"Why are spoilers bad?"

45  2019-05-02 by employee10038080


The level of cope capecels go through is honestly fascinating to watch. What makes them like this? Does marvel put subliminal messages in their movies to control a large amount of virgins?

what makes them like this?

Soy tbh.

Does Marvel put subliminal messages in their movies to control a large amount of virgins

Probably not, would attribute it more or less to capeshitcels not having a life and choosing this as an alternative to lacking a real life.

Adult virgins are likely to have a stunted social life. Many withdrawn people cope using cheap entertainment. Capeshit provides an endless trickle of both new content and all the ancillary fan-created "analysis" and "theory" videos to fill time and keep that trickle of dopamine coursing through their brain so they don't have to face whatever it is they're using capeshit to escape from.

If it weren't this, it'd be an assortment of other tv shows, movie series, and video games. It's just that capeshit crosses all those mediums (well, not so much the video games, but you know what I mean) and is ostensibly interconnected, making investing time in being a fan that much more appealing.

Lol what are capecels?

In case you are serious, capecels refer to
people who religiously follow superhero movies( 'Cape'shit) like children.

Adding 'cel' at the end of every word is common here.

It’s over for adding-cel-to-the-end-of-word-cels

The MCU is basically trash and always has been. Iron Man 1 was based but it was largely downhill from there. Just wait until the next phase where they make jane foster valkyrie when thor loses his worthiness and she picks the hammer up becoming her own thing. We also have black captain america because falcon takes up the mantle. I can already smell the mayo salt. Also Loki is an avenger now probably, because yes of course he is in the comics. The SEETHING will be legendary.

Yeah I think there will be a boom in dramacoin soon courtesy Marvel.

Anyone who gets angry at Blacktain America is just doing it for the sake of being contrarian or anti-sjw or whatever.

I really used to care about that shit but frankly, spoilers are only an issue for milquetoast shit that only relies on having "shock" moments or big twists to be good. Biggest part of a good story is how you get there.

Capeshit is vital to dramacoin value

on one hand I agree with this guy that spoilers are the most overblown melodramatic shit, but on the other hand he is so dumb he doesn't think surprise is an emotion, so radical centrism wins yet again here

There's been studies that spoilers don't really ruin the experience, and that knowing the twist makes it more interesting because you are looking for things that point to the twist.

There's been studies that 85% of 'studies' on the internet are made up.