Calling all drama llamas, SRDines, MDEfugees, Chapotards and beyond! It's time for the 100k subscriber banout!

595  2019-05-03 by justcool393

Hello all!

Many of you have made multiple posts, comments, and modmail messages saying that the subreddit is absolute shit now and wanting us to ban a bunch of people.

Sometimes, we actually do things around here.

In response, we have decided to ban members of the subreddit at random, the amount of which we put to a poll. Y'all couldn't behave, so we split the difference between 90 and 69 and are banning 90.69% of people. FAQ is below.

Livestream here.

The ban out will start at May 4, 2019 midnight UTC.

Posts from your Moderators

To be added once these posts are submitted.


Is anyone exempt?

If you are an approved submitter, you are. You can find out if you are. You have to be one of the best posters or one of the worst posters. Asking to be an approved submitter will earn you a ban and mute.

Is there any way to get unbanned?

Yes. You can send a photo of the word bussy on your forehead with your underwear in your mouth. Your photo must include a timestamped username as always. Also, if the mods like you I guess you'll probably be unbanned.

If you ask to be unbanned without doing that, you'll be muted.

Keep yourself safe, tranny.

That's not a question, and I will. Thank you for your concern.


cool post op




at least it's not AGGP

This is retarded. Exactly what we all expected, fucking perfect.

The type of shit 12 year olds think is funny

Do yourself a favor and get off the Internet and read a book

I was hoping for something good since we were all expecting shit. And instead we le whacky prank that some other sub did years ago.

In b4 they don't do this but something equally retarded and follow it with SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS.


ye literally

I just hope they highlight the most braindead users and put them on display during the stream.

They’re not even doing that

it's over for unapprovedcels

But this is way cooler

It's not even retarded, just boring. It's essentially the same as all the other times they've made the sub private. Except even worse, cause you can just bypass the ban by making a new account. Hell, I burn accounts every month or 2 just to get around uppity mod faggotry anyway.


Anyone ‘attached’ to their reddit account is gay as hell. Imagine caring about karma.

I don't care about karma, I care about my usernames. I put too much thought into mine and get attached to them. I have 35 accounts and I do not plan to ever delete a single one

The mods don't disappoint <3




It's over for dramacels.

Should have been 9069% of subscribers, so they start banning people in other subs. We do have some mod overlap with SRD... 🤔🤔🤔

Not as much as we used to, sadly.


Maybe she could nuke the modmail again, and cause even more meta drama (again)

All of Reddit banned. Productivity amongst necrophilic mortuary assistants would go through the roof.

Why don't we ban 90,69% of reddit?

I am just happy all the magacels and chapocels will be bone for a period of time.

Paxdrama soon brothers


Radical Centrism will be achieved

Pax Luctuosa

I don't think that's how averages work. But I ain't a chinaman so I don't maths so well


So this is how things die, with a ban and not a round of applause. I think I got that one wrong 🤔

Chaotic neutral

Based and 100k-pilled

Day of the Can next

the can just got 10ft wider

I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. have -,,

  3. made -,,,

  4. multiple -,,,

  5. posts -,,,


  7. we actually do things around here -,,

  8. we put to a poll -,,

  9. Livestream here. -,,

  10. May 4, 2019 midnight UTC -,,

  11. You can find out if you are. -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Snappy you're back! 🤗

I hope snappy won't get banned


This might be my last time to say, Snappy, don’t believe in yourself. Believe in the me who believes in you.

mmm welcome back sweaty

gracias imgo [sorry i am doing cultural appropriation rn]

hold on to that small sense of accomplishment, it will fade again once you remember how much of a loser you are

i feel no accomplishment

it will fade again once you remember how much of a loser you are

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

Ok I was laughing at first the long post ruined it

dunno the copypasta always makes me laugh

Sorry I'm artistic so i need my copypastas full of emojis

just put it through a emojizer

Imma need a source on this.

Should I finally go the extra degenerate mile and actually join the discord?

dunno i got banned from it within 2 hours of joining it for being av very good poster

Youre literally the only person ive seen in the discord who demands more attention than pizzashill

attractive, intelligent, and cool people such as myself are high maintenance



Actually an reard like a boss

Quelle surprise.

How many trannies are in that discord?

there are no trannies in discord

But aren't you in the discord?

Fake news

She's cis.

Comfyelf started transitioning today

They also told me there were no girls on the internet, and look where we are today. All of the porn subreddits have been taken over by faceless Gonewilders and camwhores.


2 of the subs tranny mods are telling a third tranny mod not to buy the cheapest HRT possible literally right now

im not involved in this


I'm not buying injectibles from Somalia

My experience with it was pretty great. There was a guy(?) moaning they'll never have a gf, endless posting of hentai, and other assorted degeneracies.

So business as usual?

that sounds aweful

Was in awe, no doubt.

This would be a good time for someone to link to that discord debate from pizza, but I'm too fucking lazy to look it up. Also discord is for pedophiles and furries.

Found it. It was surprisingly easy.

Wow. All I got were threads about Pizza and Captain P fightining over.. whatever.

So yes. Stay off of discord kids. Or this will happen to you. I bet they even let Mircy back in.

That’s godawful. Shame on you for making me remember that





They play this to torture muslims in cia black sites


Good timing.

It do kinda be like that rn ya.

I was the 100 001 thanks to you, reeee !

that's pretty autistic

'autisitc' does not mean stupid and

There's a reason I said autistic and not stupid and you not seeing that must mean that you are both stupid and autistic


Nice projection, kid

It ain't projection if it's true


really great to see you're not upset in any way about this




what is having a life that isn't staring at a computer screen and feeling smug about knowing how to right click on a page and edit some text


i dunno i just want to die already

what have you done

of course it was you... 🙄

Wait, whoops, I'm supposed to be diplomatic. What I meant to say was... well done, congratulations on your achievement, you are an important part of r/drama history. Unironically.

I too have mastered the ways of inspect element.

That's sad tbqh


Since when did you become a drama poster? Don't think I've ever seen you outside cb2

One of the best or one of the worst posters.

Wow, okay. I already know I’m not the former. 😔

I think you are. 🤗

Thank u bb you are too. 😻

This is what u/AntiLowEffortBot would have wanted.

PbuH! 🤖☠️ 🤘🏻😔👌🏻

I'm the latter and damn proud of it

I'm both at the same time.

t. R A D C E N

Checkmate atheists

Isn't the worst poster by definition the best poster? Only the mediocre posters are the true worst.

Yes, and no. There are limits I think.

If there are, then /u/masterlawlz is breaking new ground in horseshoe theory.

It’s like quantum physics. We are the hadron collider.

Creating a black hole?

Yeah sounds about right.

*bussy hole

It's kind of like if you yeet a horseshoe across the quad and it's spinning wildly out of control.

Only the mediocre posters are the true worst.

No, no, no. Worst or best are the extremes, and mediocre is the centrist way.

True centrists don't post.

