Monstrous Father Ruins Daughter's Childhood by Canceling Dildo Order

202  2019-05-01 by MotorButterscotch


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I always thought I'd be protecting my daughter from other men. Women are addicted to toys and porn in epidemic numbers so it looks like my job got much easier. Now I just have to protect her from fake penis'. #thankgodforporn

The authors of bait are really pushing what's believable

I got all the way to 'couldn't hear me because she had airpods in' before it was an obvious joke

I didn't even catch that

Drinking a sprite cranberry and eyeing on fortnite mirite?

EPIC VICTORY ROYALE (gamer style) while flossing

What he did is exactly how you end up with a thot

A misconception produced by television. Until recently. What he did would be considered hilariously soft. Since the transition to more "sex positive" ways of addressing this stuff, thots have skyrocketed with all of the associated societal problems.

The sexual revolution and the psychology associated with it is a proven failure.

In other words, the sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Apparently there are actually thousands of people in this world who read "MacBook" 4 times in 3 paragraphs and don't notice that something is off.

I mean if you're not boomer I don't get this sort of thinking. Porn bad now?

No girl ever died from dildos. Can't say the same about their savage boyfriends that bash their heads in. Down with the patriarchy, free government supplied dildos for all!

They aren't even trying anymore and this shit is getting eaten up more than ever.


Good boy points (or GBP) is a chan meme. It comes from a greentext story in which a manchild who lives with his “mummy” does chores in exchange for “good boy points”, which he uses to buy “chicken tendies.” It’s just as creepy and weird as it sounds.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I sent my girlfriend this meme about GBP. I made her dinner that night, and she told me in all seriousness “okay, you’ve earned 500 GBP.” I thought, fine, she’s making a joke. But no. She has legitimately been keeping tabs on my GBP each day. I took out the trash, so I earned GBP. I got a backrub, so I spent GBP. This is what my life has become. I have 1550 GBP right now. Holy shit. This is driving me batshit insane. I’m getting some tendies tomorrow though.

I chortled

Fine. If nobody is going to ask then I will.

How many GBP for cummies?

probably around 83

How many for anal?

100, but the genital warts are for free

I mean yeah kids masturbate and they'res nothing wrong with it.

It is alot weird if you decide to dildo shop for your adolescent daughter.

We're not looking at dildo shopping for your adolescent daughter, it's "daddy saw his daughter looking at dildos so he grounded her for a month." Shit, I literally printed out porn and all I got was a disapproving look and a lecture about healthy sexuality from my (ordained minister) parents. The fuck is wrong with this dude?

Oh no daughter look out it's your dad oh fuck she can't hear us she has her air pods in

u/alienknight you sure have a lot of opinions about a 12 year olds hoohah.

karmawasforsuckers seems to be pretty invested in 12 yos masturbating.

Sometimes reddit really blows my mind. I can’t imagine in any world a father being okay with this at 12 - holy fuck am I just reaching boomerhood or something

Ikr. This site is too liberal for me

Ikr. This site is too liberal insane for me

This is so far beyond any sort of weird american political affiliation purity test. This is just fucking nuts.

Reasonable comments like "The parents should have discussed it before reversing the punishment" are being downvoted into oblivion. That's just insane.

Yeah it makes me wonder what kind of people frequent that sub. From previous threads even normal parent shit like checking your teenage son/daughter’s phone is the biggest breach of privacy any person could ever have.

It’s pathetic.

teenagers and obese female lolcows vastly outnumber the sane rational people

Yeah once you start examining the kind of stuff here from the perspective of "fuck you Dad I'll do what I want" the various social politics that dominate this site start to make a lot of sense.

Do you not live in America? This is the mainstream white left wing, no memes. If it wasn't for minority voters this guy would probably be arrested and transitioned... Which he deserves for raising a white woman.

  1. I don't live in America currently, but I did for almost 30 years.
  2. Your perception is probably skewed by internet retards. My family is all lefty libtard autoworkers. Not a single one of them would be buying their 12 year old daughters dildos off of amazon.

The labor unions swung right several years ago. They may not have told you, but it's likely they voted for Trump.

I'm not being skewed by the Internet at all. When you remove minority voters, which make up a huge portion of the Democratic voter base mostly due to Hispanics, this becomes the democratic mainstream. In fact, things that would shock you more than this become the norm.

This isn't even new. You realize how long ago the sexual revolution was right?

It's bait. Look at OP's username, it's straight out of 4chan.

