TuMORs have an important discussion over le r/drama question.

120  2019-05-01 by le_epic_xd_part_2


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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They're questioning radical centrism...

They're capeshit loving "decent human beings" so what'd you expect ?

I am proud of my valiant effort to radically change the opinion of /r/drama with my sacrifice. I hope that one day I might be given an award and possibly a large cash prize in recognition of my efforts.

I've recommended to the Queen that you be made 1st Earl of r/tmor in recognition of your service there. o7

Rubbish, the man was valiant as Marlborough, he deserves the Garter and a Dukedom.

It has always been my life's dream to own my own fiefdom, solely for the purpose of enslaving white people, providing them with ill fitting clothing, and then whipping them for not pulling their pants up

White men doing yard work and showing their ass cracks, name a more iconic duo.

You're trying to make r/drama approachable for normies.

You think you're the hero but in reality you are the enemy.

So you really thought I was doing all that shit because I wanted blue haired faggots to show up here? Are you mentally retarded?

well i am wh*te after all πŸ˜”


Is having blue hair normie now? I need to get some new dye I guess

358 to go.

289 now inshallah

They took a perfectly healthy community built around laughing at conspiracycels and warped it into srs 2. Unforgivable tbh.

Lots of potential snappy quotes everywhere.

Nice - of sorrow username

During the brief period when I was a reddit normie and browsed subs other than this, I spent about 2 weeks there. Then I pointed out that someone was posting an insane left-wing conspiracy theory there. I was immediately piled on by tards who were absolutely insistent that there has never, ever, in the history of the world, been a left-wing conspiracy theory.

If you're going to believe in insane bullshit, at least be the guy with the funny hair on Ancient Aliens or something. These people are just as bad but don't seem to be enjoying it.

That's why I like rightoid conspiracy theories.

Leftie ones are "Govt bad man".

😴😴 gag me with a spoon.

I've been rewatching The X-Files lately and this really is a serious problem in being an interesting insane subculture. If the government are always the bad guys, why do I bother watching your TV shows, reading your books, etc? I already know the ending when I begin. At least keep me guessing.


It was a couple years ago on some other account and it wasn't any major drama. I was just coming into reddit as an actual naive 30yr old boomer living in the real world, not understanding what I was getting into. The shock of going from being around mentally ill people IRL to being around mentally ill 2 people online was pretty sharp.

30 year old boomer


These people are just as bad but don't seem to be enjoying it.

That seems to be the key thing with left-leaning subreddits. They’re just so joyless.



Two snooze emojis as opposed to three

You disgrace my brother.

I don't have your emoji fu, senpai.

Hey, u/purefabulousity, give us one more chance to change your opinion about us famalam.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Weak. u/galacticengine come over here yourself if you want to beat me in a Dance Dance revolution 2016 duel.

tumor accusing others of brigading

all my shirts suddenly became wrinkle free

I didn't think they'd have enough spoons to do such a thing.

You couldn't hack it on 4chan because it doesn't have special internet points to make you feel important when posting your scathing witty remarks. So you immigrate to reddit and shitpost on r/drama and jerk off about how decency is the enemy of freedom. You get called a nazi sub because your 2005-era DUDE I SAID THE NWORD ON THE INTERNET LOLOLOL /b/-teir humor is exactly what enabled 4chan to turn into a neo-nazi shithole. Yeah it was all irony and trolling back then too. I remember everyone telling stormfront to fuck off. But then everyone was ironic for so long that it stopped being a joke. It's the exact kind of thing nazis and extremist groups thrive on. You're just a useful idiot because you think it's about freedom on the internet and saying what you want but it's really about allowing them to have their say. They don't care that you make fun of rednecks or identitarians or whatever. As long as they can have a space to get upvotes and spread their message, they're happy. This is extremely apparent to anyone who looks into these groups and sees how they operate. But someone who spend the large part of their adolescence and adulthood shitposting frog memes doesn't see that. Of course you think it's about PC culture run amok, you're a moron. If I didn't grow out of my /b/ phase and didn't look at how right-wing extremist groups do their thing, I might agree with you.

Go back to 4chan and live without getting internet hugs.

still unemployed then?

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I like this one. Where is it from?

it's in the thread you linked

Pretty sure it’s an older pasta.