Somehow I managed to become approved while being a mediocre poster

So...I'm therefore one of the worst posters, so I'm good right?

Can confirm; am both mediocre and the worst.

Horseshoe theory

Not bad, but you should add more grossly over the top sexual content and dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs yes. I make like 1-3 crazy sex comments a month, but it’s better sparingly. The human body only has so many combinations of orifices and secretions. Trust me, I’m a man of science. I counted them.

Definitely more dinosaurs. Also, you'd be shocked what scientists and a creative fetish scene have done for disturbing sex acts, let alone secretions and orifices. Did you know what with a sounding fetish, you can recycle someone's urine into your own bladder and urinate it back out on your victim? Provided your collection is suitably sterile. The UK raingear fetishists has also made some amazing innovations in humiliation.

If I get taken, and I mostly likely will, the mods won't be getting pictures. They'll be getting disturbing a graphic written portrayal of Masterlawls pursuing a gay, sexual relationship with a spinosaurus. I may break out the shitty art too, but it's going to take like 8 hours to compile GIMP.

Damn I need to read that. Definitely break out the art, this sub loves shitty art.

Working title: A Land Beyond Foids. In humanity's twilight days as the dinosaurs return from beyond the plasma fold, /u/Masterlawlz and his new saurian lover journey across an America grappling with the shock of the end of the Holocene. Their destination: Los Angeles. Their goal: to see to completion mankind's final, crowning cultural achievement: the Ben 10 remake. A gift to Earth's true masters before the Great Consuming commences.

The human body only has so many combinations of orifices and secretions.

You can always make more.

I was wondering how I got approved.

Banning all the averageposters = anti-centrist 😭

Did it happen already?

There's still time to become the latter. 🛬🕋🕋✡🤔😏

Nah. I’ll just keep doing whatever it was that got me approved in the first place. Not worth the gamble.

Same. Fuck

Its actually over for unapproved cels


now the narcs can swim in their own shit

Brb boutta off myself😎

Livestream it

blame SRD in your suicide note

banning everyone who doesn't engage in cringy meta bullshit turns this formerly fun place into a den of a dozen autistic losers who gain their social reaffirmation through anonymous online forums. like half of /r/drama is already devoted to 🤢subreddit culture🤢 instead of drama, and that development will only be accelated by the execution of our humble, but hardworking lower class.



imagine thinking you have to be one of the meta fags or be nice to them to be an approvedcel

Fuck meta/joke posters tbh

Ye like the dino guy

Tell the truth about the apex creature in existence is not a joke

Are you gonna make a dinopost in honor of 100,000 subscribers or do I need to do it.

All I have seen lately are platyposts.

You gotta step up your game.

One a month because I’m lazy. There is one soon for May tho

I lived?

There'll be less actual content when 90% of the sub is banned though retard. Shitty metaposts will become 80% of the posts here

Isnt like 90% of posts right now just meta



You act like less content is a bad thing. Go outside loser

automod is gay

Automod lmao



The 10% will be the boring faggots that spam platypus and taylor swift images. You're not missing out on anything.

Can't wait for you to get out of jail Snappy, I have a gift for you.

Yeah this is a retarded idea and, like everything the mods here do. is just another opportunity for power users to suck each other off

This would be pretty funny if they actually included powerusers. But they won't because no balls.

/u/justcool393 should have made a post saying that literally everyone would be banned at midnight, except those who sign up on an exempt list. Then at midnight only ban everyone who signed up for the exempt list. At least that would have been kinda funny.

This really is the lamest shit.

You want drama? Announce that everyone's getting banned in 24 hrs unless they sign up on a special exempt list. Then after 24 hrs, only ban people who signed up on the list.

Or do this like every 6 months but decide whether or not people on the list gets banned.

That would require the mods to be, you know, actually funny.

This but unironically

like, really

show bussy (approved status)

No thanks, I'll gladly take the ban rather than give in to the darkness that is approvedceldom.


show hog (approved status)

This but unironically. Never forget the meta shit that the discord people brought 🤢🤢🤢

Brought. Past tense.

Pow pow.

Meta shit is better than the year of gamergate we had

Discord is a plague and metas ruin absolutely everything

This is actually spot on. Fuckin faggots lmao

stop i can only get so hard

But le quirky platypus XD. Gimmickposters are a cancer, too bad they aren’t getting banned.

Guess you should've been funnier, loser

into a den of a dozen autistic losers

so nothing changes?

keep coping my nigga

Rip drama

yeah im pretty sure thats what they wanted

I'll see you all in heaven 😇😇😇

lurker gang unite

I'm feeling lucky

Is there even such a thing as an "approved" cel?

Now I can rest in peace.

How will I C O P E?

all the magacels and chapocels will get banned from this sub

It is truly a wonderful time

Something something no one left to speak for me

Should've banned all approvedcels too, since they actually care a lot about being able to access this sub on their main.

Literally just banning all the approvedcels would have been way tastier. Everyone sucking up to the mods and making cringy metaposts for months trying to get onto a list which just ended up being a ban list. Instead we get this gay shit smh.


Based and virginpilled.



This is the best thing to happen to the sub in a long time

Snapping 90% of the sub is basically capeshit bullshit.

Execute order 66

mor like order 69 like the sex nummer lol gotem

We should ban 420.69% of users, would be a TOTALLY EPIC GAMER MOMENT

Despite making up only 13% of the population

Yikes sweaty sounds like some nazi term

Its worse... its spacecapeshit.

What the hell is this stupid site good for if i can't access drama?

Find something more worthwhile to do with your time on Reddit. Take me for example, I think that /r/food and /r/foodporn should have different rules else what's even the point of having two subs, so I mention it whenever anyone posts a burger in /r/foodporn but the mods keep telling me to fuck off.

what if i just submitted pics of me fucking different fruits occasionally

Then you'd be based.

Then you need to be modded right nau

/r/Tastyfood Master Race

🤔 💡

May I recommend Subredditdrama? They have plenty of...popcorn.


I was banned once my caravan reached SRD's city walls after drama kicked us out last time.

SRD bans for being a drama poster or being anti-pedo (at least SRD mods actively ban if you point out that people shouldn't fuck children or objectify kids on tv).

As such, people should avoid posting on SRD with their drama accounts. They should use a separate account to avoid discrimination. If you get banned on your main and then go back with an alt that is ban evasion and the meanmins will get you. If your burner accounts catch warning and you've never been banned you're in the clear.

Of course, posting on SRD will make you gay. As you're probably already trans from posting here, this may result in a confusing situation for your family.

They didn’t ban me even when I commented on the quarantine/displacement thread. Kinda hurt my feelings.

You have gussy in your name and they range from men's lib poster to full on male feminist over there. They have to be nice to broads to lure them in so that the male feminists can take their reward for respecting women (except when they say no after being given sufficient support) and the men's libbers can hold your hand, cry with you during the assault, and masturbate all at the same time (they're excellent multitaskers).

Ah. That’s what it was. I do have a very feminine benis energy about my typing. Maybe I could be modded there.