Yeah the bait is great, the comments are real though and thats what is insane to me

literally what is wrong with it, other than christard morality?

Shes 12, its not her money buying it. Don’t think parents are the people who should be buying their adolescent children sex toys.

Who should be?

No one because a 12 year old shouldnt have a vibrator. Education is one thing, this is another. Parents shouldnt be helping their tweenie daughter nut

Sfop thinking about 12 year old vag and how you should control it you pedo

But it’s the only thing I have left in life

Vibrators are for the point at which you’ve reached the levels of a 30 year old teacher who gave up on their future as a mother.

Yikes! Theres a lot to unpack here.

She gonna get her nut from Brad at school then. 🤷‍♂️

You dont think 12yos should be sexually active, cause youre a pedo!

If she bought it with her own money would there be a problem?

If you knew the love of the One Lord Jesus Christ then you’d not need ask this question, retard


reddit is full of +30yo foids who realized its over for them, while squeezing out some pity bucks of reddit incels by posting nudes or peeing while dildoing themselves.

of course they'd agree with shit like that because its "healthy" and "promotes safe exploration". after all, when you manage to drag people down to your level, then you won't feel as lonely anymore

Did you see the post in there by the one who said because her parents "repressed" her, she had a double digit body count at 18 and well into three digits at 24?

Maximum yikes.

Imagine having had over a hundred dicks inside of you. Might as well take up residence in an STD clinic.

This comment made by long term loving and committed relationships gang

Um, sorry sweaty, being a decent father who wants the best for his daughter is problematic in 2019.

Pedophiles, they are pedophiles trying to normalize sexual acts by children these people also cheer on virtuous pedophiles who totally never will offend but think they should get child sex dolls

Buying sex toys for your preteens is degeneracy at it's finest.

The sexuality of your preteens should stay between them and the boomer child molesters in your church, like god intended.

AITA for ordering my 12 year old daughter a dildo? My wife thinks it’s inappropriate but I think it’s brave and empowering for a father to be sex-positive and assist his child achieve orgasm.

No balls you wont post that

Maybe I will in a week cause it would be an obvious troll now

Well yeah not word for word but mix it up so it's a similar concept

Yamete can help her out

This isn’t 1950. If your 12 year old wants to masturbate and have a vibrator, then you have to support her

This is why we need sharia law.

Excuse me wtf? I send my 11 yr old quality gangbang videos regularly to empower her. Her boyfriend Darell also appreciates it since she can practice what she learned when he drives her to house parties.

It's healthy and natural.

You could post this in that thread and nobody would even bat a fucking eye. You'd get upvoted.

Reddit is home to degenerates though so honestly what did you expect

Honk Honk 🤡 🌎

All the bait posts in AITA are fantastic for exposing how reddit is filled with emotionally retarded NEETS.

u/panalanaling laid down the sickest bait ever in that thread and the sub took ot hook line and sinker

Honk honk its clown world

u kno the dildo she orded was black

quality bait, the airpod meme was executed quite well

all of the pedos in that thread are a disappointment to Allah.

Sharia when?

Soon, brother.

Allahs boy Mo loved cunny tho

I honestly think r/AITA commenters are the dumbest people on Reddit, and that’s saying something.


Implying the Venn-diagram of TMOR and AHS isn't just a circle.

honestly the entire sub's purpose is sort of gone. it's turned into more of a vent for traumatizing situations. nobody actually posts to wonder if they're the asshole or not but rather to reinforce their own feelings or to get something off their chest

and the funny thing is whenever you're "too critical" of the OP, the thread gets locked and mods ironically cite the "yall cant behave" saying to make it seem as if they're any better.

you're literally a mod for a sub where you call people assholes! what do you expect? hand holding and kisses?

90% of the posts there are situations where the person is obviously not the asshole and somehow needs the NEETs/zoomers on Reddit to them them that. 5% still aren't the asshole but get fucking roasted cause they struck a nerve. 5% are blatantly, flamingly-obvious shitty people and somehow don't realize it.

Baitcoin reaches new high on the r/Drama exchange!

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/u/mongooseoflove see you on next week's episode of Hanson Vs. Predators.

Bait would have been believable if she was like 16 or so.

But I suppose 12 is better because its a better lure for the retards. You could make a valid argument for a 16 year old but not a 12.

Reddit foids: you should buy your 12 year old daughter a dildo, butt plug, and a gimp suit so she can explore her sexuality

Also reddit foids: our shitty media keeps sexualizing children ew gross

Only mayos do shit like his lol

Can someone send me what is said? It got deleted