Pizzashill calls other people racist, projecting in a significant way.

34  2019-04-29 by PoopShowPass


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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👏Silly👏is👏a👏feminist👏y'all👏 !

but in the case of the left it's an actual worldview. They literally do believe the opinion of a black man or women is worth much more than the opinion of everyone else when it comes to racism.

only until these black men and women disagree with them or "the cause". then they're quickly labeled "uncle toms" and tossed aside without further ado

I just want to hear Pizza say the n-word. He would as seriously as he says foid.

Pizza is a lot of things but he never came across as a racist.

Mayos aren't people

Sounds like he is so based he doesn't let the color of his skin effect policy he supports

Ofocurse he's based.

He’s literally just a left wing partisan. Glad he left

for all his talk hating everyone and everything, where was the last time he said anything bad about Sanders? like all his policies are just slogans you hear from him

he's just a basic bitch Sanders supporter who hates blacks

wait, so is he for or againts racism? he seems and sounds like an awfully incoherent nazbol

That's our shilly.

ya gotta' give pizza one thing tho: the Dickens-style, pay-by-the-word deal he got out of Soros has probably made him a millionaire several times over.

Seriously that dude never posts anything less than like 300 words.

has probably made him a millionaire several times over.

Only problem is he was paid in Bolivars.

An easy test to see how alert you are is to measure how far you can get into a pizzapost before losing interest.

There is literally zero drama in this. Just your typical tl;dr Pizza spergposting and only one response beneath it cryposting about 'muh projection'.

mrw I agree with most of pizzacel's spregposts 😭🔫

A black man just de-essentialized my bicycle