Is r/socialism the most based sub on reddit 🤔

610  2019-04-30 by Kat_B0T


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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The irony of mayos on Reddit gatekeeping other mayos😂😂😂👆👆👆

What are the chances even one mod at r/socialism is a POC? Even BPT barely has any non mayo mods.

I haven't met a black person who likes the idea of socialism, especially when a good chunck of their culture revolves around "getting the bag".

Stacks on stacks boi. Let’s get this bread

I’m hungry




Disappointed that there is no 'C.R.E.A.M. reference.

Dolla Dolla bulls y'all


LGBT - lets get this bread

Wouldn't that be LGTB

LGBT - lets get this bread

Read it again idiot 🙄.LGBT - let’s get this bread

Damn dude get some glasses you need to learn to read.

I wouldn’t be here drama posting if my comprehension was above an 8th grade level. I’m sure who you’re replying to is the same way.

You might be dyslexic.

Martin Luther King was a commie no ? 🤔

Yeah, and also huge chunks of the civil rights movement, the commie party head started them ( I see black leftists all the time, can't relate to this thread

Where do you see non-mayo lefties?

Protests, activists and the ilk.

Anywhere other than the Internet.

the fuck is wrong with people in /r/drama

like everybody in my family is a raging leftist, the old people just hate the gays because of jesus

raging leftists who hate gays

You literally are calling niggers who want handouts leftists because they vote dem 😂

in non retarded countries, the left right spectrum is more about economics than faggotronics

non retarded countries

I’m listening

Real life

He was a socialist, along with Malcolm X, Baynard Rustin, Paul Robeson, Angela Davis, and the entire Black Panther movement

Angela Davis.

The contemporary US socialist movement might be a social club for humanities grads but do you realize that the most successful socialist movement in US history was the Black Panthers?

Successful? At what? Killing each other off?

Feeding kids

Chapocels out out out 😖


Really? A lot of the black people I work with are among the loudest socialists I know, although they’re not African American which is the culture you’re referring to

Black isn’t the preferred nomenclature dude. I’ve heard I think it was Al Michaels refer to a black guy as the “African American from France.” It was peak PC culture.

black was the preferred nomenclature since like the late 80s

now it's "people of color" which is gross

Hell my parents drop a “colored” every now and then. Which they tell me was the best of the words they could use. Just give it time and POC will fall out of favor too.

ITT we propose replacement terms

“Night modes”

I haven't met a black person

we could tell

I haven't met a black person that uses reddit.

I’ve meet more black people who use 4chan than reddit, reddit is Mayo safe space

MLK doe?

MLK Jr was a socialist. Fred Hampton was an Anarchist. Etc etc. Seems like the people who actually organize to stand up against mayos are leftists.

Fred Hampton

Does that mean I can’t get an Escalade if we live under Marxism?

/Weird, you never heard of MLK Jr?

You just haven’t met many of us lol. People talk about getting money, but it’s more of a recognition of current reality than an endorsement.

One can be a POC without actually being a person of color. It is about the right frame of mind just like being a part of the 99%. That is why Beto and Warren are considered minorities in the Democratic field.


Did you mean Robert Francis O'Rourke?

A common nickname for Robert is Beto.

Imagine your politics being so impotent that the biggest counter argument to an opposing political figure is that they have nickname.

Fun fact: A group of people did a study where they didived America into nine political groups. The 'woke' group is the second most white group after the diehard conservatives.

/u/Crazy_Curtice "I am against homosexuality for religious purposes. See Leviticus 20:13"

Nothing of value was lost.

I wasn't socialist anyway so I really couldn't care less.

Well you’ll never be one with that attitude

Yeah I know. I am not socialist and I don't want to be.

What a shame 😐

how is that ironic?

It's ironic like that song from Alanis

That’s usually who does it


mayocide NOW

Based and mayopilled

Lmao self-hating mayos are fucking cringe. You still won't be spared sweaty. 👋

Así sea

No mayos should be spared. Including me


How did they know you were white? More importantly are you still a socialist after being treated like that?

u/crazy_curtice How did they know you were a mayo? More importantly are you still a socialist after being banned by the sub reddit? Id assume not

This obvious mayo nonsense is how they knew

Lmbo m’lady. Yeah I’d ban that dood all day


Ewwww serious posting about t_d ewwww getting this gussy loving Mayo out of here

No I was never a socialist I was just responding to something on r/all

Wow EVEN stupidpol?!?!?!


Aren’t they just a branch of us at this point?

I thought this was supposed to be centrist?!

Get with the times, old man.

We're NAZBOL GANG now. 😎

Nah they're slowly going down a MGTOW/TIA flavored death spiral into being Chapo Adjacent shitfest, featuring The Literal Least Based Take on vz of any sub

theyre getting further away from us and more into debating the finer points of academic marxist jargon

sometimes I go there and I see these really long posts with lots of words and I get scared and leave

thats not good praxis brah

Thank god it’s working

if /r/socialism actually banned mayos it would be an empty sub.

Just a lonely echo chamber for the Elders of Zion.

So they only throw colored people into socialist shitholes and white people are shielded from the plague. Sounds extremely racist to me. Maybe we report to Reddit and get this racist sub banned?


out out OUT!

Ban yourself from earth

Wow so much for the tolerant right 🤷🏿‍♂️

this is great

they are seriously too stupid to see how this will hurt them

I hope they ban every single mayo

That's like 90% of their userbase gone


🤣 99.9997

meanwhile... Reddit admins are banning clown-related subs for being racist

mEanWhiLe (((lE rEdDiT aDmiNs)))

Shut the fuck up, concern-trolling retard.

i think i lost a few iq points from looking at your posts...

Don't give me shocks like that.


Quarantined for triggering the admins.

Lol both sides

Super Based.

mfw there is no social conhesion among mayos.

My dudes, the mayocide might not even need to happen. These retards will shoot each other to defend "le brownies" as long as they keep getting woke points. Our job is done!


I think it's time to eliminate the white race. Who's with me?!

The main reason I’m pro mayocide is cause of these self hating cringeworthy, cucked, overzealous mayos who would rather spend all day complaining about how life’s unfair then actually put in a day’s work and make something out of them self.

That's a good start, now just ban people of color too for the sake of equality. Nobody deserves to waste any of their life in that sub. It's not fair to just save white people.

Can you imagine if they said niggers?

no mayos

How's their ideology going to get traction properly then
