Spaceshit actor died. RIP Chewbacca.

1  2019-05-03 by Ghdust2


Serious question, was he retarded? The initial obituary talked about him in this patronizing way that made it sound like he was borderline functional.

Nah, if they actually wrote it like that it was probably because of some dumb reason like the author actually thought of them as a 7 foot tall walking carpet

Not mental, but he did have physical health problems all his life, the piece was just poorly written. His extraordinary height, as it often does, comes with many potential health issues.

It's kinda a wonder he lived as long and well as he did.

For further insight, you can peruse u/PeterMayhew for more about him. That is him, and looking back through a few pages, he was a pretty grounded and awesome dude.

Unironically sad.

He was the good spaceshit.

His last Reddit comment is pretty representative of his personality.


I hope you're well.


Peter Mayhew

Unironic RIP.

Can you even be called an actor if the only thing you do can be replaced by a soundboard?

Seemed like a nice dude

Watch some real space shit for real men, fuck the Star Wars cuckfantasy. Move onto the Legend of the Galactic Heroes.