I present to you a magnificent lolcow. This person appears to spend the majority of their time arguing on reddit, with their most recent escapade arguing that it's normal for 12 year old girls to use vibrators

30  2019-05-01 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


Have you posted bussy yet?


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How is a ovum not human? I am very pro-choice but its also a human.

murder good, babby bad

Small brain: A zygote is a human and killing it is murder.

Big brain: a nine-month fetus is not a human and killing it is not unethical.

Galaxy brain: an ovum is a human, and killing it is awesome 😎

Universe brain: it is your responsibility to kill every ovum you can

universe-in-a-universe brain: strangling it while giving a ted talk on the intertwined nature of evolutionary biology and theoretical altruism.

Imagine bestowing person hood on a fetus

Dude as an actual rape victim, fuck off. No, I wasn't raped by a stranger, but yes, I was stalked once for 9 months by a homeless stranger. My sister was also stalked (as in he broke into our house level of stalked) 2 two years when she was underage.

When I was a high school coach, 2 girls on the track team (on a different school) were raped right in broad daylight right by our school.

When ran with our student athletes, I passed as a high schooler and had the "wonderful" chance of seeing grown men cat call underage girls who were obviously underage.

I've had two really frightening bar situations with dudes grabbing me really roughly, and have been threatened by a cab driver that if I didn't suck his dick he wouldn't take me home (I promised to if he took me to another bar to have a "legit" date, the bar I took him too was where a bouncer friend of mine was working and I ran inside got him, and he pretty much bounced him off the pavement for me thank god.)

I had a situation where when I was in college I was cat called for over a year by the same group of jiffy lube workers right next to my house. It was okay and I was "chilling" about it until out of no where one of them yelled out my full legal name at me. I'd never been to that jiffy lube as I didn't have a car then. I didn't know any of these guys. I never introduced myself to them. And it dawned on me that one of them mustve followed me home and read my mail. I've never saw cat calling the same after that. Although I had one guy nearly run me off the road with his car once while I was jogging, don't know if he was just drunk and trying to cat call me while driving drunk or if he was going to kidnap me. Legit almost ran over me to whistle at me from his car. But I guess my adrenaline was going and I figured it was just stupid being stupid. It's not fucking insane. You sound like a fucking ignorant child.


Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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Pls bro 😥

out of no where one of them yelled out my full legal name at me

I'm starting to wonder how much of alleged catcalling is just schizophrenic foids having auditory hallucinations. Stuff like this comes up so often where they seem to not just be making it up and really believe that it happened.

Have you noticed how it's always poor men who do the catcalling in foids fantasies? Construction workers, cab drivers, high school coaches and homeless men.

Really gets the noggin joggin