Do people actually get suspended for ban evasion? Has anyone ever seen it happen?

SRD mods wives all have boy friends. That’s 100% fact too.

SRD bans for being a bad drama poster

Fixed it.

I avoided my ban their by actively discouraging pedophiles from fucking trans kids, and promoting the fucking of straight kids.

Autistic problems require autistic solutions.

Going to r/SRD is a death sentence. Their smugposting is hazardous.

Can confirm. Myself or a loved one got mesothelioma from browsing srd. 0/10

You may be entitled to compensation. Call 877-CASH-NOW to find out.

It’s actually 800-515-1212

They have some of the most intense drama though, cause theyre such whores

They ban anyone interesting well before the hazard sets in

What's their immigration policy gonna be like?

Once you go drama you can never go back

Once you go drama you drop your comma.

Who needs grammar when you have style like me 😎😎😄🤠🤓🧐

🐶 boop.

Just for that I upvoted you to 70 points.

My karma penis grows even more engorged with the updoots.

If you were a true dramanaut you would be an approvedcel

Is this another abortion metaphor? Out! Out!

You bent the knee.

You can though, just put your undies in your math and snap that pic fam

You know reddit accounts are free, right?

You can still read it just not give your retarded takes

Getting banned doesn't mean you can't see the sub. You can also just make a new account, I'm on like my 15th account for one reason or another.

Fucking disgraceful. Mods should ban themselves.

But if the quality goes up then more people might sub?!?

But if the quality goes up

AHahaha, imagine believing r/drama quality can go up. We are spiralling downward and have always been buddy. 😎😎😎

Are you saying that if we banned /u/masterlawlz the quality wouldn't go up 300%

No bulli the best poster in this sub, and the only non trans mod we have.

I guess I am off to shit post at /r/banpitbulls if I get banned. I completely support banning 90%.

Fuck, my sis is a shitbull lover. She tried giving some pit puppies to our mom (who has two cats), our grandparents (who are basically disabled), and a ton of other people. I fully support banning the pits, hell, at this point I am halfway on board for the "drown all doggos" plan.

My brother is too.

Luckily his is a female runt that weighs 30lbs and has seizures all the time and has all kinds of health issues, so if worse came to worse I could just meet it.


Why do retards waste money on defective weapons?

It was free I think.

Most velvet hippos are already borderline retarded compared to most dogs. But the one my brother has is a literal mouth breather.

So he just lets the beast spez out without medication or psychological therapy? Terrible parent.

Pretty much.

Woah. I didn't notice who I was interacting with. 👍

This is a good example of a retarded pibble that approximates my brothers shit beast.

Why do retards get retard doggos? 🤔

It's only because of the way it was raised. DIQ is a social construct.

God doesn't want it to live.

Foids like pitties because they think they can "fix" them.


Foids were a mistake.

If you don't think Pitbulls will steal babies and eat them, you haven't been paying attention to the literature.

Foids are based and dogpilled tbh

Imagine thinking pitties are anywhere near being a dog and not a devil incarnate, yikes!

Uh, sweaty, I think the dogs are based and foidpilled....

Foids like pitties because they can "fuck" them.

No foids like them because they are dogpilled.

Shitty as they are, velvet hippos are the Chad's of dog breeds under 100lbs, second only to the Dogo Argentino.

The Argentino's ancestors were so based that they would kill the females after mating.

Foids don't want a beta golden retriever nice guy dog.

Dogoeconomic factors

ban your sister m8

strong username to post content ratio

This sub has become the people it used to make fun of.

True, but hurtfull nonetheless, buddy.

This but without irony and it’s all because we strayed too far from Allah and radcentrism

Doing it on the spaceshit day too no less

Perfectly centrist, as all things should be



How does one know if we are banned?

You will.

I think it’s funny

Even Thanos only did 50%.

The mods are worse than Thanos.


Imagine going away for a long weekend and finding out that my top tier shitposting account has been benned from r/drama. Now, admittedly this isn't the first time I've been banned here (I think we are on number 4 or number 5), but what I really want to know is wtf is the point of gilding your bussy /u/trappysaruh if I can't even get an approvedcel status out of it? How about you /u/MasterLawlz ? I gilded your gross sexy Phedre fan fiction and you don't even use the minimal amount of pull to save me. At least add me to your newsletter or something, because how else am I going to get my constant stream of self validation without saying, "Heh, at least I'm not MasterLawlz"

Anyway, I decided to make productive use of my time and open a Patreon for my tranny pirate game. I now have 4 patreons, which is enough for one large meat lovers pizza combo with extra garlic sticks a month, so I consider this overall a win.

PS: Please donate to my patreon I want to be able to afford two large meat lovers pizza combos by the end of the month.

Anyway, I decided to make productive use of my time and open a Patreon for my tranny pirate game.

In many way this is exactly what I would expect from a r/drama user.


Based chasers. :^)

Agree. Dramacels should sacrifice themselves voluntarily to keep the balance.

They banned one of my other accounts and I wasn't even subbed to this. These retards are banning completely random people to make it seem like they actually have the balls to ban people dumb enough to use this sub. What a bunch of absolute mongoloids.

I'm literally only commenting on this to let you guys know these retards are banning completely random people to make it seem like they actually have the balls to ban people dumb enough to use this sub.

Working as intended, inshallah.

I can't post on the drama caused by my banning. The irony, I can't take it

I can't post on the drama caused by my banning.


😭😭 How can I COPE??? 😭😭

Jews did this


Wordplaycels first into the chamber.

/u/annoysthegoys did you actually help plan this?

It's an unapprovedcel holocaust! Payback time.


I feel like I need more context to understand this meme.

Hahaha I just read it again and realized it was somebody's meme and not the original script.

Damn you, imgur!


The image is from Schindler's List, a film where a man saves Jews' lives during the Holocaust by putting them to work in factories. In the depicted scene, he breaks down over the fact that he could have saved more, lamenting that mere material possessions could have prevented people's lives from ending.

It is wholly unappropriate, but funny, to liken this to /u/AnnoysTheGoys being involved in a situation where many dramanauts will be banned, but a few approved people will be saved because they can be put to work generating content. I should add that 'goy' is slang for non-Jew, and ATG's flair is a charicature of a Jewish person. In short, he is treated as having a Jewish identity.

Finally, after checking the image again, I found that some gamer had actually taken the scenes and replaced "names" with "games", so it gets a distracting, unintended, but still fun layer of degeneracy.

How would the material posessions have prevented more jews from dying in the movie? If he was just putting them to work, then how does him owning stuff affect anything?

I mean it's clearly a work of fiction. There are bound to be plot holes.

Its annuda shoah!

This one is well-deserved though



dude bussy lmao

welp its been a good run for unapprovedcels such as me

Yep. Haven't cared to suck up to mods, so here we are.

The only thing ill miss is dinopost commenting :(

yeah rip. had a good run lurking here but now i shall be smitten.




