A part of me hopes Game of Thrones doubles down - in the mid credits scene of the finale, have all the shards of ice from the Night King melt, pool together and reassemble. Then say 'Ice to meet you.'

195  2019-04-29 by SandorClegane_AMA


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love my some mayocide

I'm loving how assmad the thronies are about this

What show did you morons think you were watching?

The walking dead with tits and dragons

Never watched throneshit and don't intend to. I'm guessing it's Skyrim with sex.

Someone doesn't mod.

But yeah you're pretty much spot on.

But less dragons...like, way less dragons.

Which is terrible.

Which is funny, considering how much promotional material features dragons.

Imagine if they made a show about Wheel of Time or Malazan but instead they chose an unfinished boring wreck of a series so they could make the entirety of the last seasons pure fan fiction.

tbh what are people so mad about. for capeshit (lets be real thats what the show essentially is) this was really good. things have been set up and paid off cleverly, which is more than can be said for a lot of entertainment these days

People are so fuckin' livid over something literally predicted over 5 years ago, and something that was a (fairly) popular fan theory long before even that.

Do these idiots not understand that early seasons were filled with complex, grounded characters and events because they were based on a series of books and what we have now is basically the first two hacks lucky enough to realize these books were pretty alright and option them writing embarassing fan-fiction.

You sound like them.

Nah, I'm just in it for the unintentional comedy, like Lyanna Mormont getting knocked out of a scene by a giant, or after Jon learns he's been fucking his cousin and just looks at her real funny all episode.

Jon learns he's been fucking his cousin and just looks at her real funny all episode.

Aunt not cousin.

Aunt not cousin.

Not the type of incest he's used to.

early seasons were filled with complex, grounded characters


Lmao I liked the early seasons because many of the characters were massive dumbasses. Which I later realised was super realistic when reading about real wars in the medieval times. People win and lose wars for the most retarded reasons.

People have won and lost wars for the most retarded reasons.

All joking aside, this is very true.

my personal favorite is that the royalists lost the English civil war because their cavalry general kept on attacking the parliamentarian army and not just... continuing his charge instead of coming back

Richard the lionheart died because he heard some shithole keep had some money at it, so he sieged it. He was chilling outside at the siege looking over tents and shit, and some fucking kid hit him with a crossbow from the wall, because he wasn't being careful enough to how far he was from the walls.

You look into HIS reign, and all the shit that went on with his dad and family, it's like a bunch of retards were running the countries back then.

Which I later realised was super realistic when reading about real wars in the Middle Ages.

you're on reddit, do you think people have smartened up?

It's fucking marvel.

You had this last season when 7 heroes walked into the waste with like 2 torchbearers and then 9 people die, and there's eight fucking people left.

They basically could shoe in for the avengers fighting dumbass space weaboos and it'd be the same fucking result.

Now all the bad guys are kill so they'll keep inventing news ones to die every other episode because it's disney writers can't bother to write a plot that last more than two hours.

Again, why are you complaining? The writing has sucked since season 5. If you still had expectations going into season 7 then that's your fault.

What was predicted and what fan theory? I ask as a curious observer.

Arya (tomboy who becomes a trained assassin) killing the Night King (big bad spooky man)

Every permutation has been predicted, regardless of how dumb.

teleports behind you

“heh, nothing personal, wh*te”

slashes you with grorious folded 1000 time ~nippon~ valeryan steel

What was predicted five years ago? That the ice king would get merced before the finale?

I mean there are so many fan theories that one of them was bound to be right

Sid from Ice Age ends the ice age right after getting her nut with Gendery

bUt My lOli Is TwEnTy In ReAl LiFe

I mean HBO has said Arya is 18 in the show so.....

Ah yes, technically legal. The best kind of technicality!

Literally not Loli. Sorry to burst your bubble about it.

Well I wrote my own fan fic, and she is only 13 in it. After all, the only thing that matters is whatever is in the story.

Fuck off perv.

Becoming a pedo to own the pedos

She's an adult playing an adult. It's not like weebshit at all

Damn, sweaty

well in the UK AOC is 21 now.

She's a 6000 yo Faceless Man tyvm

I say just have Parchface spear in the last five minutes. Sits on the the throne and laughs until the credits.

