Uber Support helps a customer

98  2019-04-29 by justcool393


Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

For anyone too lazy to click the archive it reads:

We're so sorry about that, Nigger! Please send us a DM with your phone number with additional details of your concern, so we can connect.

23:27 - 28 abr. 2019


What is this? Is this kraut-apes making guttural noises that approximate human language? The worst part of this is not using the YYYY-MM-DD-HH-SS like an actually civilized being.

Some of us have to take whatever dates we can get.

It's Spanish you fuckwit, April in kraut is still April

Informative. Gotta keep this in mind for WW3.

How will German help you with fighting the Australian Menace?

Implying spaincels wouldn't remain neutral.

abr = abril = april


fuck using minutes


Disgusting. I've yet to hear anyone say 2019 April 29th let alone 29th of April 2019. In American April 29th, 2019, MM-DD-YYYY; rolls off the tongue better.

In the Queens English both April 29th and the 29th of April are correct, but if you're subtracting then 29/4/2019 is the preferred form and used in official documents.

Deleted within 6 minutes. Somebody was actually on the ball here.

Its was up for nearly a hour lol

What did it say?

snappy: Am I a joke to you?









Based and archivepilled

Well I'll be darned...

Rogue intern?

auto reply bot lmao

no uber support was retarded n was using the username in the auto reply. so now u see ppl tweetin at them with their name as "towelhead" n shit to get a repeat. once again provin that if ur job is social media person ur iq is below avg! should have went stem!

I dont want low iq engineers randy. That intern is right where he belongs

I don't get though; the screenshot shows the person they were replying to has the username 'Dick', so how com it didn't say, "We're so sorry about that, Dick"?

he changed username right after they replied to make it look like they said niggwr for no reason

I see, thanks.

More like Ubermensch

i have yet to understand why companies have social media presences that nobody cares about until they fuck up like this or that Buffalo Wild Wings secret cum sauce thing

Because once your HR department is bloated to the point where even they can’t pretend to be busy but society is pressuring you to employ more women who have NEET- level business skills and are too ugly to have children and live off the state, you need to create more jobs.

Lmao HR is really the perfect job for female autists.

The worst part is, you're not even wrong.

Dunno what it says, but Uber is a shit company to absolutely everyone. Switch to Lyft a while ago after hearing all the shit people go through with them.

Baleeted already.

lmao nigger

I see the CAnimals have now invaded uber 😤

Can you stop using astofolo as ur trans pride thing, he is better than this

What a buster


Take screenshots jesus

What do you think Snappy is here for, retard?

What was it?