Imagine thinking you have to kiss ass to be an approvedcel(except for Sensei Lawlz you should want to kiss his ass with no expecting of compensation)

You have to be part of the "meta" culture to be an approvedcel. Sucking dick or bragging about how you don't suck dick > Actually posting drama, apparently.

You'd fit in with SRD methinks

unnaprovedcels rise up, we must c o p e harder


i can only seethe tho 😤😠😡

Foids 🤢

cool beans

This is pretty much what I expected from a bunch of autist. (Not you masterlawlz)

Oh God Oh Fuck

Now that's a good shabbos goy.

Kulaks deserved it.


Country Club mode again. Just in time for end of semester. It’s good being approved. 😎 😯 😎🤙🏿🤠

Posting in a honey pot thread.


ok, this is epic

The Day of 100k has arrived 🤤

Kinda capeshitty, but man that kind of drop in users sounds delightful.

I just unsubscribed with all my alts and you're below 100k faggots.

Based and absolutely red pilled

start with the mods

ill take the hit

We cannot lose our most valuable asset! Ban assuka a thousand times before Saruh!

The radical centrist take here would be to ban u/masterlawlz.

"go rest"

You're too valuable. If any mod should be sacrificed, it should be me. I hardly do anything besides ban screenshot posters and Mdegenerates.

I think I found this sub through you, well one of your posts on /r/EnoughCommieSpam (*could've* been someone else, there is a tiny overlap but I don't think it was someone else) so you're definitely in like top 3 mods for me

based AND red pilled

can't snappy the trappy

just what jesus would want

No you're one of the only jannies that aren't completely retarded


Just as long as they don’t ban snaler gaster or mister lols they crack me up

Heh, imagine being an internet moderator.

This'll be a gas

Make me an approved submitter or else I’ll genocide someone


See who’s laughing in a few hours chump

Still gonna be me

So how does it work

Is it random like marvel snap or what

We take turns throwing our chopped off testes onto a printout of every subscribers username

I'm gonna break the bee's knees.

You retards never respond to mod mail anyway. I've been ignored, bullied and silenced! I'll have no more of this insolence 😡

lol i get it like with jews

So we'll eventually wind up with what it looks like when private, except everybody can see it? How embarrassing.

It'll be like those couples who keep the windows open when fucking. Except instead of missionary like Allah intended , it'll be some wild degenerate shit

hey man, exhibitionists cant afford to order pizza every damn night

Back to the glorious days of 2015 drama.

So basically you're just going to ban a bunch of lurkers. Bravo

Maybe they should have lurked less? 🤷

Is /u/ed__butteredtoast an approvedpostercell?

No drama posts in his recent history, so I guess not.

u/ed__butteredtoast is hiding after tic tock bested him


True, you may be centrist, but you are only a radical centrist when you shout out.

actually true lurkers are more likely to survive the ban

🤔Guess I never should have commented

Basically yeah. I survived and I'm a literal who

Don't worry. There's still time for you


the banning is looking to take up to a week since its being done iteratively.

You might have just entered yourself in the draw

99% chance I was always in it

Can all lurkers please stand up and make themselves known.

As long as the seriousfags like Pizzashill die forever and all his alts die forever Im happy to be banned too

They're probably the ones downvoting lolcows, if it makes you feel better.

I lurk, but I would never be such a fool

Damn it


No, a bunch of commenters. They can't ban subscribers since you can't see a list of subs.

I didn't even fucking know this sub existed and my main got banned lmao

Kys faggot


Ban all these meanies!

Asking for others to be banned is a bannable offense. Goodbye forever.


Still love you, SENPAI ❤️

Haha if you havent been banned at least 10 times from here your probably not doing it right

If I get banned I’m gonna kill myself. /r/drama is my fucking life I quit my job and kicked my gf out of my house just so I could devote my life to DUDE BUSSY LMAO


one of the worst posters


friendly reminder they directed everyone to SRD during the privatization hiatus



Jannies tidy up my filth, and they do it for free.

Imagine subjecting yourself to that kind of ridicule and acute mental anguish - wading through the worst the internet can serve up. Then consider that you are still much lower on the totem pole than the guy that cleans up a preschool kid's hot, oily, mustard-colored butt-piss all day.

At least a real janitor gets a paycheck and health benefits to keep them going every day.

They should also ban 90.69% of SRDines as well

You misspelled 100% there pal

Day of the can cannot come too soon.

You misspelled 100.69% there buddy

Why not all?

I mean it's fun until /u/takeittorcirclejerk bans you for bait or trolling. On the plus side if everyone has to make new accounts we'll be able to have fun in SRD again.

Y'all couldn't behave, so we split the difference between 90 and 69 and are banning 90.69% of people.

So whites are excluded?

They should only allow Filipinos to post, after all its a fact that they are the strongest race.

Based Dutuerteposting.


What did he mean by this?

r/ZweiRama for all banned Drama refugees

No Germanophobia though

It's over for krautcels.

They do it for free!

Lol the subscriber count went down 25

This is going to be a great start to my weekend.

We salute you, those who are about to die.


Le epic xd has xd'd

Sub count is dropping lol

include me in the screencap

What's the Chapo copypasta?

This is one of the most retarded ideas I've ever heard.


Unapproved-cels such as I are S E E T H I N G

Lmao @ everyone unsubscribing their alts rn

I am shadow banned by mods but jannys still get me please.

Yes. You can send a photo of the word bussy on your forehead with your underwear in your mouth. Your photo must include a timestamped username as always.

The things I do for this fucking sub.

I swear if you do that you're a degenerate

I prepared just in case

Obviously but it's the only way to feel alive anymore


Well, goodbye r/drama. I’m not retarded enough to be a top poster

Lurkers rise up

we should create r/dramameta to laugh at them like animals in a zoo

We're too busy lurking.

Git gud fgt

Worried about getting banned? What rings u got, u fucking scrub?

I'm very sad rn ngl

This is one of the only places that keeps me on reddit

Sounds like the mods are doing you a favor.

Ehh at least we still got /r/DeuxRAMA. Is it the same? Nah. Will I care in a month? Nah.

Are these bans even permanent?

You really think they’ll go through with it don’t you

You hate to see it happen but what can you do when you show up to shit late and everything has been autistically screeched for?

Looking forward to it being walked back in like two weeks though lmao

Goodbye lurker friends :(


The most oppressed group of ALL - LURKERS


LMAO it's actually OVER for unapprovedcels

Basted and rainbowpilled.

Posting in order to be bannable

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that banning users of the sub for a joke isn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning is not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It won't be a good feeling to find myself banned from this sub for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.

What you said but less gay.

vulnerable populations

Found the White Genocide truther!

Who put 20p in this cunt?

It's 🍝 dumbass.

Well I’m not deleting it because I stand by my mistakes unlike your father 😘

Guess again fa🅱️🅱️ot, it's my mother that hates me 😤😤😤



is this from the marvel sub? Fucking LOL. I guess they're too stupid to just make new account.

