Psyonix does an EPIC 😎

76  2019-05-01 by WarSanchez


Have you posted bussy yet?


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I linked the whole fucking thread because it's full of salt.

Gamer tears fuel my Rocket Car

Epic is officially my favorite company.

It really boggles my mind why these nerds make such a big deal out of this shit. It’s like 45 extra seconds to switch windows out of steam and into epic games and click the play button

They’re more entitled than even the whiniest welfare queens and red state numbnuts

Epic has a history of milking games dry. I think they're more worried about that.

Epic also said they'd quit doing this if steam just stops taking a fat 30% out of everyone's game sales.

Valve won't because they're a greedy monopoly and autists are unironically defending that so they dont have to launch another program.

Do you honestly think Epic will stop doing this stuff if Valve drops their cut?

A lot of people are horribly retarded, so probably.

Gamers are gullible morons

They'd probably have to bump up the payments on future exclusivity agreements though.

Valve will never do this, and Epic knows this so they are basically virtue signaling at this point, pretending they are so "pro-developer and pro-consumer". The only reason developers are taking these deals is not because of the 88/12 split but because of god knows how much cash Epic throws at them. Otherwise steam is just a better platform/product.


Retard alert

Yes it's the capital solution to steam having what is a borderline monopoly.

You do realize that the '30%' is only when its bought on the Steam store.

Valve lets publishers however generate as many steam keys as they want for free and sell them anywhere else and takes a whopping 0% out of each sale all while allowing them to use all of the features that the Steam platform provides.

Oh lawdy they so evil and monopolistic!

Yeah, you don't understand app stores or game publishers. Don't get me wrong, that is chad af, but they have legitimate gripes for their world.

Half of them don't either and just regurgitate what they read on reddit

Well they are gamers.

You must love bloatware then. To each their own.

i dont play pc games anymore but like 5 years ago when i did i had to deal with the uplay launcher, origin launcher, and steam. it really did not bother me that much that i had to lift my finger and click a half dozen more times. if your computer is good enough to run modern games this should not be a HUGE deal like the screeching hordes of reddit make it out to be.

Steam is bloatware tho. It's original and main purpose is to be DRM. Games don't *need * Drm

I agree, with that people will pirate it anyway regardless of what DRM is on the game.

And it actually makes games cheaper. The 30% thing every app store does is ridiculous

^ this. I mean cry all you want, your fanboyism means nothing in the real world. That's why Spotify went publicly wild against Apple with and the european lawsuit. Exact same conditions (Apple taking a big chunk and not even allowing things like linking to an external site to buy your subscription or even sending notifications of deals when Apple Music does this all the time).

None are cheaper tho. Where the fuck these deals you liar

Fun Fact: Epic was founded by literal MRAs who have gone on to quit the company and devote themselves to MRA advocacy.

Either Rob or Paul Elam i cant be bothered to figure out which.

OMF2097 was pretty badass tho. Fucking awesome intro song. And giant robots. And the 'anime' TV talking head guy who shittalks whoever loses.

I want every mid sized video game publisher to create their own version of steam

I stay awake at night thinking about this.

The amount of crying over another taskbar icon is astounding.

It's not about the taskbar Icon it's about mah precious RAM.

It's not just an icon. Nobody cared when EA made Origin.

Epic is literally buying out random existing games and forcing them to be exclusive on their own platform.

Nobody cared when EA made Origin.

I love it when people open up by revealing they have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.

Lots of people had a problem with it. Lots and lots and lots.

and people stopped having problem when Oregon stopped being shit. except EGS will always stay a chink botnet

when Oregon stopped being shit

when did that happen?

No idea as I dont use it, but most people say it's a good store now. That's irrelevant as there's no good games, but that's another topic

lol origin is still shit, people have just come to terms with it, same way they did with blizzard’s shitty launcher, same way they did with valve’s shitty launcher, same way they will with epic’s shitty launcher

Hello cheng

ni hao gamer scum

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Lol people got hella mad when EA stopped releasing their games on Steam.

Fr, there was a massive shitstorm when it was revealed that Mass Effect 3 wouldn’t be on steam lmao

this post was submitted on 01 May 2019 0 points (32% upvoted)

This was at 33% 20 mins ago. The rocket league discord channels are blowing up over this.

i didnt even consider going to discord for more

They had to put the #rocketleague channels on slow mode and I guess mods were getting "@'ed" and ... yeah lots of drama.

People actually think this is why we need communism, because indie game development is a thing under communism

Imagine unironically using Linux.

