Who knew that u/AnnoysTheGoys was a world-travelling wrestling fan!

33  2019-05-01 by ArlenBilldozer


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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I think this might be the guys reddit account

He goes on multiple threads discussing it so he’s either oddly passionate about the subject or the dude himself.

Perhaps a friendly ping is in order?

u/wzxw hey there! I was wondering if you could give us some more insight into this whole ordeal, as you seem to be pretty passionate about this situation. Thanks in advance! :)

There's apparently an Israeli wrestling fan who has a rep of basically being annoying at wrestling shows with chants. The chants from what I can tell aren't anything bad, just he does them loudly and doesn't stop, and it gets on people's nerves.

The guy went to a Japanese female wrestling show last week. The promotion is called Stardom. The guy chanted throughout the main event and for some people it ruined the show for them. He chanted stuff like "let's go Konami(a wrestler)".

Japan's crowds are a little different than the US. Fans don't make signs, but they do throw streamers, which we don't do here unless we are trying to be cool. The fans also have a different way of chanting. They would cheer for Konami by yelling "Konamiiiiii" or would do something like "Ko-nam-mi".

I would add it’s the opposite mate for Baseball. MLB fans are more silent than those of NPBL while the Japanese wrestling crowds are the silent ones and American is the loud ones.

Yeah cause I’m eating hot dogs and doing cocaine quietly out of my powder bullet now frig off

Would it be possible that their problem lies less with him chanting, and more with him carrying around the flag of Israel for photo ops? If this is all being blown up over a different type of chanting then everyone involved is retarded.

Would it be possible that their problem lies less with him chanting, and more with him carrying around the flag of Israel for photo ops?

That's part of what's making the situation more conflicted. If the guy had been American, everyone would dump on him without any accusations or insinuations as a "stupid American" with people apologizing for him. But because he's waving an Israeli flag, that now plays a role in this, whether it did or didn't in the first place.

Well shit next time bring us your drama. We don’t get our panties twisted over the little shit like the SRDines do.

he also took a bunch of photos with the wrestlers but pixelated their bodies and/or shielded them with the Israeli flag

based and tzniut-pilled