It's actually from cth, to no one's surprise.

No wonder they have to deal with ableism.


I am a fan of /r/chinesetentaclehentai, I can see why someone would need their support.

This, but unironically.


Got a link to the original comment?

Imagine caring about your username on Reddit this much

Just make another account

Is anyone exempt?

If you are an approved submitter, you are

See mom? I told you I was good at something!

Reasons why i love r/drama 🙏🙏🙏

Lottery? Sounds like a Jewish scheme did AnnoysTheGoys come up with this retarded idea,

الله has blessed this post 🙌🏻

Just a reminder that the mods are doing this for FREE!

NO monetary compensation WHAT-SO-EVER.


This is more exciting than capeshit snapping memes.

Been fun but this is a necessary evil.

mayocide take me now

It's lame cause you can't ban lurkers

when you just joined the sub and know you'll be certainly banned but you're happy because someone will care enough about you to ban you.

Pick me please, I"m an incel that doesn't read

> copying capeshit memes

Discord ban when?

Easy come, easy go

So the solution is to unsubscribe til after the ban?

It would be funny if I was one of the 9.31% of people that made it, but I'm never that lucky and that's why dad beats me.

Mods are the biggest effort posters.

thats what makes it fun

I know drama is supposed to be a scuffed paradise, but have the mods actually gone off the deep end ( as if they ever were in their right minds)?

Scuffed? OUT OUT OUT!

Calm down big boy. R/drama is like a home...well more like a group home, but still.

Dude shut the fuck off

Who hurt you sweaty?

This will be but a holy jihad, inshallah brother. The unbelievers will be slain, for nothing happens but the will of Allah

They do it for free, lmao

bruh i just got unbanned

thank you.

Resident gussy Special Detective Anthony Gabagool signing off. Its been an honor.

I couldn't disagree more. You were the thin blue line keeping this place from total anarchy.

Ya know, at the end of a long career that's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you Jared, feel free to ping me if you ever need an investigation.

You got 6 months left till you collect your pension. I'll do what I can to get you some cases to keep you at minimum hours so you can coast into a well-earned retirement. God bless you for your service.

When the ban hits your eye like a big pizzapie THAT'S A BUSSSSIEEEEE

Where the fuck did you go, dude? It's like you've been in Sardinia for the last few weeks of Bussypocalypse.

Good thing I don't own any underwear, see y'all butt flaps never.

So all that will be left is Chapo and AITA spam? Can you snap those of us who wasted years here, ya know go back in Time and give us a life ?


Mods are subhumans

R/drama will ironically become the most Mayo sub after the ban. Will mass suicide follow to correct this affront?

Maybe not, everyone knows that r/drama is 90% white men larping, the mods just need to make sure they 'randomly' get the right people.

There is no such thing as a white person, only ppl with albinism

Gentlemen, it has not been an honour

Jokes on you losers deuxrama is better anyway



Please don’t ban me and please make me an approved poster please

You see, if you look our horse shoe as flat as our world is, you can see that it's kind room, an echo chamber if you will. When the room is still small, both sides can still converse at a normal volume with each other and both can work together with the natural center to create a better existence. But as the room grows, both sides start to grow apart further. Because of how our horse shoe is shaped the center of gravity is, on our 2d plane, right about at the radical center, also meaning the two extremes have more rotational velocity giving their voices a bigger amplification effect inside the echo chamber. In the beginning and during the center years this wasn't a big problem, growing up both sides naturally developed volume their manly voices, and deep tones travel far. However, there comes a point where the room gets too big, and as it turns out, the extremes can overpower the natural center and cause chaos. For this reason it's only fair to return to a more natural state in our ecosystem, in which the natural center can do their thing and make the world a better place.

Life's a lottery, be lucky


I called it in the poll, I knew it was going to be the percentage of banned users. I voted 90% btw. Sucks that I'm not an approved submitter (my name was in the approved ping list, wtf JC?). Time to bite the pillow I guess.


What about when everyone just makes alts

Dont gild this comment guys XD


please be in the ban wave

Thx for the gold

Imagine the drama if that dude survives

Hes worse than a furry hes a table top gamer

Yo, we better get a stick everytime someone does the underware in the mouth unban method

Lmao just unsub the resub after

Just in time for snappy to be back. G.. great




can you start with all the people in this thread trying to be desperately funny for approved status

Banning posters on the center, shame on you

Nice to see the complete conversion of this place into a hugbox shithole for pseudo-edgy janitor groupies, lol

we split the difference between 90 and 69 and are banning 90.69% of people

A steep price to keep the sub from getting normiefied, but a fair one.

Im not sure my fragile ego can handle getting banned by a bunch of autistic jannies for some retarded event but i accept it, judge me jannies!

Have fun kysing after locking yourself in here with a collection of the most autistic retards to ever inhabit basements under this green earth jannies

Hot take: This is good for drama.

ban me all you want, but you cant ban my faith wallah

And whoever puts all his trust in Allah, he will be enough for him - Surah At-Talaq 65:1-3

I half expected absolutely nothing to happen and the shitstorm would be that

who fucking cares fellow faggots

I will send in that photo

Well back to lurking on SRD for the 3rd time this year

Posting for the first and hopefully last time in this sub. Its been a pleasure laughing at and with (mostly at) all of you from the shadows.

God fucking bless you all.

haha this is just like capeshit number 28 this is epic!

This is capeshit tier autism

Pls don't ban me mods


if the mods like you I guess you'll probably be unbanned.

Probably not though. The mods like the subreddit more than the users.

imagine putting a subreddit above people

good choice

Subreddits are people my friend!

Profits over People by Noam Chomsky

and nobody likes you!

Who r u



That’s not true.

The trapezoid has an obsession with me can we get rid of it first

Not more than me though... right?

If Trappy bans me to assert dominance so be it. My comments here are equivalent to the one friend who no one pays attention to when they talk so I’m sure I’ll be out.

Whose dick do you have to suck to get approved here?

I mean I'm already approved I'm just wondering whose dick it was

Best make my last post count then.

#BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

I am a bot. Contact for questions


All I ask is that you love me like you love yourself

And you do

thx BB 🤗

True story I became an approved-cel by PMing the mods asking for a ban 👉😎🔫

Probably not though. The mods like the subreddit more than the users.

Do they? I think they love power more then anything...
So yeh go suck a dick, just another example of mod abuse of power.

/r/drama mods abusing their powers is literally in the sub's rules, tourist.

Well if this is what we gotta do to get rid of all the godless Mayos then so be it.

Type S to spit on grave of Unapprovedcels

The day of radical centrism is finally here. It is beautiful.

It's been nice but I'm one of the most unluckiest people in the planet (balding since 17 and I'm a NW3 now, 3" dick so I carry a gun to compensate, and of course I'm scoring bottom 90% of iq). It's been a pleasure 🧖🏾‍♂️

Bummer, I liked shitposting ocassionally

I wonder how many lame-o's made alts just to get this cancerhole to 100k

I should have had my vaccines as a child so I could have the autism to keep up with this place

Uh, is there a soul stone I could chill out in?

