LongPostBot would have a field day in this thread

43  2019-04-29 by employee10038080


I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Who runs long post bot, is it banned from other subs or just ran for here


It's only run here because he's too lazy to change from r/Drama/comments to r/Drama+SomeOtherSubs/comments when pulling comments


this sub wouldnt be good without longpostbot.

Everyone forgets bussy 😪

everyone forgets zozzle.

its only a good thread if it summons zozzle

I would love to see the zoz rules. Do you have any idea what triggers it?

my personal safety depends on those rules, sorry.

A picture is worth 1000 words. Be like Hitler. Draw Pictures.

still unemployed then?

Its also like.... all speech is violent, whenever two objects interact or connect there is violence being done.

for a long time I have preached that all sex is rape, and it seems I have finally found my soul mate!

Redditors are also boot lickers as long as their side decides the rules. How shocking.

Regulate hate speech

Oi, you passed a background check, got a loicense, and have a need to mock idpol guv’nah? No, it’s ten to twenty in the slammah.

But mean things sound mean and angry and mean people shouldnt say stuff. If you’re angry like make a tweet rant about it dont like say mean things and go out and talk to people about it gosh

You know youre arguing with a true IQ-cel when their response to your pointed question is a link to the SCOTUS wiki. Like, wow, muh dude, you shut that argument down.

J Hard R Tolkien is a pretty sweet username.

i consider myself a lazy poster, but then i see replies consisting of a single Wikipedia link

Oh shit not san diego, the only decent place in the US