Oxford University professor says aliens are breeding with us to help save planet

93  2019-04-30 by GodOfDarknessWine


That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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This but unironically

jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


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Young-hae Chi, Faculty of Oriental Studies

XYZ Studies strike again

I like how rather than just getting rid of an outdated department, they just brought in orientals to teach it. That is a centrist take.

Well, there is a lot of homegrown [evidence] {https://nypost.com/2018/10/30/woman-who-had-sex-with-20-ghosts-is-now-engaged-to-a-spirit/) to back up her claims

It's like feminism and the 'sexual revolution' were mistakes.

People always talk about the greatest generation but we must pay respect to the aptly named silent generation: a time when women were smart enough to shut the fuck up.

People with having sex with spirits for longer than that http://www.idacraddock.com/

Young-hae Chi

He is a man.

This woman thinks she is married to a train station

Well, breeding with everyone but lawlz

Get grandpa to give lawlz some of his teaching stick

Man I want fuck him so bad

Did your /mikestoklasaalcohol get banned?

Yeah. I made a comment about how 40% of chapos kill themselves. I just want to be an approved submitter again 😥

My approved account caught a temp ban for posting "deepfakes" of Tay Tay, even though it was a legit lookalike some faggot reported me for that. Kinda sad because I found some awesome porn drama to make a solid effort post 😢😢😢

I’ve always wanted to have sex with aliens. Send some my way.

I’ve always wanted to have sex

wouldnt this work too bro? we're here for you if you need to talk to someone

If i had an alien son I would call him dave nd if i had an alien daughter i would not name her or keep her because mgtow is very popular outside earth and put womens value back in place.

get yourself an alien tradwaifu

I don't believe this, but I choose to anyways.

I am a result of this AMA

Bounced on my boy's probe to this.

Y’all probably think the aliens are sexy beasts like the Doctor, Superman or some green-space-babe, when they’re actually little grey men with anal probes.

Ayy lmao

ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers!

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best post ITT

Where can I find myself one of the 🐍 ones 😍

ayy lmao

Academic details his Ayylmao fantasy to tons of strangers a conference

Who said academia wasn't a good career path?

Great! Would have been shitty and exhausting to do that ourselves.

“They come not for the sake of us, but for the sake of them, their survival, (but their survival is actually our survival as well) the survival of the entire biosphere. That is where I progressed in developing my theory and I’m still looking for more evidence to support my view,” he said.

Get this person a social sciences tenureship ASAP

Oxford Oriental Institute proffesor

Saved you all some time.

I used to have abduction nightmares as a child. Its a common theme in night terrors.

They went away when I was about 10, never had one again.

So basically aliens are into kids and I was too old ... :(

I miss you Xenon...

If aliens have an energy source capable of powering a craft to travel between solar systems, why dont they just share the technology instead of fucking humans to tackle climate change?

Sounds like a pickup line to me. "We need to fuck to save the planet, my seed holds the answer"