Fucking based mods

well im not doing that fucking underwear shit and im not approved so go ahead and ban me now faggot or "bu bu bu MMUH COUNTDOWN" this is gay as shit this sub is already falling apart


Imagine unironically spending your weekend banning over 90 thousand Reddit accounts from the designated internet piss corner that is /r/drama

How long will you bipolar cock suckers get bored of this "joke" and we can go back to making fun of Chapotards, DDF, MDEfugees and trannies? A week or a month? Give me a time frame here.

Probably a week or two.

I guess you could autistically create a hundred new accounts now. Definitely not worth it though.

Imagine wasting your time moderating a sub full of idiotic degenerate for free and ACTUALLY PUTTING EFFORT IN IT

ban lawlz

before u are banned follow randys reddit profile !

User: Why is this rando obsessed w/ followers? Imagine instathoting on reddit

Whoever reported this is obviously an unapprovedcel. They should've followed your example (and profile!)

randy lols@ pathetic incels

Is anyone exempt?
If you are an approved submitter, you are.

well well well... its finally time for the nonapprovedcels to be cleansed. thank god im safe

I'm going to be stuck serious posting in SRD kill me now

finally the mayocide has arrived

Maybe the real drama was all the friends we made along the way

attentionwhoring and autism

Y'all couldn't behave, so we split the difference between 90 and 69 and are banning 90.69% of people.

That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read. I fucking love it.


Thank god I’m approved and this won’t (e or a)ffect

Good thing I don't post on here too often. Wonder how many people are gonna send in pics

I will sacrifice myself for the denizens of this great sub. Please accept my sacrifice and venerate me as the omnipotent God of drama.

Round it up to 92% so it’s exactly half

Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure serving with you.
\Dabs furiously**

The mayocide starts...



Well shit

I am excited by this initiative.

How will you know it's our underwear though? Could be a group of people all using the same pair.

I guess I have to do anything I can to become a lolcow

Anybody who uses discord should be unironically gased.

tl;dr: jannie faggotry. keep yourself safe dorks

The spirit of Saddam will keep me safe, inshallah.

I don't fear any of you lowly creatures.

another reason Trump will win again

Modern problems require medieval solutions. Burn us all.


this but for mayos

fucking niggers


Fuck that noise. Its been real, have fun with your tranny overlords i guess. Later nerds

The jannys have risen up

I dont believe you retards. You will regret this and unban everybody, spineless cowards

No matter how many times the jannies ban me. I swear on everything that my alts will survive. I will create an army of alts if that's what it takes.


Wot, how do i know if im approved? Im don't wanna abandon this radical centrist cause

Why am I an approvedcel? I pride myself on the mediocrity of my dramaposts.

Please make me an approved submitter. I will literally DM bussy

Ban me

What if I was to told I'd be an approvedcel but it never happened happened?

Mods are just doing this for bussy bait. Gay and Bussypilled.

do it cowards

Mods will just retcon like every other capeshit.

This place has sucked since u/Velvet_Llama stopped playing tag with the retards.

Imagine being an unapprovedcel lmfao

Class 8 bruh moment

Well hopefully this is enough to be an approved poster

Is thanos a mod here or something?

As a lurker, I volunteer to be the first casualty in this holy crusade.

fuck my bussy

fuck 12


This is epic

Mod's gonna freak!

The ban message should obviously direct them to SRD.

i'll probably get fucked, bye guys and thanks for all the bussy

Day of the drama rope comes ironically at the same time as space capeshit day. Nice.

goodbye /r/drama do not go gentle into that good bussy

This is funny considering the quality drop in this sub reddit after the apporved posters were only allowed to post. I get that nothing is seriouse here but the mods here are still pretty weird. Atleast ill be glad to see this place go downhill at the hands of their own mods, especially since we thought refugges were the one who would kill this place

Holy shit the cope is real.

I could never ve banned. I doubt ig ever happen to me.

May Allah bless you with plenty of bussy, dramamods.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

&nbsp;If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Doesn't only keeping the best and worst go against centrism? Should you just keep the mediocre posters?

so what do I gotta do to get banned around here?



This is the greatest thing to ever happen here

let me become a mod so i can ban all the mods and make myself godmod you will all be banished to the abyss of your abysmal lives as you smile your pubic hair in order to ward off the evil admin spirits that haunt the dusty hallways of what this sub once was, a tranny takes a hold on the whirling log of doom, moving it in a circular motion like a ship captain, until the tentacles of your conscience pulls you into the ocean where you drown of piss shit and cum, literally gargling on salt like a putrid snail that is popped and crushed inside of the mouth of a French school child, balking at the lack of care citizens of the United States have, until you realize that you’re merely a speck on planet earth and will amount to nothing but a shitty mod on reddit that unironically calls people cuck and uses their smegma as lube only for their dog to lick off the tip of your stinky bell end, a mod that lives for nothing but the integrity of their own sub

komm süsser tod.

Hmmmm good job janitors another useless ban

I weep for the future.

I mean, it's not like anyone actually uses their main account for r/drama

90% of accounts here are alts in the first place so I don't think it will actually affect anything.

Speak for yourself. I only have one Reddit account cuz r/drama is the only worthwhile sub

This place made me discover my love for smooth bussy, so banned or not... I learned a important life lesson.

This is un-Islamic!

Absolutely haram!!!!!!

So I started fucking feminine men and got a taste of that sweet sweet bussy all for you to give me the reach around and say fuck you?


It's probably worth it

This kills the unapproved poster.

Sounds fun

Just unsub before the ban then resub after EZ

Is anyone exempt?

If you are an approved submitter, you are.


Can I get approved

Honestly, a ban is probably the greatest kindness any mod could bestow upon any of us. And the more it hurts the better you are off being band

The mods are a special kind of retarded if they go through with this. When we get banned we should all go seek refuge in r/chapotraphouse

Thanos snap me daddy I'm ready, feed me to my pitbull when I'm gone

The best possible solution to the unavoidable tragedy of agenda posters and /r/all influxes.

May you forever walk in Platy's light 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Please don't ban my lurker ass

Haven’t posted in drama in like 4 years, what’s been going on

As an approved submitter, I fully endorse this

Ty Jannies

This is good for Drama-coin

Oh, well. This account has been getting stale anyway.

man I don't give a shit just tell me when this is over

I never comment here anyways, so as long as I can still keep up with the drama from around the net it's all good.

The cope from unapprovedcels is great 👍🏽

Will I get a nice message when I'm banned?

honestly i'm probably gonna be better off being banned from here

i appearn't to be banned unless you're bad at livestreams and clocks

I propose that all those banned migrate to /r/GenZ. Dab on those zoomers and CAfugees

Post here when you get banned:

This is the mayocide weve been waiting for

since statistically I'm going to be banned:

he’s a mod

on the internet

on a subreddit for taytay's dick pics

he does it for free

he takes his “job” very seriously

he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life

he bans retards he doesn’t like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack

he will never have a real job

he will never move out of his parent’s house

he will never be at a healthy weight

he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket

he will never have a girlfriend

he will never have any friends

Fortunately, this coincides with me getting a new job and hopefully I won’t have enough time to shitpost for half the day.

