Yesterday, r/Europe celebrates the execution of Mussolini and several users aren't happy with the gruesome pic. One user mentions his Granddaughter and civility goes out the window.

70  2019-04-29 by GodOfDarknessWine


This, but unironically.


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the carrey/mussolini debate was the first thing that jumped into my mind when reading this headline. a modern classic.

man, look at those comments in the thread... social media really showed how much the angry peasant mentality is still alive in the 21st century. especially posts like /u/JoffreyWaters are frontrunners of the "well you have been a piece of shit, so its my turn to be a piece of shit!" newsflash jojo: progress is about erasing the line, not playing hopscotch and crossing it whenever you feel like it you uncivilized monkey

Whatever bro Im not gay anyways

your loss ;)

Are you delivered?

Straight into the arms of the mayo Jesus?

Versailles was ackshually bad but victors write history..

πŸ΄πŸ‘ž because commies and far lefties parrot the same line.

idk why you relying to me in a different thread but yes I think the main reason behind ww2 is the treaties closing ww1.

Do you think victors Erie history ?

Well not completely, but there is an obvious tendency generated by the inevitable war propaganda.

Not really, no.

Okay, so you think the losers and winner has exactly the same affect on it?

Victors don't write history.

Example - David Irving.

Victors don't write history.

Example - David Irving.

Well not completely,


So how much do you think victors dominate history ?

80% or 73% ?

13/50 imo

Well I thought 40%.

The treaty following the Franco-Prussian War was much harsher than the Treaty of Versailles, yet France managed not to become literally Hitler. Funny, that.

yet France managed not to become literally Hitler.

Well it would be weird if a country suddenly merge into a single person. And I didn't claim it is the only reason, but it is a significant one.

"The defeat in the Franco-Prussian War led to the birth of Revanchism (literally, "revenge-ism") in France, characterised by a deep sense of bitterness, hatred and demand for revenge against Germany."

A further point that harsh treaties don't encourage peace.

The treaty following the Franco-Prussian War was much harsher than the Treaty of Versailles







I can't imagine anyone less privileged to discuss fascism but once a funny guy who salivates over young starlets and granddaughter who still thinks nonno was misunderstood.

Imagine being the granddaughter of the archetypal fascist brainlet and being proud of it

literally invented fascism and still managed to fuck it up

what a moron

When paellaniggers are the only ones who don’t make your ideology an embarrassment, it’s not a good sign

What a time to be alive. An actor famous for zany characters is one of the leading proponents of an anti-science movement that is bringing back measles and is in a public feud with the fascist granddaughter of Benito Mussolini and taunts her with images of her lynched grandfather.

The anti-vax crowd must be in turmoil, given how it is the only thing the hippie dippy left and the conspiracy theorist right agree on.

Jim Carrey is an anti-vaxxer?

Tons of actors are

Since 1946 Italy has had 52 different changes of government. Tbh italy would have been better off with Mussolini in power, change my mind.

yeah well I thought they tried that

hmm how did it go

I just can't quite remember πŸ€”πŸ€”

Based but didn't Francoist Spain do ok?

well if 40 years of economic and cultural stagnation is doing okay, then yes

The best of that bunch was Salazarist portugal and that was barely fascist

So is she the granddaughter of the wife or the mistress?

SRD called. They want their title back

she also said « Better a fascist (in power) than a faggot »

Haha, awesome.

Not based. Why does she hate bussy? 😠

I had a friend who was in Italy who said that there are definitely still Mussolini supporters there. She went to a dentists office with a picture of him on the waiting room wall.

Why are Helipcopters banned in Italy?