I mean, where is it originally from? I'd swear I've already seen it a couple of months back

looks familiar to me too but I think it's fresh


Cracker ass /u/galacticengine owning me le epic style and putting me in my nigger place, illuminating me on the esoteric fact that a lot of dramatists are Nazis, and that the frequent negative responses on here on posts about fentanyl-americans saying vikangz shit is not real, he knows because he visited the sub a few times from his safe space. He doesn't actually need to browse it like the rest of us to actually know what he's talking about. I couldn't possibly be enough of a big boy to happily share a user space with Nazis, it must be that I'm just too stupid to understand what people actually believe here, and I need an extremely intelligent white man like him to explain basic concepts to me.

White people literally get high off of telling minorities what to think. The way this guy writes he thinks he just wrote the hottest diss paragraph of the year and embarrassed me, I didn't even read it when he posted it until just now in this thread. He probably thinks he BTFO me cuz I didn't reply, but I got banned. Mayos are disgusting.

This sick fucker admitted to having a /b/ phase?

new snappy quote

Forgot these faggots existed. We need a battle royale for all the retarded subs

Still plays battle royales in [current year].


u/-Ph0enix- you aren't much fun, aren't you?

Hey u/-Ph0enix- come over here so we can probe your butthole!

By the way it's '3', not 'e'


He’s a literal CAFugee. Out with that unbiased trash.

Important question: Literally who is that guy at the top?

Since TMOR has linked this thread while complaining of "brigading" of all subs LMAO, im just dropping in to let you know that you are all a bunch of impotent faggots and whining on the internet all day will never accomplish anything and deep down you unambitious man-children are fine with that.

You can't do that here. Guess you'll have to fend for yourself. I would have let it go if the stupid /drama-bot didn't auto-ban users who went anywhere near /CA in its dying moments, with your mods then refusing to answer appeals.

So yeah, may as well piss off.

u/-Ph03nix- nigga just make an alt and get over it

u/-Ph03nix- I unbanned you cause I know you're not an CAnimal.

Thanks homie.

Get it together /drama, your eyes are all glued up with cunny juice.

Thanks homie.

No problem.

Get it together /drama, your eyes are all glued up with cunny juice.

Oh boy lol. Have fun.

Just yesterday someone was trying to tell me tmor wasn't incredibly dorky. Meanwhile they're whining about the word "retarded".

/u/high_side explain yourself.

This is very embarrassing for me. Maybe they've had an immigrant crisis? Any sub that still lists joan as a mod can't be bad.

I find making fun of truthers, JFKtards, anti-vaxxers, etc to be quite fun and enjoyable. Alex Jones fan type of people are some of the most fun to mock because they really think they're smarter than "sheeple" (or "NPCs").

But tmor is not the place for that. It's just another culture war sub, where moderates are nazis and if you think idpol is dumb you're canceled.


Look, it was founded by some of our mods. They love lolcows. They recently had a modpost about getting back to focusing on /r/conspiracy rather than t_d - there was a crisis when ga was banned and the well dried up. At worse, it's a conflicted place.

It's probably a victim of its own success. Everyone enjoys laughing at pizzagaters, even chapocels and srdines.

Circlebroke and negareddit started as places to make fun of dipshit redditors, too, and now they're actually dumber than mainstream reddit. It's good if the mods want to change the place, but it's gonna be tough sledding. They're trying that in /r/PanicHistory and every thread is a battleground.

I guess all of metareddit has to deal with immigration. We'll see how it goes, might as well have a few irons in the fire for when this place gets shut down.

Tmor maybe outlived its purpose when ga shut down. Based on the recent announcement, it looks like chabanais won.

They're trying that in /r/PanicHistory and every thread is a battleground.

Wait, really? This sounds like an untapped drama vein.

RIP CB1 πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

/u/C4H8N8N8 stop trying to make /r/drama look like some kind of free speech bastion, you’ll just bring more idiots in


An srdinr tried to dunk on me on my main not drama dedicated account and did a literally "who hurt you? Incel!" On me

Just wanted to share that. Cursed sub

Why would you try to defend this subreddit. Who cares. We know we're not alt right or libtards. Just sit back at make fun of people, like God intended.

Rightoids and not understanding what Top Minds refers to, name a more iconic duo

Cool. Where I get my award?