/r/frenworld has a frenly talk about which is worse "not sees", shekelfrens, or brownfrens

132  2019-05-03 by RalphiesBoogers


It never even began for fren-cels

Right? Left? We should all be frentrist!

This never ends well.

>Not sees can be some of the best frens

Imagine being so much of a loser that you make regular nazis look cool by comparison

This might be the most autistic thing in existence

it's the rightoid version of that godawful dogelore subreddit

observe liberals arguing about whether or not to support israel in baby talk

Butthurt MDEfugees are downvoting you ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

this is fucking terrible

This is why we need mayocide

That gave me an extra chromesome

That's mine, give it back you fuck.

Reminds me of imagine posting

>imagine imagine posting

Ahaha, I remember the imagine posting I did. It's the only time I triggered someone into sperging out at me for multiple day, in multiple subs stalking me all around, it was great.



the dogelore trannyposting is even worse


/r/frenworld posters are just cucked MDEgenerates that pussied out of going to voat, so now they have to comment in what's essentially baby talk in order to not get banned.

Some posts in that sub are decent, a lot though are very very bad

God damn where did it all go wrong. Also of note is the dogelore discord is hosted by someone who will share their anime figures covered in cum.

at least the dogelore posters are probably tweens rather than adult manlets.

Well now I know that that exists and I can never unknow it.

/r/frenworld is bad, but this is worse. the left truly can't meme/

This thread is people pointing out how twisted someoneโ€™s logic is. Theyโ€™re saying how everyone is accepted in r/frenworld, no matter their race, religion, or political beliefs.

So y'all a buncha commie faggots?

Political beliefs are irrelevant in frenworld

If being welcoming to everyone despite different beliefs is bad in your opinion, I think youโ€™re the one in the wrong.

Oh, okay. When does the UFO arrive?

Tbh Iโ€™m hoping aliens wipe us out soon

Own your destiny, buy a handgun.

Got one, am waiting a lil longer

Too bad frencels arent accepted anyway outside of momma's house

You sound like you need someone to hug

And not your pillow

I rather be lonely than be surrounded by frentards


What is this mentally ill downie "fren" talk why do these shitheads keep getting dumber and dumber with each sub they get kicked from

It's like doggo-talk but for (sub)humans.

MDEgenerates were dicked so hard, they're reduced to baby talk



ahegao is usually sexier than this

The tips always touch in the end friendo : ^ )

โ€œDamn the libtards are gonna look stupid when they point out how stupid we are.โ€

they dont say its stupid though do they, they say its far right dangerous extremism and act as though hitler is writing them

Survival of the fittest autist?

It originated from shitpost threads on 4chan where cute versions of a deformed pepe, Apu (from a Finnish forum), would be followed with retarded child speak to try to imitate what he would sound like. Not surprising that reddit rightoids are taking it too far and just looking like actual retards.

its because its funny to make the media and pearl clutchers get really scared of baby talking cartoons

not that deep

No shit its not deep they were always retarded now they're just acting the part

That is one of the worst things I've seen in some time.

Why are they talking like retarded infants ?

What's that sub about and why do extremists like to talk like this ?

Honestly it makes it even creepier IMHO.

Yes it is, and for the life of me I can't figure out what that sub is and why they behave the way they do.

Honkler made them realise everyone was in this clown world together, so now they are nazi hippies.

nazi hippies.

God, I can't think of anything more annoying and despicable.

Because political extremists are fags

I think it started when rightoid subs were being banned, it was a semi-ironic way to talk about nazi stuff while not getting banned. Like instead of "kill" its "bop", instead of "Jew" its "long-nose fren". It was funny for 20 minutes after the MDExtermination but it quickly became sad

Oh, thanks for this.

It normalizes what would otherwise be just straight up antisemitism, racism, islamophobia, nazism, white-supremacy, etc. It makes it harder to take them seriously or figure out what exactly is and is not a "joke." They can always fall back on it just being a joke or "edgy" humor.

You can read THIS article about the tactics a neo-nazi/white supremacist site uses to spread white-supremacist ideas.

I got a great explanation already but thank you.

However -

reading Huffpo in current year.







Begone thot.

its to deliberately confuse and anger people

because its so easy and fun to do

They've smothered themselves in too many layers of irony and this is the result

What's going on with the English language at the fringes? At this rate, only radical centrists will speak English with sophisticated articulation, by 2024.

Radical Centrists will speak a Spainglish by the end of 2024

The OP of that post

Subreddit Total Karma

ChapoTrapHouse 1,230


Chapos can't help but brigade other subs

and thats a good thing!

post your hog

eww go away

Wtf? Lmao.

chapo2 seems to be where they put the folks who are too autistic for even regular chapo.


Ok, so how is this retarded shit supposed to own the libs?

And I thought I was retarded...

Jesus Christ I can see why chapotards and topretards want that sub banned

itll surpass both soon

Never thought I'd see worse comments than a rarepuppers thread.

Maybe this is the admin's endgame with banning right wing subs. They're just going to make them act more and more retarded with every banning. Now they're talking like 2 year olds and dressing up like clowns, maybe next time they'll start shitting themselves to own the libs.

Can one of you translate retard?