Obama Defence Force heavily downplays Obama killing children with drone strikes.

147  2019-04-29 by GodOfDarknessWine


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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You dropped this friend.

There ya go


finally I can be a war hero and a basement dweller at the same time

Also applies to h4(Kz0rs as well

Fun fact. UCAV (armed drone) pilots are often reassigned from flying combat aircraft. I can't imagine anything more demoralizing than going from fighter pilot to drone jockey. Last time I checked it was the most hated job in the military.

What gets them reassigned? Is it just a shitty billet or a punishment?

Obama started a drone program so U.S. army lives weren't at risk and collateral damage happens in every war. He made the right decision.

alright babykiller 😂😂

I only want my drones to perform abortions

so US ARMY lives weren’t at risk

Pretty sure he just didn’t want backlash from a constituency who was satisfied by how not-racist they felt about themselves.

He didn't want backlash from a constituency that was sick of foreign wars and drone warfare offered a good way to do it. We shouldn't be helping out the Sauds in Yemen to begin with though.

PROBLEM Constituents tired of foreign wars

SOLUTION Invade Libya, Syria with expressed goal of regime change.

Ok lmao

Libya and Syria were bad ideas

Oopsie, tee hee

just killed hundreds of thousands of people, might delete later, idk

I would hate my life if i thought as you do.

Problem: The proles threw a fit when we invaded a foreign country under false pretenses and sent a bunch of kids to get their limbs blown off, which sparked domestic unrest

Solution: Put a charismatic black man in office, find a way to fight our wars without too many soldiers dying, and cultivate a lapdog media that won't dedicate a lot of newsreel to our ongoing foreign wars

His Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech was basically a re-affirmation of the Bush Doctrine with the serial number filed off.

The drone strikes got an absolute ton of coverage

The US never invaded Syria or Libya

Should have just carpetbombed so no one would survive and join ISIS

Every leader is a good leader because they didn't mean to kill all these innocents, they were just in the way.

"Great men are almost always bad men."

Fun fact. Obama declared 'bad men' to be any adult male 16 and above who was in the vicinity of the drone strike.

I mean, Daddy probably wouldn't have bothered even going to that tedium, but it's still a bit of a fucked up green light to give.

Imagine being partisan about your hate towards the ruling elite. Same logic in thinking that trump didn't fuck kids on Epstein's plane but Clinton did

That's the one thing I just dont understand about these people. Like why limit your hatred to just one party of elites when there's two parties of them. There's infinite capacity for hatred and malice within a person, so why do it so selectively.

Show hatred towards all of them equally.

Nihilistic centrism is my new black, do you think Daddy will like it?

The only reason why I personally think he might not have fucked kids is that he seems to have a thing for gross porn star looking women. He also has a quote about Epstein saying that they both like beautiful women, but Epstein likes younger women. But yeah he probably fucks kids.

trump says he wants to do something


Obama kills people in secret drone wars


Daddy dindu nuffin


Trump revokes Obama rule on reporting drone strike deaths

There have been 2,243 drone strikes in the first two years of the Trump presidency, compared with 1,878 in Mr Obama's eight years in office, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a UK-based think tank

That doesn’t count.


t. reddit

Didn't you bring him up 🤔


i love the bit you do man keep it up

Also Trump's first millitary operation was a complete disaster in which children died

Literally kill urself tier burger politics in a nutshell

Drones save Merican lives. I’d rather it be some third world kid who’s begging for death to take them out of their misery anyway. Keep them flying, daddy trump 👏🏻☺️

Hmm I’m pretty sure he didn’t say to drone strike children. Children were just bystanders, people in the wrong place at the wrong time, like every other drone strike that’s ever happened

Just little happy accidents

Better than spending trillions invading Iraq

If Trump did the EXACT SAME THING it would be on every news station 24/7 for the next few years that he was a child killer.

Dumb hypothetical. Trump is doing the same thing, and it’s generally regarded as business as usual.

the smart take is that obama and trump were both doing good

Yeah no one gives a fuck that Trump does it either. Killing them is fine, just don't be mean on Twitter.

Never understood this, there's so much nasty shit the Us have done in recent history yet people bring up slavery or complain all the minor shit Trump does like grab her by the pussy when there's legitimately bad things he does like drone strikes and syria.

If Dems had their priorities straight Trump would have no chance of winning a second term

If Dems had their priorities straight

You don't think Uncle Touchy is going to beat Daddy?

Why? What could they name Trump doing that isn't also done by Democrat administrations including the one immediately prior? Democrats literally complained about the idea of less involvement in Syria because Trump wanted it.

Fair point, they're both guilty of it

Yeah, the only difference is that Obama's drone campaign was so successful that there's not many terrorists left to hit now. It's funny how I heard over and over again for years that drone strikes would only lead more people to become terrorists. I wonder if all the people who claimed that are gonna admit they were wrong now? 🤔🤔🤔

wtf I love Obama now

So the radical centrist position is that it's good that both left and right drone strike kids, right?

Hmm I’m pretty sure he didn’t say to drone strike children. Children were just bystanders, people in the wrong place at the wrong time, like every other drone strike that’s ever happened. Especially under the Bush administration. Sure he drone strikes children, let’s go with that. Lmao such a dumb argument .

Some guy did some thing

So there's people who do stuff like going into a school and killing all the kids but God forbid we ever try to fight back. A child might get hurt!

Downplay what?


in response to this fact


Trump decides to restrict reporting on civilian casualties, like a coward

EVIL TRUMP has MURDERED WITH FLYING DEATH ROBOTS far, far, far less brown children than Amazing Grace Obama did

Let me be clear, let me be clear, killing children with hellfire missiles is just not anywhere near as bad as detaining them temporarily, okay?!

It’s funny because trump is doing both. He’s just made it so the military doesn’t have to report civilian casualties from drone strikes now. Reporting civilian casualties of drones strikes was implemented by Obama.

When will people realize that there’s no such thing as a good and ethical politician?

I voted for Obama twice but even I admit that he's so far both deported and killed more brown people than Donald Trump. Dude was playing drone strikes like he had a bucket of quarters at the Zaxon machine.

Eat the rich. Fuck the elite. Feel the rhythm.