This place has unironically ruined my vocabulary. I literally said the words bussy lmao out loud the other day. If anyone needs me I’ll be in the most pathetic baseball subreddit spamming dong until football starts again.

Goodbye queers. It’s been fun 4 years...and fuck the mods for not approving me

Fuck the mods.

Especially the Drama mods, bunch of sheep shagging cunts.

oh no

Somebody more sober than me needs to be documenting the cope in these comments, we're reaching epic levels.

How long is the whole thing going to take?

Reaching 7.5k bans now, so probably several hours.

Why is the subscriber count going up even while the ban count is rising? That's a shitty job at banning people if I ever saw one how hard could it be

banning users doesnt remove sub count

Fuck you

Goodbye cruel world

Did the ban go through yet

It is at about 7600 bans at the moment

Based and banpilled 👏👏👏

Good think I am subbed with 437 accounts, chances are that some prevail

Ban me first, faggots.

Gilding r drama posts is peak retard

What about those of us who caught a ban for /r/Drama?



Approve me immediately...

Taking others subreddits gimmicks

Not just making bussy posting mandatory 😡

Drama mods fail again.

I just saw someone from yyeeaarrss ago get banned, archaeology

/u/justcool39 is weaboo Thanos?


Shouldnt the sub go private to prevent all the autists to resub with an alt account?

It’s over for lurker-cels

hangs self

lol capeshit

Sounds good to me.


I love it as long as I'm not affected cause ya know drama

Approve-submit me right now or, I swear to god, I will murder every fuckin platy on the face of this Earth.

My bussy is aquiver with excitement.

This really kinda sucks. This place helped me to find a new appreciation for bussy and platypus. Well it’s been fun guys.

> Imitating capeshit subs

Thank god I'm getting banned




goodbye comrades

Cringe and capeshitpilled

A flea and a fly and a flue, were trapped, so what could they do. Said the fly "let us flee" Said the flea "let us fly" So they flew through a flaw in the flew.



Nah I'm way to lazy for that. 9/10? I like those odds, and if I do get banned maybe I'll start going outside again.

What if you're like me an unironically into bussy?

Hahaha it’s like the snap from the avengers!!! Haha get it hulk smash it’s from infinity wars!

u/t3hsn0wm4n. Come over here you filthy animal. A place where we can yell and swear withou mod interference

Fuck you. The mods can suck my left nut.

That’s fucking beautiful. I’m getting tanked tonight so I’ll molest you now and then like a CV.

Cant molest the willing. ;)


To all the illegal migrants and refugees: Get cucked lmao

Based lmao


Go for 100% next time.

I can't wait to see the subscriber count catch up so we can see your holy will in action.

Why is this thing taking so long?

Right mayocide when?

Can we ban whoever formatted the livestream graphs for being a terminal smoothbrain?

In b4 ban: This is the most compelling this any subreddit has done that I am a part of!

Allah wills the bans brothers.

Am I safe


did i live

They just banned Lawlz

fucking kek



good job.

lol i like that we all make fun of other mods for doing spergy power tripping faggot bullshit but then have this here


I enjoyed all the platyposts, fare thee well Mr. Platy.

Am I banned yet?

J O U R N E Y INTO A PAST YET SEEN ミ ぬ音内以カ佳 安 沿ィ 萎 ピ

Half of these are Kaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa or noodles alts wtf

am I banned

Why does my favorite sub work its hardest to make me hate it?

so is posting bussy not good enough to get unsnapped?

How do i check if im gay (approved)

Please don't ban me this sub is the only reason I can get up in the morning

Thank god, liberate me from this hell once and for all.

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from r/drama tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck am i banned?? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want the mods to do their “job”and fix this broken subbreddit. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought i commented enough here???? This is so fucked.

I'll be your new mommy if you want, I have a freezer full of home made tendies and a cooler of Gatorade for Good Bois here.




This is good for dramacoin.

dude banout lmao

It never even began

you fucking retard piece of shit imbecile how fucking dumb are you? how can u be so retarded that this was the best format you could come up with



So basically everyone knew they were voting for bans so they went with 90 or 69 lmao

Yeah alex jones autism is in the water. And not just trace amounts

I've been told this is the right place to ask to be made an approved submitter.

Thanks in advance.

Fuck r/Drama, & fuck r/subredditdrama..!

I was linked to r/subredditdrama for some comments I made in r/TIHI on a cat declawing post on r/TIHI. My opening comment was a sarcastic joke that another user took upon themselves to take that comment and some others out of context and used it to point false accusations at me with their header that "I hate Cats" and encouraged brigading my uname in tihi while the 24 hour popularity of a post unsaid demeanor was still active.

That user that hosted the post went to encouraging others to brigade the tihi post from r/subredditdrama.

When I tried to defend myself in the r/subredditdrama sub(which I'd only found out about from the notification bot that made me aware of the linking to the r/subredditdrama sub), and ask questions their of however I worded reasoning as to do what I do....,

Someone else linked my comments to r/Drama from r/subredditdrama for my commentary there. (Increasing in brigading of my uname. I've a feeling it's stalkers are still fucking with me even now.) The result of trying to go to r /Drama was that I could not then, nor can I even access that sub now either while signed in. I haven't tried to, nor will I try to visit r/Drama logged out n whatnot.

When the bot did it's bleep blop bloop, you're comment has been added to r/Drama. I couldn't even access the post or the sub from r/subredditdrama, which I'd only learned about from the bleep, blop ,bloop bot from r/TIHI's comment in the first place.

Wtf? It's o.k. for one subs posts to call for a brigade of an unpopular opinion and break the rules? But it's not ok to visit the subs and ask questions of those that are breaking the rules to brigade me here?

I mean I look at reddit as a place for civil discussion. I also like to kick the hive once in a while to see what input comes of it. Point-Counterpoint discussion, not brigade me because where I live in the US declawing a cat is not illegal, but I don't find the practice as inhumane as the other redditors took it upon themselves to make their opinions known about the issue.

I didn't say that I had my cats declawed or even say I owned cats.. Those were words put into my mouth so to speak by the pissed off people making false jumps to conclusions. What the fuck is wrong with this platform when this type of "oh you said something I don't agree with, lets brigade you from 2 different subs" is allowed here? Even tho it breaks the rules, for some people It's o.k.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

HUH ban me too!



L O L 😹😂🤣😘😘😘😘🤭🤭😻😼🧘👫🍑🍆🍑🍆🍑🍆🍑🍆🍑🍆🍑🍆🍑🍆🍑🍆

I wish the mods had the power to do this for the whole site.

cant wait to be banned


Capeshit tier happening is all jannies could come up with. Sad.



