Bigbrain Gamer gets so mad during a dumbass argument with me he sends me a long-winded PM to tell me how hard he owned me and that he blocked me.

14  2019-05-03 by d-amazo


all i can say is


thinking that game developers are people


to add to that

thinking that voice actors are people

Maybe JFK should have intentionally sabotaged negotiations during the Cuban missile crisis

Okay. But why are you debating about videogames in Reddit PMs?

Not to mention seething about them in r/Games and r/Drama according to your profile...

This is taking self-deprecation a bit far. 🤠🐮

But why are you debating about videogames in Reddit PMs?

my dear pizzashill, i know you're going through a mental breakdown right now, but you and i both know you can read the fucking title at the top of the screen in big hyperlinked letters where it says he got angry and PM'd me, and that the argument itself was also retarded.

go back to boomer LARPing.

Oh shit. It's you!


Why are you so angry about videogames and Pizzacel? You're a bit like that mx or nmx character.

Why are you so angry

i wasn't angry today, that was yesterday.


no, i love you, you loveable little FASbaby.

hey look another thread i made. cool.