Miserable curmudgeon is offended at PhD's using Reddit.

26  2019-05-03 by GodOfDarknessWine


When you've aimed to become a doctor of science, the gamble changes drastically. That means it is expected of you to have other, higher, priorities than the rest of the populous; far more serious, I might add. If you have aimed to become a doctor of science because of superficial needs, like to prove yourself for your insecurities, or due to inferiority complex, or that one had to ”check off” something on their ”life list”, or that your were pressured by your family because of status or symbol; then that person doesn't deserve the title doctor of science & must be stripped of it.

Becoming a doctor of science is academic sacrosanctity; not a description label on your social media profile & not a status symbol to flaunt yourself and to others to be addressed as ”doctor”.

yikes and lmao @ the two possible outcomes of this: either he has a PhD himself and is just insecure about his reddit addiction, or he doesn't and is insecure due to that. which one is it /u/ebadd?

That's one of your alts isn't it? It's a really retarded one, you should tone that down

bad bait

If stemcels removed themselves from Reddit it’d be a lot better

One of my friends got her PhD, then an MD, burned out during her residency, and is now a housewife. /u/ebadd's head would explode if he found out. She's not giving back her degrees.

This is peak women

Peak woman would be to then start a catering business, go into debt, and then have hubby bail her out. Which she also did.

Excuse you! That’s DOCTOR Deadbeat.