TrollXer whines about “sexism” against female capeshit and spaceshit characters.

37  2019-04-30 by Ghdust2


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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which is more likely:

  • (((they))) are deliberately hamstringing the writing of characters to antagonize dweebs and get retarded foids to rally for [corporate n-shit product] or
  • large tentpole writing is just decreasing in quality because it doesn't matter as much as having le epic characters and dragons and CGI melees

Yeah, it's incels freaking out about women too though, just look at J-Law and X-men, I've never seen that amount of sperging about a single character in a movie before it even came out.

And with the crossover between fans of cape/spaceshit films and video games you're giving a lot of credit to a community with people who threw a fit over the women in the new Mortal Kombat wearing clothes.

Just play madlibs with the above and you'll probably have another real example as well, it's not like we're lacking evidence of nerd men having issues with women.

i dunno the context with j-law in this case but she's a terrible actress and the fact that people sperged out about her gives me at least a little hope for the future

are constantly being mistreated.

Mistreatment of fictional characters should be punished in the same way as mistreatment of real life people.

You can't change my mind.

Has anyone pointed out that they literally gave Captain Marvel Hillary Clinton's hair in Endgame? Because they did.

Sort of? I got more of a lesbo/Ellen vibe than Hillary, that bitch is wearing some sort of bird.

They’re definitely trying to make her butch/androgynous. It just doesn’t work for Brie Larson, particularly not that TERRIBLE pantsuit she was wearing to the funeral.

tbf she has that hair in the comics

It’s more of a pixie/faux hawk in the comics. It looks cool. In Endgame she literally looks like that episode of Parks and Rec where Leslie accidentally got a men’s haircut.

Why do you hate women?

I am a waman and I fucking hate Rey. I refuse to watch anything Star Wars or even look at memes on here related to Star Wars after the Force Awakens. And I hate capeshit.

Rey is the bitchiest waman I have ever seen in fiction. I can’t stand her at all.

If you don’t believe me... Side note: GOT is flirted due to spoilers