r/Clown_world gets dunked on. First frensub to get the boot

75  2019-04-29 by le_epic_xd_part_2



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Eliminate the rootless cosmopolitan CAutist everywhere he tries to settle in.

The final solution to the CAutist pollution

No mercy for the MDEtards.

CA's are getting nuked all over the place. I wonder how long it takes for one of them to shoot some place up

-2 days

Nothing of value was lost

Nah honkler is pretty cool

not glorious old.reddit desktop site


Top post:

I got a site wide ban for 3 days for calling a mod a faggot. Well, I’m back and he’s still a faggot.

Bold strategy cotton

Baller normie meme playboy. Are you going to drop a /s next?

unironically based as fuck though

Probably the first thing to make me actually audibly laugh from his site in weeks.

He's not wrong

Snappy quote

Despite making up only 13% of the population

Admins need to grow some balls and ban AHS so we can have some real drama.


If they'd banned T_D, AHS and Chapo all at once, it would be chaos.

I want this now.

We all know admins browse this sub.

Plz, admins, do this shit and I'll buy some silver or whatever. I'll click on an ad.

I'll fucking download the app

If Reddit is gonna die I'd rather see it go down with some amazing drama. I never knew how much I needed this.

I'd front serious dough tbh

but it's private?

not banned tho, and neither is r/frenworld


the admins need to realize they can't eliminate MDEfugees by removing their subs, they gotta nuke the user accounts.

that would require competence or a hint of intelligence among the admins

Yeah because respectable Nazis wouldn't dare make 109 alts to dodge the ban

I don’t see the justification against /frenworld tbh. I checked honk a couple times and saw the flagrant hateposting, however fren world has been hella wholesome and as similar a shitposting community akin to my preferred 4chan threads as I could find. Not really any kind of flagrant hate mongering, definitely not like CA and honk, but I also don’t really see the benefit of deleting/quarantining containment subs, other than the plausible deniability if any legal/criticism falls on reddit as a company.