I did for while in college to look cool to my computer science friends. Then I realized I wasn't cool, my friends weren't cool and Linux is a pain in the ass.

based brainlet

Please don't autistshame me

dont need norton if i use ubnutu 🤷‍♂️

dont need norton if i use ubnutu

If you have enough problems with viruses that you swap to Linux you may want to stop being autistic and not click every download button that you see.



Imagine unironically using Windows 10.

Or worse, OS X.

Real chase use xp

Imagine using technology unironically

My brother and his friends are serious rocket league players. They're literally writing essays about how shitty this is in our group chat.

I really hate Epic but this is worth it for all the butthurt.

It's no longer going to be sold on steam.

Is Epic giving bigger cuts in exchange for going exclusive? I don't see how that would be better than having a bigger market exposure.

They bought the company that makes it. Resistance is unironically futile. Epic will rule the world.

Ah, that makes much more sense. I really don't see Epic surviving with how much everyone hates it, but one can dream.

People on Reddit hate it, mostly the backlash is Steam fanboys. People hated Steam at first, too. I think EGS is going to be a valid competitor to Steam but only time will tell.

Competition is good, but they do seem to be gathering an annoying number of exclusive games. Other than that I don't get the hate.

Yeah I think PC exclusivity is better than console, but I don't have a big problem with either one really. Would be nice if I could play Demon's Souls on PC, same with Bloodborne, but at least with launcher exclusivity I don't have to drop $350 every 5 years for a handful of games. Also, if I already know I want a game, reviews don't really matter, but Epic does need to add things like PS4 controller compatibility and other stuff if they want to compete.

True that

Steam fanboys

the most embarrassing thing gamers have ever done

I think their plan is to try and build some sort of critical mass with their shitty store before their Fortnite money runs out.

It's sort of the opposite approach Valve took, which was to make a bunch of games first, then start the store as a side business. Epic is literally funneling all their cash into their storefront in order to have it become it's chief money maker and compete directly with Steam.

I honestly don't know how it's going to work out for them, but the fact that Steam isn't budging on their profit sharing split leads me to believe that Valve doesn't feel particularly imperiled by them.

It's possible that they are also waiting for the right time to stick the knife in Epic.

Like I said, as soon as their fortnite money starts to run out, they'll be essentially just competing with Steam over a storefront and Valve has much, much, much deeper pockets than Epic does. They could then turn around and undercut Epic, essentially driving them out of business.

I guess I can understand why Epic is doing what they're doing, but I still think they're playing a game of retarded chicken with Valve that they're going to lose.

Epic also owns the Unreal Engine and is almost certainly waiving or reducing licensing costs if you offer your game exclusively on the Epic Store.

Epic also owns the Unreal Engine

I know that, but I'm also certain that Valve makes more money selling virtual hats than Epic does in licensing UE4.

Tencent owns like 40% of Epic or something big. Fortnite made them $3 billion in a single year. Idk about Steam having bigger pockets at this point.

The entire Steam platform had about the same revenue as just Fortnite itself.

Fortnite made them $3 billion in a single year. Idk about Steam having bigger pockets at this point.

We won't know for sure because Valve isn't a public company, but conservative estimates are that they're making something like 4-5 billion a year as their "take" of the Steam store. This article claims they made 4.3 billion two years ago so I think it's reasonable that it'd be higher by now considering sales keep growing.

That of course doesn't include all the other stuff that Valve as a company sells, just their take of games sold on the store.

Even with Epic's windfall from Fortnite and UE4 licensing and their storefront, I doubt it all totals up what Valve makes just from Steam and it's unrealistic to think that Fortnite sales are going to show growth like Steam has over the last decade, we all know that they're going to fall, possibly even dramatically since it's all based around a single game IP. It's risky, which is why I said they're putting all their eggs in their Epic Store basket. That's the future for that company.

I'm just pointing out that they don't have enough money to buy their way into being competitive with Steam.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Do they just hate it because they made forknife or because its too hard to use two launchers? Doesnt seem like a lot of them are linux nerds.

  1. Fortnite

  2. China

I dont understand how this game is so popular. its like soccer but with cars?

Yup. Games are also super short, like 10 minutes or less. It's a fun game to play mindlessly and waste time and it's a fun game to try and get really good at. It also removes many of the downsides of real soccer like Europeans.

Obviously you don't smoke weed or vape, bro.

Whatever, games died with the ESRB

I only Rocket League on Xbox so I could less than a fuck

So where dropping the ball boys