Clownworld/fren posting is as degenerate as chapotards posting chud

19  2019-04-30 by Osterion

Prove me wrong.


Who would try to prove the opposite of what is right?


I think itโ€™s closer to doggo posting.

As much as I'm annoyed by idiot internet slang, I don't think its fair to draw this parallel. Many dogs are way smarter than your average ca poster.

It's more creative than just the same shitty phrase being posted over and over. The only fun thing that "post hog chud" does, is that you can respond by posting a vid of a wild boar eating a human fetus and get the chapocels to freak out

Is posting "clownworld" every time you're mad clever? We only see it as better than chud because it's not as old

Meh, i dont know. I can at least see it change a bit, but we'll see when it gets boring.

It's not more creative because it's reduced to the same regurtitation of memes to identify in group vs out group. 'Chud' and 'post hog' vs 'non fren' and 'bop' etc. Same as when chapotards post about liberal hellscapes vs clown world.

Post chud

Wholesome posting is cancer. Check out /r/doggohate

Clownworld posting is the text and emoji form of the crying wojak wearing a smiley mask.

Honestly, I think chud is better because it somehow sounds less retarded.


you can really tell that no CAutist/channer/rightoid on the internet was socialized properly as a child, because if they were, they'd be none of those things

its funny because they hide /pol/ sentiments on some of the frenposts