unironic "Big Yikes" in /r/moviescirclejerk when MGTOW talk's about Slay Kween's ass

170  2019-05-03 by CrosbyStillzandSwag


That sub has over 100,000 subscribers.

Let that sink in for a second. Not only are there people like that, but there are over 100,000 guys who hold that view strongly enough to subscribe to an online community and circle jerk about it.

Dramacels not even on the level of in-denial-cels. 😞 😞 😞


excuse me but are you suggesting that these chads can't get women 10 times hotter than capeshit marvel over there? They are alpha chads bro

great castle

insightful comment there

great patricarchy

great scott

More like white castle

To be fair it’s a pretty great castle.

Man I want a castle.

Castles arent for dalits like you. Maybe you csn live with the horses as a stable boy

I hope the horses will dicc me.


Is that the dude who stole Pee Wees bike?

Every time I see MGTOW I think about "Men Sent Their Own Way" and I end up laffin

Let that sink in


Jesus fucking Christ, I refuse to believe people like this actually exist.

How sheltered are these people? How have they ever not met a hateful person before?

Ahahaha I'm dead, that's me. To be fair, how often do you encounter people so socially inept bruh. I for one can say I've never met people who unironically consider 50% of the human race to be "sex-objects" lmao

Like I can say with utmost certainty that I've never met people who outwardly (and unironically) consider 50% of the human race to be "sex-objects" lmao

That sub is a magnet for people like that

Let that sink in

Women are nothing more than an sex object in the first place. you cant objectify and object 7 up boats

Wow who woud have thought MGTOWcels were islampilled. Keep fighting the good fight against the infidels and the foids brothers.

If feminists are pro islam and MGTOWs are pro islam, how come they're at each others throats?

Because Islam.

By Allah behave yourselves, or you shall have a taste of my horseshoe


457 points

If Trump can out South American kids in cages, he should do the same to everyone who subscribes to that sub.

We’re all in cages my dude. Some are just more physical than others.

Based and philosophical pilled

I feel personally attacked.

mine just surrounds my penis

No!!! They're doing gods work!!! See?

It doesn't matter if he's just trying to be funny. "I'm just joking" is how actual nazis begin radicalizing people. I'm sure he's not a nazi himself, but nazis will start by making edgy jokes that are "just jokes," then they're "funny because they're true," then they're just "true" and no longer jokes. When you have a platform of millions, yes, you have a greater responsibility than the average person because you have greater power than the average person. He may not be a nazi himself, but his "jokes" help normalize those thoughts.

TIL Hilter killed all those people because he was a big fan of edgy humor. Who knew!

It's funny how this logic never applies to you-know-who making calls for guillotines or lining people up against the wall and gunning them down.

Then again lefties are completely ineffectual so I guess they're not a legitimate threat.

"Subscribe to Pewdiepie" - Hitler

Yeah, the Night of Long Knives was just one big practical joke. And Hitler before he was popular and in power was known for his stand-up comedian bits at local bars.

why does this keep coming up everywhere it's exhausting

because he's a nazi?

Makes edgy jokes - obviously hes 100 percent serious and we should believe hes a nazi.

he is though. He's literally wearing a Nazi Uniform. Doest get much more clear cut than that.

Peoppe have been wearing nazi uniforms for skits, literally since forever. Have you never watched any sketch comedy show? Hitler and nazi jokes were literally a mainstay

Jokes is how this starts. Its an alt right dogwhistle. Its jokes now, it will call for action tomorrow.

Well let me know when he starts a call to action to kill my people. Just because a joke can turn into a call to action, doesnt mean it will. Assuming direct causation between jokes and full on call to action is irresponsible to say the least.

Just because a joke can turn into a call to action, doesnt mean it will.

but it will. Pewdiepie will lead the fourth reich, and we will beat them again.

How does /r/drama keep falling for obvious bait?

how do they keep downvoting it? you dont downvote idiots, this is the only sub where I care if I get negative karma.

We don't downvote lolcows. Huge difference there. You're just retarded.

this is r/drama, we're all retarded

How far we have fallen. There's a reason we don't downvote, so in case we're getting trolled we can claim we were in on it the whole time. The state of drama smh

Because the recent immigrant population gets off on dunking on the lolcows, which means they have a hard time distinguishing between the actual cows and the canned troll responses that all blend together after a while.

It's also why they downvote the lolcows alongside the trolls with weak bait.

