u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK attempts to spread the good word of r/menslib in r/unpopularopinon.

94  2019-05-01 by Ghdust2


Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


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u/takeittocirclejerk just cause your sub has less mid 20 virgins than r/braincels doesn't mean you don't have incels. Cope.

Dude the incel crew at braincels has way more self respect then the incels at menslib

Don't make me choose

There is no right answer. Braincels turns you into a bitter asshole, menslib turns you into a spineless doormat.

menslib/inceltears/mgtow is right at the bottom of the cope pyramid and braincels just above them, anyone posting unironically on those subs are worse than incels. Braincels at least have some kind of humour about their situation.

You know this how?

...you know where you are right now right?

less mid 20+ virgins than r/braincels

Probably wrong on this tbh

You might be right. You are an expert in the field.

u/takeittocirclejerk just cause your sub has less mid 20+ virgins than r/braincels


I'm giving him the benifit so he doesn't shoot up a school.

Why was I alerted about this stupid shit again?


Beat you by 7 minutes you fucking cuck

Delete this post and then delete yourself

MensLib is a great sub with no incels!

Technically true. Non-consentual sex is still sex

Is there a sub more pathetic than /r/menslib?

Holy shit hahaha


gottem ;)

Hell yeah I did!

Does shits literally not understand what an unbearable fucking asshole he sounds like, and how absolutely terrible he is for the cause he ostensibly sincerely cares about?

Watch if a menslibber walks in here to defend his good boy playpen his only defense will be "well it's better than theredpill and incels!" Even that is debatable at this point which is next level sad.

What is lower his braincells count or sperm count?

u/roidrabideau and u/takeittorcirclejerk will you two make up and kiss already?

I don't want to read 300 comments about affirmative consent. Hard pass.

Hard pass on hard passing. Hard. Pass.

Why we need /r/menslibwatch

With testosterone levels declining and suicide rates climbing I really donโ€™t think r/MensLib is the answer to menโ€™s problems

I always thought takeittocirclejerk was just a really dedicated parody account. I ts just too much of a stereotype.