Webcomic author wanders into his comic's subreddit after years of passive-aggressively whining about it on twitter, is immediately banned. Community infighting ensues!

37  2019-05-03 by THOT-AUDITOR


webcomic drama


40% of MikeStoklasa accounts have been banned

33% you retard.

Reported for ban evasion

Are you a Chapstick, a foid, or an irrelevant user who just wants the Jannies to notice them?

lol cope



Weird cope but okay.

People slapfighting over petty nonsense is peak drama, especially if the source of their fighting is "woe is me, I'm a depressed millennial", the comic.

Is this that webcomic about a group of millenials doing mundane millenial things that somehow has a following?

It is the one with the infamous tranny story "This is me" nonsense and the robots apparently.

infamous tranny story

You're going to have to be a little more specific.

I think I remember it but I don't know if the one I'm thinking of is this comic.

The one with the multiple edits, black hair dude, red hair tranny.

Didn't the author have a full on mental breakdown afterward cause his fandom split in half over the tranny stuff? Like I know he's stabbed himself pretty bad at least once or twice

He claims it's mostly due to alcoholism and that was probably a contributor but the sheer amount of unsatisfied trannies pointing out all their nitpicks about his attempt to pander to them absolutely drove him over the edge to do the handstab.

And IIRC it only happened once.

When you stab your hand maybe is time to Stop

At this point I'm pretty sure a significant portion of its following is users from /co/ hate-reading and combing the comics for meme potential.

John Solomon and crew need to come back.

I miss both the badwebcomics guys and shittywebcomics, it was a good source of internet drama pre-2012.

I stopped reading QC ~2013, I'm kind of surprised that it's still going.

same tbh, I only caught this drama by happenstance.

True evil never dies

complains about people discussing his personal life


constantly includes personal life commentary and excuses under his comic

Pick one.

This was pretty much the reason I stopped reading, cause I realized what a self absorbed douche the author was.

I stopped reading because I stopped being a lonely teenager that liked pointless sitcomesque comics.

The only good web comic sub is /r/assignedmale

Good lord, trannie comics are the worst.

I actually did like QC back in high school. Ahh, memories.