This is why we need 100k-cide

I feel like I've been had

God dammit you had me fooled.

You literally could have stopped one post earlier and I would have thought you were serious.

I'm genuinely disappointed. 😭

The power of the bait is intoxicating

You seem to be a Nazi expert. Anything you're not telling us?

well I'm convinced

Swoon 😍

Well shit, that changes everything.

You know thats photoship right?

no, it's nazi apologism.

Ok either your a complete retard or your trolling.

He's the latter and you, sadly, are the former.

How am I a retard?

I don't know where you came from but you have to go back, you're clearly lost without a clue which sub you're currently in.

I know what sub im in mate I don't need people like you telling me to go back to whatever I came from.

Ok then I won't


I can't believe at least 3 people deepthroated and the swallowed this bait harder than Lena Paul.

If that's true, then that means Hitler is a Nazi.

You might be on to something

That is a real picture

Confirmed vigencel who has never been to a Halloween party nor understands what a skit is.

"I'm just joking" is how actual nazis begin radicalizing people.

To be fair, it actually requires a relatively high IQ to appreciate the subtle ironic humor reflected in pieces like this.

So when PDP makes an edgy joke he's a nazi but when one of those circlejerk fags make an edgy joke they're celebrated.

Are they playing coy or do they really think nazis recruited people by being edgy and ironic?

What does that have to do with “moviescirclejerk”???? That movies sub don’t even really hold this opinion lmao.

I've seen plenty of comments about it. It's nobody's fault; she has to compete with Chris Evans.

America’s ass

Volcel if you wouldn’t

Most circlejerk subs become libtard gallery of le racist sexist members of the sub they were made to mock

See: gcj

/uj /rj /uj /rj /uj /rj /uj /rj /uj /rj /uj /rj /uj /rj /uj /rj /uj /rj /uj /rj

Guys who talk like that are unlikely to rape anyone. They’re all either:

•too fat to chase down a woman

•too weak to hold down a woman

•too socially inept to even approach a woman, much less touch one, or

•too stupid to come up with a rape plan

/u/ChaseH9499, how long have you been working on your rape plan?

Since birth. It’s a lifelong process, g-slur

MFW a capeshitter should be one of the enlightened pro-rape centrists at /r/drama: surprisedpikachu.png

Are you of the u/DarqWolf school of thought - violent and sadistic abduction, or more a student of the slide into the DMs male-feminist approach?

I would answer this but I feel like I’ll get instantly banned

No, this is a safe space.

Indeed. Just ask u/DarqWolff.

But he’s banned 🤔

Not from /r/Drama


Wake up, xoomer, it's not March anymore.

The first honest male feminist I've ever met. I'm kinda shocked.

What a fucking nerd lol. You don't plan rapes, you just pick whatever woman is lucky enough to have you at any given time

This user is a leftoid.

I am a bot.

Orange guy is a big ol yikers

/u/buzzdash123 what does Trump have to do with some capeshit movie with Captain Flatass?

You leave her 🥞 ass out of this, asshole.

Gladly. It’d be like fucking paper

I was referring to the guy who’s name was blocked out in orange. Not trump.

There is never a wrong opportunity to remind people orange man is still bad

I used to follow Tumblr In Action, a cesspool of misogyny and transphobia, a few big factors helped me overcome this.

A lot of the posts were people shitting on teenagers for their anime fandoms, which were cringy and excessive, but hardly different than the things I did as as teenager.

Man seethes when transphobes make fun of his trap waifu. UNFOLLOWED!

Grown man mad that a sub dedicated to making fun of people, makes fun of people.

umm sweaty I think you'll find it's dedicated to transphobia

What's the deal with leftreddit being full of people who used to be alt right? Are they physically incapable of just being normal people, and instead have to flock to retarded extremes in order to fell accepted?


The alt-right hasn't even been around long enough for this many people to have been enlightened and converted away.

Don't underestimate how many of these culture warriors are still kids, like 18 or 19. It explains why this shit is so important to them (didn't pay attention to politics beforehand), and it explains why they think anyone who disagrees is a Nazi (if you're not 1000% on board with what's woke, you're a MAGA chud). I could definitely see them saying they were alt right in like 2015 or 2016, when they were 14 or 15.

Kids are also way more susceptible and alert to peer pressure, adults reach a point where they either stop giving a shit at all or actively do the reverse of peer pressure because they're that pissed off.

