will never pretend that pure communist governments are perfect; like all systems of governance, they are headed by weak human beings, easily swayed by greed and arrogance. Under Mao Zedong the Chinese saw millions starve to death. Under Stalin we saw the brutal execution of thousands of political dissidents. Under the Kim family of Korea we saw worker slave camps and executions. All preceded by economic strife due to faulty implementation of systems designed to provide for the masses.

The nations on this planet that provide best for their citizens, and their veterans I might add, are all countries whose governments have implemented communist and socialist themes: Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany, Sweden, Poland, France, Ireland, Spain. All operate under Keynesian Economic redistribution models and their citizens thrive under it.

I am a Socialist and I’m not afraid to hide it. I am sick of the dog whistle “you want to take private property and things you didn’t have to work for”; let me clarify, I don’t want to take things from working class people because they’ve worked for it. I don’t want to take things from poor people because they need it. I want to take from those who have taken from all of us and give it back to all of us.

We the people are the only reason that the wheels of this economy turn. We alone keep this nation afloat. As members of the military, you all are working class employees of the entire nation. We.

The they in this situation are people like the owners of Lockheed Martin, Walmart, Halliburton, Nestle, Coca Cola, Disney, etc

They want more of what we create. We generate wealth for them, and they take it from us. As workers, we all know that a job is broken up into smaller pieces. People have jobs A, B, C, and D with D doing 5% of the work and the rest being distributed among the remaining letters. Isn’t it odd that D keeps a vast majority of the money made off of A, B, and C’s production result? That is theft. Profits undistributed is theft from those who made the product.

Want proof that Socialism works? Look at the military: guaranteed income (via your job or benefits), access to housing, access to healthcare, retirement plans, paying for college when you get out, assistance with family housing and food, etc Is this perfect? No, and it should be improved. Want more proof? Kids on full ride scholarships: housing provided, food provided, classes paid for, access to university healthcare (lacking but its better than nothing), access to school resources, and the kids thrive under this system. Some even choose to get jobs and internships proving that providing services doesn’t make people lazy.

Things aren’t black and white. The notion of “the evil of communism” needs to die off because a lot of what’s been said in defense of communism is put into unfair context. Society and its economies are reflected by the systems of governance they choose. I don’t know about you guys, but I see a pretty broken America.

I don’t want to take things from you, workers don’t steal from other workers. I want to take from those who have taken from us and give it to everyone.

Please. I beg of you to really read what I’ve written and consider what I’m proposing.

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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The US has scores better on the HDI

than Finland, NZ, France and Belgium however.

What're your thoughts on that ?

I read the first sentence, saw the wall of text, and moved on.

It’s literally just a copypaste of the linked post 😕

Fukkin lmao

Lmao ok

Where is long post bot for that guys 11 upvoted essay

It only operates in Drama, sadly. If I had it my way, Loweffortbot and longpostbot would be enforced across all of reddit.

/u/Amphabian write less essays on Reddit that no one reads and go to a soup kitchen or something

I dunno fam, the right ringers I think were seething more.

u/Amphabian sbowing that an economics degree can be worth just as much as an arts degree in r/Military. Thank you for your service. o7

/u/Amphabian you're an economist and yet you think every large company steals from everyone? You know who does steal from everyone by the definition of stealing? The government so they can pay for all of the shitty commie programs you listed.

☝️ based ☝️

You can literally be kicked out of the military if you're a Socialist.

Also that thread very obviously got brigaded

As an Economist...

Hahahahahahahahah FART... Oops.... Hahahahahahahahahahah...

We need to start executing commies again

There's nothing political about hating commies. I mean really, they're not even human.

Best comment

Communist subreddits need strict totalitarian moderation to run on a basic level, where capitalist subreddits like r/hitsworthturkingfor and r/beermoney encourage healthy posting with monetary compensation.

That one American dude getting his panties in a bunch about the []( on the sub is interesting

Yes but you're a chapo so of course you're projecting.

what do you mean, he's freaking out over a Russian poster right there

He's not "freaking out".

Secondly, he mentioned chapotards and I'm sure that triggered you hence your projection.

it's an international military subreddit and this dude is mad somebody there happens to be Russian. That's pretty funny

So you've gone from "panties in a bunch", " "freaking out" and now "mad".

He was none of these things.

He was mildly displeased with a Russian chapotard.

I've been on the internet long enough to know a mad dude when I see one

Or, you're projecting.