This is a thread to make fun of me for the following actual opinion: Avengers Endgame is one of the greatest movies ever made.

10  2019-05-02 by eva_remastered

I'm not joking, I don't even wish I was joking.

The feat that this movie has achieved is unprecedented. There is pretty much nothing missing that it needed. Do you know how fucking insane that is that they did this with 8 bajillion cast members in these two movies?

Like I have the complete opposite feeling that I had right after watching this week's GoT episode. What was set-up was delivered, and it was incredibly more satisfying.

I was hesitant about how much they'd have Captain Marvel do, but even that is handled perfectly. I seriously am having trouble thinking of ANY problems with this movie, at least for the genre.

this is easily the best capeshit movie ever made, possibly the best action movie ever made, the best written CGI battle fest movie ever made, etc.

If someone legit didn't like it after seeing it (of their own free will), I would love to hear why. I wouldn't even argue, I'd just be floored that you exist.

Okay, have at me.




Aren’t you a an autrighter? How did you keep yourself from having a rage stroke during the shot at the end where all the femoid capes line up epic style to show off their feminine power?

Why would I be mad at that? It's barely 15 seconds long, wasn't that cringy (they don't drop like an obvious girl power line, "she's got help" was actually subtle enough for me), and really, it's just the directors exploiting foids for their money.

Okay well maybe you can help me out. At the end, Peter Parker is unsnapped and they show him going back to school, where he meets his big chonk Filipino best friend. But it’s been five years so... was big chonk guy also snapped? In the background they show many other students reuniting, but if these were all snapped students wouldn’t they have no memory of being depressed? The trailer for Peter’s next movie all of his classmates from the first movie are there so... were all of them snapped? How are they all still in the same grade?

I think fat friend was also snapped. not every student was, maybe all of pete's friends were, though. I think it would be pretty funny if Martin Starr (his teacher/coach) was the only important cast member at school who didn't get snapped and is slightly fucked up from seeing all the kids back alive.

while it's true they wouldn't have any memory of the five years they missed, I think being told what happened and the literal time they missed is enough for the somber "reunion" reactions

as for the rest of how spidey far from home fits in to this shit, I mostly have no idea, and If I was Marvel I would be LIVID that Sony released a trailer before Endgame came out, and said "YEAH iT"S AFTER IT SO PETER AND BY EXTENSION EVERYBODY ELSE GETS UNSNAPPED" to journalists or whatever.

I literally tried to edit the wikipedia page to say it was set before Infinity War, because I believed that, because I thought Sony would be retarded to spoil Endgame, and I had a bunch of regular wiki user nerds come and shit all over that, lol.

I literally tried to edit the wikipedia page...

Oh, you're retarded. Now everything makes sense.


May Allah (pbuh) have mercy on your immortal capeshit-soaked soul.

Saying a super hero movie is the best movie ever is like saying your favorite restaurant is Applebee’s.

there's literally nothing wrong with 2 for 20 πŸ–

Except that you could microwave literally the same shit for $10 or less

but you miss out on being among the wonderful people that frequent applebee's

It’s not sad, it’s Applebee’s!ℒ️

I already forgot I saw it.

you did not

It didn't make any lasting impression on me. Age of Ultron - Age of Ultron I remember.

this is objectively the worst opinion ever, I don't believe it unless your brain is broken and don't understand what makes a narrative compelling or satisfying

it's not even a bad movie, but Infinity War and Endgame are complete and total masterpieces compared to it.

You really remember evil robot Robert California from The Office more than Thanos? He doesn't even hold a candle to Loki.

The case with Endgame was it was excruciatingly protracted with uneventful events. Many of the moments served no purpose to the movie and were obviously meant to appeal to the enthusiasts. Only benefit that comes out this Return of the King wannabe, is the long saga at last finishes.

I thought it was pretty boring besides the battle but the battle was pretty fucking rad

No casualties though. I want my battles fierce and deadly.


Rather, he is allowed to die by his contractors.

  1. Thor was a joke character played for laughs when the subject matter didn't warrant it.

  2. The time travel stuff didn't make any sense. If they killed "Past Thanos" five years after the snap how could he have snapped in the first place. HOW CAN HE SNAP?!

  3. Why was Thanos seemingly much more powerful without stones than with stones (feminist propaganda, if you ask me)

You might be distracted by the cgi fireworks the first time around but the final battle lacks substance and heavily relies on nostalgia. Everybody is there, they just aren't doing all that much. You barely see the Black Order and even the lowest tier good guys get away unsathed because their contracts aren't up. Lame and predictable.

The GoT characters utter lack of skill for battle strategy was maddening but more plausible than Avengers.

THe THanis from past being killed in the future was confusing but I assumed Tony snapped him and his horde back to the past and wiped their memories of the event.

That would be an explanation, but it was stated nowhereand indeed goes directly against what the movie portrayed, with Thanos turning to dust and all.

That explanation should grant you a No-Prize though.

final battle heavily relies on nostalgia

but like that’s the entire point of this movie, an ending to 20 films.

Retard, did you not listen or pay attention?

Going back in time doesn't create a new future for everyone with changes, it creates alternate timelines.

Future nebula survived when she killed past nebula, Hulk explains this shit earlier on

Why was Thanos seemingly much more powerful without stones than with stones (feminist propaganda, if you ask me)

Dr. Strange wasn't fighting him in Endgame, but he was in that Infinity War scrap. Strange is more OP than Thor, I think. Less Thanos' style of fight too.

Thor was a joke character played for laughs when the subject matter didn't warrant it.

lol this nigga went to the bathroom when thor talked to his mom I guess. His character arc was great and made sense, and if you dont like it it's cuz ur fat


We all hold retarded opinions. It's ok, OP

I wanted the non-snapped to show how they dealt with their loss like in The Leftovers.

They did come close to approaching Leftovers territory, I did appreciate that. The remembrance wall, they group therapy session, that stuff was actually well conceived IMO.

uh wasnt that the whole first act of the movie

I don't know. I never saw it. Is it still in theaters?

...nope, Avengers Endgame had their last showing worldwide approximately 5 mins ago, after being in theaters for 6 and a half days

better luck next movie

When Captain Marvel showed up channeling her inner Rachel Maddow with that Karen haircut I knew the movie was going to suck.

are you dumb? she then immediately fucks off for 95% of the movie

I don’t think I laughed at any of the jokes until the scene at the end where the guardians of the galaxy and Thor are together. The guardians of the galaxy are FUCKING COOL.

Endgame is fanservice the movie but I liked the fanservice and LITERALLY cried when tony stark died.