Don't underestimate how many of these culture warriors are still kids, like 18 or 19. It explains why this shit is so important to them (didn't pay attention to politics beforehand), and it explains why they think anyone who disagrees is a Nazi (if you're not 1000% on board with what's woke, you're a MAGA chud). I could definitely see them saying they were alt right in like 2015 or 2016, when they were 14 or 15.

It definitely has. You'd be really surprised how quick 15-20something year olds flip flop on ideaology.


Hitler himself said that it was easier to recruit opposing extremists than moderates

retards stay retards

the real horseshoe theory right here

its easier to convert a commie into a fash than it is to convert a radical centrist into either

You know how Christians love wanking to a good conversion sob story? It's that.

"We are what the bad people become when they see the light!"

its actually a really common phenomenon theres probably a name for it

people drawn to absolutist ideologies often have a really difficult time with compromise and with blurry boundaries, or conflicting virtues. they need everything to be reducted down to an ironclad set of unwavering principles that make every question of morality or ethics a simple logic-gate type test.

I had an old roommate who vacillated between being vegan/straight-edge, nazi/redneck, and drugged-out fuckboi. like, he would get his old tattoos covered over with his new identity of the month. It was like, whatever thing he found interesting, he had to become more that thing than anyone, and prove that everyone else was a poser and he was the pure embodiment. Then, when he became disillusioned with that thing or saw some flaw in it, he would become super-anti.

People with extremist views tend to have personalities that lean towards extremism. Many can only leave one extreme by jumping over to another extreme, because they're addicted to the righteous indignation.

They always use “transphobia” but is anyone actually afraid of trans people?

DAE i used to browse those icky problematic subs but then I decided to BE BETTER SWEATIE

I mean they're right. It's blatant misogyny and I'm not here for it.

I was subbed there for a bit and fuuuuuuuck me is that place one giant cringe-fest.

I'll never forget this one guy posted a picture of a sex doll he was RENTING. Bragging about how he doesn't have to take it to dinner or engage in BORING small talk.

I eventually noped out when they were going on this "she's too ugly to rape so it never happened" tangent.

I'll never forget this one guy posted a picture of a sex doll he was RENTING.

this made me smug laugh irl. like holy shit how do you even degenerate to such a level and not feel even remotely bad about it

and to play it off like he's winning....

No sex dolls before marriage

What's the point of having a circlejerk sub if you're just going to seriouspost and clutch your pearls?

I have a friend who went down the incel rabbit hole and he's completely incapable of interacting with the wives or girlfriends of anyone in our group. He resents them for being in a relationship with a friend of his when he isn't in one himself. So he resorts to clipped sentences and doesn't engage in conversation. Doesn't even make eye contact. A real joy to be around, let me tell you.

And this isn't just social anxiety, this is new. I've known the guy for 20 years, he's one of my oldest friends. This is a shitty home life coupled with limited prospects, one major relationship that went south, and piss-reeking sewage lagoons like r/MGTOW echoing in his head that he's the victim. And unfortunately he chooses to tune into that voice instead of ours.

Well when you put it like that, it seems like the reason dudes become incels is for a whole bunch of RL reasons, not because of subplebbits that need to be "yeeted" (🤮) out of existence because of bad opinions

We just need to insult him about his personal problems until he's one of ours, instead of one of theirs.

Anyone who unironically uses yeet or any conjugation of it should be necked. CMV.


And most of the people on trollX hate men because they're ugly fatties with no redeeming features, but they'd still be better off without a community telling them how it's not their fault and the world owes them a debt for doing zero work.

What's more shocking than anything is the surprise those people seem to have that a mayo woman isn't thicc.

this is just hate speech

oh honey

My God 23 year old lefties are the biggest crybaby pussies on earth. What the fuck.

Wow, look at this triggered snowflake. You need a safe space from pussies?

Are you talking?

Imagine using "need" in a condescending tone in current year

Imagine using quotes and italics in current year. Fuck outta here with your gay ass cracker runes LMAO 🤣

Wow that sub is sad

Just incels who don’t know they’re incels.

Yeah, this is just hate speech. Time to yeet that sub into oblivion please

imagine saying this unironically.

must be sad being a virgin retardd,

What a stupid sub lmao

I have a secret huge fetish for normies saying "yikes" unironically as a reaction to something they dont like

Can't believe those Incels were attacking Captain Toe Fungus. 😤

OP is salty they were banned from moviescirclejerk