They do it for FREE, but not if you are part of the patriarchy - "Straight white men need not apply." /r/Freefolk needs new mods, but who knew that Dunkcity239/Martha_Waters was a male feminist?

143  2019-05-01 by SandorClegane_AMA


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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... a true male feminist. This happened last year. Could there be a correlation between male predators and feminism?

I thought all dramanauts knew of the male feminist menace 🤔

I'm speaking to a broader audience, who are not as nuanced as the /r/drama cognoscenti. This thread will be one of the few places the Freefolk can discuss this, as he has gone full Arya on the comments.

We have even more drama!

It’s ok guys! It was a joke!

my dad that works at nintendo said they're shit-kicking /u/Martha_Waters from the mod team

It actually may been have joke. Just last week I heard r/freefolk was shutting down 48 hours after the season finale. Or maybe that was a joke. I can’t tell anymore.

Dunk banned me from Freefolk when I made an Arya meme he didn’t like, fuck em

Dunks alt. was MaisieWilliamsVagina which grossed even the other mods with trolling.

How can one game of thrones sub have this much drama

Where the searing indictment of Jen_Snow @?

>straight white men not apply

i unironically don't get shit like this, i wouldn't feel the need to question it if this retardation stayed within the bounds of reddit but it doesn't

It's "critical" theory. It's taken over universities in the west.

No it hasn’t. That’s just some BS rightoids say to explain why college educated people are less likely to vote right.

No. You just l8ve in a bubble.

“Shut up sheeple, our theory that the universities are brainwashing people into hating straight white men is completely true”


I never said it was a conspiracy

Sexist, racist shit also doesn't grasp implications. Surprise, surprise

You think I'm sexist and racist because I realize that colleges aren't teaching people to hate straight white men? "Realize" It's always straight, white men with you bigots. What about bi white men like myself.

Yes and no. From my experience professors aren't bad about it but a lot of students in liberal areas are full-on #woke yass queen SLAYYY 😍👏👏

Wow, pretty racist to say they prefer someone in Australia or Europe. Just erasing all those African and Asian GOT fans.

In his defence, he is a mouthbreather.

Another mayo male demanding free labour from PoC and women. 😴😴😴

swordshit and jannieposting

I don't know how to feel about this

Implying non-mayos would waste their time being an internet janitor #for free

Rename the sub to /r/forfreefolk

Imagine moderating a sub without a flow chart in currentYear

What the fuck is this shit

Just when I think jannies can’t be any more pathetic

😩😩😩 it's so organized.

Departmenr Manager

Community Outreach

Admin Relations

Hahahahaha holy shit

Deputy Lead Moderator

You missed the best one

bussy gag

slavs are not white

have u seen a slav boy ?

I see a slav boy every day in the mirror

Even here in Latin American a bunch of people are actually white. Especially Argentinians and Chileans. Lots of indigenous as well but it’s hilarious to say “no white men hurrrr” as if to imply only Eurotards and burgers can be white.




Well that's what they like to think of themselves anyway lol

I knew that sub was full of faggots when they were praising the last episode.

Shame I liked free folk

lol this sub is going to be dead in 3 weeks when the show is over. Why bother?

Prequels are coming

Saw that guy commenting in a thread saying they're going to delete the subreddit after the shows over.

Why is it that the most insufferable people are always male feminists even when they're not talking about anything to do with feminism

/u/martha_waters does it for free