A lefty's awakening to enlightened centrism in action

69  2019-05-03 by Mamalgam


You can be a radical centrist and still be a leftist. Radical centrism is a state of mind, not an ideology.



"Remember comrades. Organizing and working for workers rights aren't important. The real focus of the revolution is deconstructing these P R O B L E M A T I C films and TV shows!"

At least podcasts like Chapo and Red Scare focus on politics first and foremost. Breadtubers are just English students with too much time on their hands.


They are obsessed with bread because commies keep running out of it.


Breadline Bernie was praising them as a symbol of a good and prosperous place.

That place? Venezuela

breadlines for the breadtubers

Red Scare focus on politics first and foremost

What? I thought that podcast was a cope for traditionally non-masculine men like manlets, dicklets and jews.

Relatively speaking. It has more substantive political discussion than breadtubers videos. Even the podcast with the angry manlet, the cucked Jew, and the fat Greek is better

Nick Mullen is president of the DSA

Red Scare is an ugly Armenian butch art hoe thinking she's a supermodel and a genius and a struggling actress with a rich husband just nodding along

Red Scare is an ugly Armenian butch art hoe thinking she's a supermodel and a genius and a struggling actress with a rich husband just nodding along

Relevant username bro.

Not a bro but ok

Ok sister.

I don’t believe that’s the case, because at present there are no other movements that pay any attention to LGBTQ issues, racial issues, or gender equality issues like the left does

Oh you’ll find plenty of right wingers who hate those groups of people too.

It's simple....have integrity...and a fundamental basis for your morality which you pursue.

Personally, it's do no harm to other thinking beings.

But it puts me MUCH further "left" than a lot of people. Like consenting bestiality is fine under that definition.

Which one of you did this?

Do no harm kind of doesn't let you seek change of any kind. You can't really be a leftist with that morality code.

It's simple....have integrity...and a fundamental basis for your morality which you pursue.

Personally, it's do no harm to other thinking beings.

But it puts me MUCH further "left" than a lot of people. Like consenting bestiality is fine under that definition.

We’ve got a live one folks!

Redditors will unironically defend animal fuckers. This, this is why we need the mayocide

I bet he got his first paycheck.

Nothing shakes a leftists faith more than seeing the government take away 50% of your labor and either outright steal it or waste it on freeloaders, NEETs, welfare qweens and other scum of society.

no conservatives I've met were ever socialist

Like 90% of college students too.

It’s easy to support high taxes when you’re not the one to pay for it. It’s also shakes you beliefs once you see how bad government spends your tax money.

I have a friend from high school, went to medical school and was super liberal. Finished medical school and residency and then got his first real doctor salary. Realized the government is taking $100,000 of it to pay for Medicaid for people who don’t give a shit about their health. Now is a full blown conservative lol.

That's a very common occurrence among doctors. They start as idealists who want to really help people, but as usual people suck and disappoint them so they get jaded as fuck.

Also since their training takes decades and their earning potential is quite big. The jump from a PGY1 50k wagecuck to high 6 figures will turn everyone into a taxation is theft supporter.

It's over for Californiacels 😔

Lol this argument is so dumb because one of the main ideas of socialism is "If you think the gubmint is dipping into your paycheck just wait until you see how much your boss is taking"

For professionals? Not that much more and the problem isn't solved by socialism anyway.

Lol this argument is so dumb because one of the main ideas of socialism is "If you think the gubmint is dipping into your paycheck just wait until you see how much your boss is taking"

maybe he just went through puberty

Only when I got into a toxic pattern of being hateful and destructive to people on the right. It's not constructive and only serves to boost my ego and feed a dark part of my personality. I was never right wing, but after I became more of a leftist I started being very mean to people on the right because I thought I was doing it for a good cause. But at the end of the day, hate only creates more hate and it's not going to help the cause at the end of the day.

Someone got woke, I mean learned to be self aware.

I actually think meme subs like r/CTH, which I obviously participate in, are good. How many potential chuds have been brought over to the left by places like CTH? More than a few.

How can one write or pronounce the word "chud" unironically without feeling an unstoppable urge to end it all.

Even writing this comment made me feel insufferable pain.

Chapocels constantly feel the urge to end it all, so there’s no difference

But they don't follow through, meaning something must be broken.

about 40% of them I'd say


Ahahah do they really think telling people to kill themselves will bring them over to their side?

“Meme sub”

“Brought people over”


I genuinely don't understand how someone alt-right could ever go full chapo/progressive. Like just surface level reading their stuff you see insane infighting over race and mean words. While the right bombards you with why it won't work (such as all of human history).

Because they're usually not truly right wing. Ir's the literal NPC meme: lots of people go with whatever the last youtube video they saw told them was right.

It happens

A neo-Nazi converted to Islam and killed 2 roommates for ‘disrespecting’ his faith

What you have to understand is they are literally empty NPCs that will accept any ideology

Those are not two wildly different ideologies though.

Western Feminists and Islam?

Imo centrism is the only way forward. Ever since mayos co opted the left, it’s been down hill.


Mayos invented the left.

At what point did this “co opt” occur. Was it before or after Mayo Marx wrote his famous Notes for NEETS?

Imagine thinking anything happened before the Malcom x.

The Gracchi Brothers would like a word

The Gracchi Bros did nothing wrong cmv

Malcom x said he only supported socialism if it benefited black people

Yup that’s the only way I would support socialism. Mayos be damned!

Lol, didn't take them long to come up against the fact that they believe there is a widespread fascist movement in the US and that all fascists need to be killed.

Lol, this dumbfuck sounds almost word for word like the religiouscels who meekly questions their faith.

Wew lad who's worse: breadtards or chapocels?

I liked this bit

Nearly every leftist I've ever met was at one point conservative and no conservatives I've met were ever socialist (though I'm aware these people exist, they aren't common).

It’s almost always the exact opposite of that.

This but unironically. I knew a few former commies that stopped being such after getting their first paychecks.

Do you think your mindset would’ve been useful in the 30s? Maybe that was a safe way to think in the past, maybe (I wouldn’t really know, being a black dude a tangle with a reactionary could end with a pig shooting me in the gut for all I know), but now that fascism is really, truly back and reactionary politics are poised to wipe out humanity, I’m sorry but we’ve just gotta accept its them or us.

Reactionaries wouldn’t even hesitate to execute every single person here, they’d kill us all, I’m perfectly fine with saying that if it’s them or us I choose us 100% of the time.

Imagine larping this hard

It’s totally happening guys! Fascism is totally back! I saw a guy say nigger on twitter!

Time to start the revolution!

When I was younger I didn't speak any English, so I only watched videos in native tongue, Spanish.

In some occasion (especially when drama happened) Hispanic YouTubers would talk about how "muh English YouTube community is not toxic at all, we should learn from them".

This was obviously bullshit, but most people eat up (including me lol) because barely any spic knows a shread of english.

But in some occasion some faggot who did know some english would post comments a long the lines of "I'm an English speaker blah blah blah I'm really disappointed in this community yara yara y'all should change". Back to what I said in the last paraphrase, this is bullshit and they are obviously doing it to drag attention to them and boost their egos.

My point is: Most leftoids who say that they used to be "anti-sjw shitheads" weren't actually. They are just larping to get praise because muh redemption arc.

oof I meant dude bread lmao

How the fuck does anyone manage to become 'breadpilled'?

OP is probably right to be cautious. I bet there's a lot of overlap between 'breadpillers' and people who are at risk of being converted by your typical door-to-door missonary.