"What a day, 9 for 9! Masters world squat record, open world bench record, masters world dl record, and masters world total record!" Congratulations Mary!

4  2019-04-30 by Oh_hamburgers_


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You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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lmao did we just get rid of foid sports?

based and juwanna-pilled

Nah we got rid of posts involving trannies on r/drama

Meh. From what I’ve seen lifting records are a joke now anyway, you can claim weird records at a meet that that are actually uncontested or some shit, and I think there are now a ton of regional federations that aren’t actually recognized. Lame, but not enough to make me sperg.

I found an article about it but the website is garbage.


Proof that men are better at being women than women are 💪🏻 👸