swordshitters have mental breakdown, begin using video game analogies to cope over the last episode

47  2019-05-02 by THOT-AUDITOR



Its throneshitters you absolute mongoloid



So wait did it conclude without any real conclusion or something?

People are mad because the king of the zombies got shanked in the chest by a teenage girl who leapt at him from behind, when everybody was absolutely certain the final conflict was supposed to be between the king and some guy with a broadsword. So it felt like a huge letdown.

There’s three episodes left.

Even more disappointment was that the entire build up was supposed to unite all warring factions together in face of their existential threat in an epic showdown. SEVEN fucking episodes have been spent in selling that narrative.

Now what's left is the regular petty battles over the throne. Ugh! I have already seen cersi naked for full 15 minutes sometime in 5th season and I can't believe there is more left to see.

There’s three episodes left.

I hope it stays true to the book and ends promising another season and never releasing it.

The big baddie died because he failed a quick time event.

Got shanked by some midget girl or something.

got yeeted out of the movie so we can move on to killing the evil queen, her crazy pirate boyfriend, and her pet zombie.

Nah there was a huge fight that had been built up for ages and it made no sense and everything was fine and anticlimactic. There are a few more episodes left still

Big bad evil villain that was hyped up for 8 seasons got one-shotted by a teenage girl after she teleported behind him and because the big bad evil boss died his 100,000 strong army of evil minions evaporated instantly upon his death.

What happened to Snappy?


show releases bad episode

reaction is negative

shills emerge from basements

shut down all criticism with “it was our fault u guise”

if that doesn’t work, fall back on “if u don’t like it, u natsee!”

community falls in line and begins fellating again

Like fucking clockwork

Users in that subreddit have started submitting MauLer videos unironically, it's completed its transformation into the same shitstorm as the Last Jedi.

Guys they're writing fanfiction now, this is hilarious amounts of cope.