Teacher posts a pic of the dress her 2nd graders drew on, (scroll down) fatties come to tell her she's to skinny.

86  2019-04-30 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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When arent fatties seething?

When they're stuffing their facehole

With a big ole Carls Junior Famous Star Burger.

Hey, that's Hardees to those of us north of the mason-dixon line

South of it also. They have Hardees in Va.

When they have to take a break to wheeze.

Wheeze harder fat man


More like Huffing & Puffing

Dat hairline though

ameriburgers think this is unhealthy skinny 🤣

Reddit hates fat people and thinks body shaming is okay, unless it's about a thin person.

anorexia isn't celebrated like being a fucking land whale is; you will not find an endorsement to anorexics equivalent of this

Only fatties think she is too skinny, but you have a point, America is done for. Now that we advertising the morbidly obese as healthy its only a matter of time.

She just looks anorexic next to that swole giraffe.

you are the toxic human being body shaming... please read animal farm.

is that the one where the pig becomes the sheep herder?

its the one where you become what you hate most

already a mayocel can't get much worse than this

she looks really sweet

I'm sorry but she's mayo and way too skinny.

Only obese black queens for daddy thank you very much


Show us your butthole. -top 5 questions asked

Maybe she has a sweet butthole, too


id tonguepunch her fartbox

you would all be calling her male counterpart a skeleton.

White knights are worse than fat people.

She said in a different post that her husband was having an affair, so she moved out :( Damn.

Well maybe you do have a shot.

No thanks. Girls have cooties.

Now you get it

I'd go for it. I'm a sexual degenerate because I'm attracted to gussy. I've prayed to God to get rid of my sinful urges but I was born this way

I have it a shot and failed


Don't let those meanie janitors stand in the way of your love.

I'd have to take her classes like in Billy Madison to do it properly.

We should ping her in here so she can tell us the sordid details of that dramatic tale

Nice, ty!

Lmao look at the dorks posting in a three month old thread to boost some puss puss.

How the fuck do you cheat on that? I mean holy moly she's fine as hell

The world is a fucked up place

Whats up with all the reddit losers now stalking her and saying sorry in that thread lmao. They are probably so excited shes single so that it means they have a chance.

My gf’s a teacher and it’s a very attractive quality tbh. they’re typically very empathetic and kind people, at least when they’re young and haven’t yet realized how thankless and shitty their job is

She looks like an average size. Fatties and their slender shaming jealousy need to eat more and cope. The teacher is very pretty.

oh honey, no. most men dont want to lay with that. she is flat chested and nothing to grab onto. But you do you.

She’s petite, white, blonde and extremely pretty. Most men would cut off their arm to dip their paintbrush and date long term. But hey doll, I get fat fucks still get pumped and dumped. Enjoy whatever you can get.

But hey doll, I get fat fucks still get pumped and dumped. Enjoy whatever you can get.


she's alright, somewhat slender and not an unattractive face. she's no Akari Futaba for sure but she's okay for a burger

Oh God the cope 💉🤤

She is actually pretty skinny. Of course, lots of people are skinny and not unhealthy, which just isn’t possible for many Americans to understand.

Her calves are skinny but going by my eyeballing she’s a 34C or 36B bobs, 27 inch waist and 36 inch hips. Roughly looks 55Kgs. That’s slender.

You're like a slightly perverted Rainman


Nah. she's skinny, you can tell be the over defined elbows.

Lady has to hit the gym more.

Oh come on, without knowing her height there’s no way you can “eyeball” any of that. 55kg looks chubby at 5’2 and skinny at 5’8.

If she’s average height for women, her waist and underbust measurements are definitely smaller too. It’s pathetic when men act like they understand women’s sizes and get it so wrong.

A BMI of 22 is chubby?

My bad, got mixed up on my memory of the numbers (was thinking 55kg=130lbs), but it definitely wouldn't be skinny unless the woman was unusually muscular.

Yeah, not necessarily skinny. Pretty much just average imo. Well, not average because the average US BMI is probably like 28 or something.

Yeah, it should be around average as it's in the middle of the healthy BMI range, but by burger standards just being in the normal BMI range is skinny.

If you compare the bookshelf, dado rail, window frame and allow max 3” for heels she’s about 5’5 or 5’6. It’s pathetic when women assume everyone on Reddit is a man. It’s really easy to eyeball women that average around a UK size 8 to 12 because after that they’re considered fatties and best to avert your eyes.

Well if she's 5'5, there's no way she has 36" hips. I assumed you were a man because your measurements sounded so off.

I'm 5'2" and look much less thin than her and have 34-25-34 (usually wear UK8 in non vanity sizes) measurements.

I can assure you women at 5’5 and 5’6 can and do measure 36” at the hips. That’s why they buy a size 10 and are considered “skinny”.

Given your diminutive height I’d suggest you don’t try and reach anything over a 10 as you’d look small, fat and dumpy.

I can assure you women at 5’5 and 5’6 can and do measure 36” at the hips

Of course they do, I don't get what your point is? I'm saying if she's 5'5", there's no way her hips are as wide as that because they look narrow for her height.

Given your diminutive height I’d suggest you don’t try and reach anything over a 10 as you’d look small, fat and dumpy.

This is 100% true, even 10 is chubby on me.

I think this is the most autistic conversation I've ever had on this sub tbh.

It’s a 9” difference. Granted she may be thicker at the waist. She’s wearing what looks like 3” heels which adds to the illusion of looking slimmer.

As for this being the most autistic conversation so far on this sub. I’m sorry to hear your experience of drama hasn’t lived up to its reputation.

Nah, I have a 9", (10" at best) difference and have a far more pronounced hourglass figure than her. Her hips look slim.

I didn't say it was the most autistic conversation on the sub, I'm not new, just the most autistic I've personally descended to and I've been subbed here since at least 2013. I suppose it's more surprising I haven't done far worse.

She's alright. Had better but would chat up for a bit

She's fine, but realistically, if she was any thinner that'd be too much.

Agreed. Any thinner and facially she’d look gaunt.

Shes got a bad case of ponytail hairline and no muscle tone but shes doable


/u/n8theg8 did she show you her butthole for being such a brave knight?

N8 was hoping for some butthole picks for defending her.

#yallcantbehave #theydoitforfree

Poor u/n8thegr8

Friendzoned again

Have you ever even escaped the friendzone?

I assume that if I just keep locking threads then it'll happen eventually.

Imagine being so retarded you think it's a good idea to ever lock threads, ya dumb sperg

oh god, she looks like an anorexic skeleton. not saying she needs to gain 50 lbs but 5lbs would be helpful. I bet she doesnt even get her periods, lol.

In what world do you live in where that is unhealthily skinny?


Does drama not recognize weak bait?

Before I take you seriously post a picture of yourself so I know you're not a fatty


Imagine being upset about some random broad on the internet wearing a dress, people are so retarded

With that title you obviously don’t teach English


Is that a cat right over your midsection?

referring to women as female is transphobic because it excludes intersex women and male women.

Makes me smile every time without fail
