Holy fuck no ๐Ÿ˜ž

191  2019-05-02 by le_epic_xd_part_2


Wait a journalist wrote this? Itโ€™s not funny anymore


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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Uncle Ted was right. The Industrial Revolution and it's consequences have been disasterous for the human race and for platapy

First, he's either Sheik or Based Uncle Ted.

Second this is but the many sorrows of current year + x.

Uninorically teddy makes some good points. Help me

Unironically? The man is an actual genius. Even though his moral compass is fucked up.

Too much granola in the woods will do that to you.

Or MKUltra

They said that while population numbers varied in different regions of eastern Australia, platypuses had already disappeared from some areas.

is it over? ๐Ÿ˜”

It's over for platycels

Genuinely sad news. Those adorable little evolutionary deadends have a place in my heart.

Those adorable little evolutionary deadends

Why do you care about trannies?


/r/drama: trannies reeeeee

dude trannies lmao




It's really getting bad.


Trannies: Why Iโ€™m a real women and biology is wrong

The only people worse than trannies is people who let them live in their heads R E N T F R E E

Wrong, Castizos are worse than trannies, at least troonsgoblins donโ€™t play Latino rap at 2 am on a work night ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข

Castizos are worse than trannies

Who hurt you?

Idk I just know ur half conquered/conqueror so I focus on that

Mestizos are the ones half Indio and half Spanish. Castizos are a quarter Indio. ๐Ÿ™„

>admitting to he being a quarter cuck

At least youโ€™re not North African and 100% cucked

Peninsulares are cucked but Spaniards living in Latin America aren't. ๐Ÿ˜ 


^ Exhibit A


/u/Matues49: help I canโ€™t stop sucking cocks

The TDS is real with some folks here

yeah, you

Any message you wanted to convey through your comment was nullified by using a meme format that was god awful since it was used for the first time and even Twittercels started to revolt against it.

Be better sweaty.

I still typed less words than you so I call it a W ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Fuck I can't argue that. Well played cunt.

A three-year survey of the duck-billed animal suggested its numbers had fallen by 30 percent, to around 200,000, since Europeans settled the continent two centuries ago.

Better survival rate than the Dodo!

We must all band together, from the chapo-cels to the trumptards to protect the platy. We may all hate each other, esp the rad cens, but platy posting must be preserved for all of human and platykind.

I'll tell anyone that listens about seeing one in the wild with a hot as fuck German backpacker.

tell me more about the hot german backpacker

wanting to hear about some mayo over a precious Platy


Thatโ€™s very sad. I hope more effort will be put into protecting them and their natural habitat. โ˜น๏ธ

Yeah yabby nets are a problem as well, one state even banned a certain type, luckily (unluckily) my side of the country doesn't have platys, but we do have yabbies so its all good for us that love decent bait.


Thatโ€™s a step in the right direction at least.

Yeah, I'd give up my nets if it meant platypus's would live. But seriously "Opera" style nets are the best, you just leave them over night and sometimes get 20+ yabbies in the morning or even a few hours later.

Do they taste nice? How do you cook them?

I just devein the tails and claw meat and use them as a substitute for regular seafood, so add them with clams, muscles and a light red sauce, serve mixed with pasta.

Also you can skewer the meat with butter and garlic and cook them but remember they're quite small so its quite a lot of preperation for a small amount of flesh.

If your ever down this way, marron is what sells, it's nice, but I'd never pay for it.


Interesting. Cheers.

Marron are shit compared to eastern yabbies

They're not worth the price but they shit on any yabby.

Piiiiss off mate, bluies straight outta the dam, sweet and succulent

Maron, Maron, who tf is Marron? Were they named by Darren?


Doesnt stop you Sydney poofters from paying $100 a kilo for them.

Judging people by the dumbest of them is pretty dangerous for a fucking sandgroper...

Well Sandgropers are a pretty sweet insect so that name doesn't bother me, they burrow under the sand and make frog noises at night, that name doesn't offend me.

It's not meant to offend you, it's meant to point out that itchy flies is about the only anyone knows about WA

(Ive lived there, and I thought sandgropers were fucking fish!)

Platypi need to move on and adapt to the 21 century. Those habitats aren't coming back. Learn to code.

They'd be fine if we just brought coal back.

It's playpuses not platypi or platypods, also watch you fucking mouth.



A 30% reduction in 200 years? They'll be fine. It's Australia, not Africa.

Those 30% were worth more to this world than all Magacels and Chapos combined.

Well yeah. 10 dead and burning redwood trees are worth more than that.

Screw #YangGang we need president AOC with the green new deal to protect all platys.

You think we can see this creature survive if we give them $1000 every month? The platypus shall become the Yang Gang icon from now til forever #savetheplatypus


Is it really over?

australia fuckin messes up again. australian s are retarded. i am sincerely upset at them

Yeah we really did a number on this place.


this is the future liberals want

Holy fuck yes ๐Ÿ˜‚

Why would you say that? ๐Ÿ˜”

It's over for dramacels

We must secure the existence of our platys and a future for platy-kind.

Oh yeeeaaahhh baby, they never made sense.

We must secure the existence of platypi and a future for their children. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

The End is nigh

30% reduction since whitey turned up is a fucking success story!!

Other than roos, there's basically fuck all of anything else left compared to pre-whitey