Oh please yes. They’re already on the brink.

Fans are so asschapped about this shit ending that some are making theories on how he's not actually dead and still come back and this time the battle will be epic

"Bernie can still win" for the swordshit crowd

It sucks to invested time in reading a book, especially one that makes you read anything involving Dany and get a half assed conclusion.

Now there is a sizable portion of the fanbase that is melting because it’s ending and none of theories they spent ages on are coming true. I legit believe some rather not get ending just so they can speculate

this is why I skimmed

Personally I'm holding a torch for Lady Olenna somehow coming back from the dead so we can watch her call Cersei a drunk slut for an hour

Olenna wargs into the cat that Ayra chases who wargs into Tommen. Warged squared Tommen denounces all the foids in the Seven Kingdoms, past and present, as sluts and has them burned by Bernie Sanders.

That's my game of thrones.

I still subscribe to the theory that the final episode is titled “Keeping up with the Lannisters” and it’s just a still image of Sansa and Cersei drinking wine while Yandhi gets blasted at full volume.

like all the great theories about The Matrix 2&3, and then getting handed those pieces of shit lmao

The Matrix series are a metaphor for a transgender woman realizing who she is and coming out, getting on HRT and surgery (matrix 2) and what happens afterwards (matrix 3).

So what you're saying is that trannies should neck themselves after The Matrix 1 so people remember the best image of themselves?

The best image anyone is going to have of you is an image before you mutilated your own genitals.


Doesn't apply to youngshit gang


Zoomer transitioners



IT WAS ALWAYS A GIRL Jon Snow has no agency

What killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE

100 Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes is literally the best YouTube video of all time.

Let off some steam Bennett

The "Hercules in New York" ones are unbelievably, awfully great. The whole movie is a goldmine of unintentionally comedic moments.

Unironically commando is the greatest action comedy of all time. The one liners, the steel drums, the thicc Eddie mercury main villain wearing chainmail.


I want them to straight up steal Dr. Freeze puns from when Arnold played him.

The real cringe was the behind the scenes when they were interviewing everyone. All the actors verbatim said "OMG I like read the script and saw that it said Arya came out of nowhere and killed the night king with her pussy and I was like YAAASSS KWEEN SLAAAAYYY".

In the script it was literally written she comes out of nowhere and kills him and the whole production was high off their own farts non of them realized how retarded it was.

Link to behind the scenes pls.

i hope by the end of the series Arya explains why she thinks Sansa is the smartest person she's ever met. this bothers me more than the night king stuff.

I was seriously hoping the wights would ice Sansa at least. Fucking annoying character arc. But I guess she'll end up fucking Tyrion so she'll live till the end.

Dinklebot no

Because this show is more about dialogue that sounds cool and fan service than it is about making sense now. At least the production value is insanely good.

Seriously imagine if this production value could’ve gone into almost anything else

This was what I complained to my friends about after that episode

Because she wants that dwarf dick and Arya is jealous.

Where can I see people reeing? I agree with them but I also wanna read their rants

Asoiaf has the best seethe cause it's booklets

just like when thanos got hit and he said "ooooh right in the infinity stones"

Incel tears are the best, wah wah, Jon Snow (the ultimate incel fantasy) didn't get to win, boo hoo


Fuck Game of Thrones.

Literally worse than fucking capeshit. Like holy shit, anybody that likes this peace of shit show should fucking be forced to smell the body odor of a fucking larper at a renaissance festival for the rest of their lives.

Let's not even mention how cucked book fans are now. THE SHOW IS GONNA FINISH BEFORE THE BOOKS, HAHA EAT SHIT READERS.

jon snow dies

Thank you porn connoisseur, very cool!

You're a few years late


No the real spoiler is Jon kills Dany

Thanks for the season 5 update there, Entertainment Weakly.

After episode three I don’t give a shit anymore

That shit was on capeshit level since they run out of source material. Thronecels are mad because fat man won't finish it and it's the only ending they're gonna get.

I unironically feel like this 😭

I am ild so my eyes aren't.good enough to figure out what was happening except when that bizarre little moon-faced fat man was on screen.cos his huge face reflects all the light.

I prefer Cobra Kai anyway.

Good old Tits n' Dragons drama.