Chase told customers to stop splurging on coffee and cabs. You can imagine how that went

23  2019-04-30 by GodOfDarknessWine


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It's all good advice, though I'd say make your own tea instead of coffee. It's cheaper, more eco-friendly, probably healthier, and in my experience tastier.


Oi m8 you got a loisence for that comment

Sorry, I was talking about real tea.

make a joke about feeling tired

stop making jokes and start paying more taxes you piece of shit!

sheesh! also, "tone deaf" is on a never ending rise to the top of the list of most terrible terms on the internet.

Imagine being that upset at a bank telling you to save some money by making your own coffee. This is oppression to these people in 2019.

They aren't wrong but now any criticism turns into whataboutism about everything.

baristas and cab drivers RISE UP!

why do people on the internet get so offended by the concept of personal responsibility?

Lol they're criticism of chase is that they don't pay their workers enough and that they took a bailout that they paid back with interest? I wasn't aware bank employees were part of the underclass.