Left Unity fails again as /r/LateStageGenderBinary gets into fights over whether slightly different commies are actually fascists

89  2019-05-01 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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Fuckers can't even hold down a job... But they are going to bring about a workers paradise/slaughter all their enemies/whatever else random ass shit getting thrown around...

They can barely keep themselves from necking when they see a mean word on the intermet. I'm sure they could successfully revolt though

I wonder how many of them can use a portajohn. Or go without power and water for three days...

Oh shit that’s actually the subs name


People unironically post there while knowing what the sub is called.


Leftoids can't help but fight amongst themselves. At least rightoids know how to fall in line.

And shoot. Revolution when?

Tbh this is why I fucking love leftists so fucking much.

Rightoids usually follow whoever is the flavor of the month in lockstep, see Trump for an example. Radically different from mainstream Republicans but the base adores him.

The left has grown so many different cults of personality that they're in constant collision and it creates such fucking beautiful drama.

Every time that someone says the leftists are the true path to government, I point out that instead of coming together against an avowed Fascist Franco as he was marching on Madrid, that the leftist factions instead created a second civil war within the existing civil war.

Leftist suicides are so common because it'sthe only way they get to circlejerk about purity.

'We are the true beleivers!' WEllll.... yes. But only because the 98% true believers were forced to walk off a bridge.

But only because the 98% true believers were forced to walk off a bridge.

Seriousposting, do you think if I join a Marxist group in my city, act like I'm literally a no-nonsense devout radical, rise to prominence and power, then start labeling a bunch of the people in their as revisionists and have them purged, then reveal I'm a disgusting neolib and cause a total breakdown of the organization that it would look good on an application to the CIA?

The CIA would be buying your books like Ugandans flocking to witchdoctors.

I'm unironically considering it, I need a new hobby tbh.


I figure just pick up some shit on ML theory and slowly radicalize them. Mao was all about the Cultural Revolution to eliminate bourgeois elements from the Party but China literally became a quasi-capitalist state almost immediately after his death.


That means that, as Neo-Maoists, we must have a Preemptive Cultural Revolution where before we even have the Communist Revolution we must have a revolution within the party that eliminates the bourgeois elements. And by that, I mean everyone who doesn't worship everything I say as a Tankie with Chinese Characteristics.

Cointelpro, divide the left.

As if they need any help dividing themselves

They do casually call her by her desired name later in the movie though. If people nowadays were so quick to go from transphobic to accepting I’d be a happy girl indeed.



Tankies accusing other people of being upper middle class whites is always funny

“The majority of the global south...” societies that have known nothing but military strongmen get taken over by military strongmen painted red, woah