TERFs are useful idiots. TERF is a dog whistle !

2  2019-05-03 by xlhat


Very few trans women want to date a lesbian that hates penises, and they certainly don't want to date someone that hates neo vaginas. They will absolutely call out a lesbian that bases her criteria for loving a woman on things that cannot be controlled for. That's fetishizing someone and most lesbians don't do that, just the shitty 2nd wave types. Being a lesbian for most lesbians is about loving women for who they are, their shared experiences and femininity. This includes trans women. src

Fuck, I always thought the "They believe lesbians should suck cock" narrative was some radfem circlejerk strawman. They unironically believe this shit?

It’s now bigoted to hate tenis. Checkmate lesbians, you’re having sex with an xy-challenged person tonight!

Yeah. They call it the cotton ceiling or some bullshit. Straight guys transition and then try to date girls. So the lesbians starting saying that they don’t want their partner to have a penis. That’s where all this “feminine penis” and mouthfeel stuff came from. A little more rare is the gay guy that transitions and says straight guys should date them citing the same claims. If lesbians or men bring up not wanting to fuck someone with a penis they get labeled transphobic. I’ll support anyone doing anything they want to themselves but if they want people who aren’t attracted to them to fuck them because “trans women are women” I have to draw the line.

Trans women are women 😡😡😡

this, but unironically

Nobody cares if you wear a dress and call yourself a sissy faggot but the moment you start redefining biology is the moment people call you crazy. Words have meaning, you can't just change it on a whim.


Sorry I mean dude bussy lmao

gay lol

chapocucks and converatards are one thing, but terfs are legit agenda posters lmao

They are about as useful as mayo English teachers in Asia.

TERFs are useful idiots- they're right ring reactionaries and are tools of the right wing who, no longer being able to go after gay people with accusations of pedophilia and 'save the children', are going after trans women with accusations of 'think of the children', 'save the children', 'protect Real women', and 'pedophilia'

even weev loves TERFs lmao