The worst of Reddit circlejerks: u/gallowboob's self posts.

149  2019-04-30 by le_epic_xd_part_2


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Is that a shed?


Imagine the fact that literally probably 2/3 of reddit and say like 1/10th of this sub is doing better in life than reddit's top user.

Isn’t he rich as fuck

Lol no karma to USD is weak

Gallow "Two Sheds" Boob.


Cuck she'd

He looks Egyptian.

He's a {{{greek}}}

He must have trouble paying back money 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Its over for Hellenicels

It never began since troy

I only know three greeks, two of them are morbidly obese and two of them are borderline retarded.

What's your experience with hellenes?

Oh, I only know a couple of Hellenics from work. Not much to say about besides their bizarre accents

Ah, he's an Opposite Egyptian

there should be a karma limit and every account reaching it is auto deleted

Doesn't go far enough

If you reach the limit then reddit jannies come to your house and execute you.

For free.

They Do It For Free

it's literally perfect.
normal people just create an alt and move on. only the biggest losers on this website care enough about this to stop using reddit.

IF you hit the karma limit you need to be removed from planet Earth.

That's how we kill /u/MasterLawlz

but why would we ever want to do that?

So I fuck his corpse

u usually gotta pay extra for that kind of action

just drug him, it feels the same

Problem is his body's still warm :(

That'll make my devouring of him tastier

What should this limit be?

25 combined, and any comment over 500 gets stricken from the database completely.

2,000 sounds like a nice number

Imagine caring that much about other people’s karma

I've honestly forgot he existed since I blocked him. And what the fuck is he living a plywood house? And all that empty alcohol bottles really screams "I've got my life together".

He said it was a airbnb. In the forest somewhere. So, it's not his house but he paid to stay in it anyway.

He just hasn’t decided which mansion he wants to but with his karma yet give him time

He's British or gay right?


Which one?

You already know the answer, but he ain't British.

Implying there’s a difference


In a shed with a box of tissues probably still crying and lying to admins.

time for some rogaine /u/gallowboob

Don't forget even with hair, he is an incredibly ugly person. Pizzacel levels of super gross.

That loser just banned me for pointing out how pathetic being a professional Redditor is.


Hey /u/gallowboob why are you so sensitive? You had to know he'd be on to you.

The worst part is thinking about the fact that he likely staged every single thing in that pic, and had his bf take it like a hundred times for the perfect lighting.

Ok, I have respect for you...but there's nothing perfect about that. He's an objectively ugly mutt. Sometimes a good looking mum can overcome the dad's swarthy super grossness, but not in this case.

Lol I’m not saying he isn’t disgusting, I’m saying like the hipster wine glass, craft beer, branding etc.. this guy is like the shallowest douche on the planet.

u/gallowboob imagine being so awful that the vast majority of the site you spam for a living hates you to the point where even we dramanauts can shit on you without looking hypocritical

Its true.

2/10, would not adapt for Netflix.

Actual footage of a shitposter shitposting

I feel gross now

I would not trust this man alone with a child.

Now I'm not saying he's a pedophile, I'm just saying he looks like he rapes kids.

Probably doesn't enjoy it.

GB was 1000% bullied as a child for being fat.

No one who wasn't fat as a child would be obsessed with showing the world how not fat they are now.

Yikes, that's an uggo if I ever saw one

Inb4 next post removed by anti evil.

Gallowboob is a fucking bottom feeder.

He needs a gold chain and an unbuttoned silk shirt and then he'll be ready to hit on women at clubs playing Euro house music

He has his own damn sub???

All the redditeurs with reddit friends do.

Wow, I am an incel.

Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?

I didnt even know...

Im at least partially satisfied seeing him half naked now. What a weird shot. And who took it.

I know it's a "meme" and all, but I kinda feel sorry for the guy.

Thinning hair on an already ugly dude. F.

He just can't get enough of posting pictures of himself naked.

Why is he balding?