Am I banned yet

still here baby

The mods had months to prepare for the big 100K event and in the end chose to rip off a fucking capeshit sub's event.



Grow up

True mayocide

Can we get a comprehensive list of the ban out


Way to be a fren

what the fuck do i do

If I can post did I dodge the cull?

Can I point out that 90.69% is not splitting the difference between 90 and 69?

People say that we're doing a bad job as moderators, so in response, we decided to prove your point by banning all of you!

Can I leave yet? This place sucks.

Snap me daddy



You lost 1k subs




the fuck kind of faggotry is this?


Only if the mods are also eligible to get banned.

You should ban approved posters too.

The mods cant be bothered and actually do their jobs and moderate the subreddit, so they just ban everyone to solve the problem. astonishingly lazy, but i wouldnt expect any less of the average reddit mod.

posting in le ebin bread ;^)

it's gonna be funny when all the banned people just make new alts and resub.



See you later space cowboys

its been a honour


It's at times like this.

We learn to love again?

r/drama is causing drama itself.


Can I be an approved submitter please? I want to make sure I still get banned if fortune doesnt favor me

Then ban me too you fucking cockroaches

Get naenaed

Cool trick: just try not being an unapprovedcel

Uhhhhh what

Ban test. Am I banned?

Goodbye frens, the inevitable is coming

TFW I survived the Banocaust


We just got thanos snapped D:


This was all just to plug your shitty twitch channel wasn't it?

Please ban me from your cesspool.

ban pls


Oh damn



Am I banned yet?

I'm not a sub, but can I get banned too?

Thanos test?

"This is going to make us so popular, everyone will remember when we did this, it'll be just like the snap, only better! omgomgomg"

You know you're retarded when you say "y'all".


retard mod trying to feel powerful because the most theyve ever done in life is being a mod of a "popular" forum lol


Who fucking cares...

Copemore is actually a common last name its naturally derived meaning stems from a previously thought unused vernacular similar to what a chimp with diabetes would say when referring to an inferior sibling.


oMg It sAiD 69 LoLoLoL XdXdXd

I fucking dare you to ban everyone, I bet you're too scared assholes

The r/drama snap

Hello plz ban

Your not even worth remembering enough to ban.

I'm going on vacation gor 3 weeks starting tomorrow so that's actually pretty good timing.

Yeah dads yacht then off to aspen for my scientology pre cruise training then back to my castle in the alps where i keep my dungeon slaves. Just a typical r/drama lurker.

I know it might seem unfathomable to the average Ameriburger, but when you happen to live in a civilized part of the world, you have the right to 25-35 days paid vacation. If you make a halfway decent living you can spend that time traveling to other interesting and beautiful places.

Being a dramanaut I naturally decided to go to the US instead.

fuck you guys lol

Have you visited a little known country? Its in the land of DrinkingTears i believe they call it Copestan? Are you familiar with that region?

Idk the only places that I have been to are the Niagara Falls area in Canada and the northeastern, central northernish, and southwest regions of the USA, so if it isn't around there then no I'm not familiar with it

Gamers OUT


Just posting here to see if I get banned

Am I safe

I had fun here boys, lurkin and jerkin

If it wasn't for the unwashed peons i would never have been able to farm so much karma. I will piss on a whores face just for you. o7

I wanna be a part of the snap

Attention whore mod alert

Not sure if I'm too latebut I volenteer to be banned becuase I barely go on here

Yeah r/pics and r/topminds is more your speed

Eh, I've been on r/pics and from what i've seen of r/TopMindsOfReddit they don't seem like my kind of subs.

Yeah the more amazing you are the harder it is to find someone

this rules

You guys are trying hard to remain somewhat relevant, huh?

this... is destiny fulfilled

Lmao goodbye




This isn't even original, you wilted gutter-beans.


So this sub is full of stupid people? Man, everyone was right.


*pets small piece of rabbit fur i call my gf.

I sorry friend

Fren is nazi talk? Are you a refugee?

I’m a an ambulance

I'm an attack helicopter? Associating yourself with inanimate objects is making fun of lgbtqzx+ people trans identifiers. Socially constructed hurts our freedom to be weird dolphin hybrids

god bra julle fok alles op


Can I YEET if I'm 30?



Is this like thanos shit here or what

Is this another capeshit comment or what?

Dude I don't fucking care what it is. Ban everyone. 100% or nothing.

You must be lovely at dinner parties

I don't even know what the hell a dinner party is. Every night I have dinner, and it is never a party. Who the fuck celebrates dinner?

Yeah usually drama lurkers get fed out back in the pen with the other amy schumers

I thought the lurkers all got banned.


This must be the fault of trump somehow!

You tried man its ok

After months of lurking might as well shit post while I can

Just delete your subreddit you fucking morons, pretty sure we'll find a better subreddit with better people

Copaholic Anonymous has a suicide hotline. You start with meetings and then eventually its all about god

"a certain infamous mod there trying to remain relevant yikes"

This is slow as fuck.

Jokes on you, this was my last week of Reddit. The real world calls, losers.



still here right now

Living up to their name i see

am i alive

poo poop, pee pee?



oh gosh oh frick


This should be fun

I am the 9.31%

this sticky is garbage & everyone knows it. lawlz, the estranged derelict he is, popped in for fifteen minutes before going out & overpaying for a crappy lunch at a nearby bullshit bloghyped sidewalk-chalkboard lame aging hipster shit-staurant, thought of a lame cliche, sharted some generic empty buzzwords that became irrelevant years ago to hide his insecurity & stickied it with all the passion of a pick-&-packer at yer nearest UPS fulfillment center. then the hivemind autists pile in to disregard any sense of discernment, sensibility & perspective to hamfistedly lose their mind over the new shit sticky. and you're all part of the sad, ongoing spectacle. disgusting.

Am fjfbdjxj

It's a 50/50, I'm either banned or not

jokes on you i'm not subscribed


r/drama though...

wait so am I banned


You dumb cunt you're having a god damn melt down on the internet

have a chamomile and a wine and relax yourself love you're gonna die of a bloody heart attack

r/drama mods are even gayer than r/dankmemes mods

not surprised, the people in drama will witchhunt individual users for "fun"

When will the banning start?


But... why?

Oh look, the mods of this sub are retards

Testing testing


Ayy ao



am i banned



Ban bye bye 🙃



Holy fuck 90% of people LMAO. This is Holocaust my dudes.

not banned yet. I'm disappointed



Holy shit this is gold.

Ban me

Much Centrism

Witness me, puny mortals.

Are you 12



Ban plz

Oh dear.




Let's see if i get capeshit snapped


Been a lurker for years. Got the ban message. Even though I'll probably still keep on lurking I couldn't handle knowing I've been banned. So I did the sensible thing of course. I expect to see my ugly mug in a "Idiots who actually sent us photos of themselves" compilation soon. I'm looking forward to seeing it, but not commenting.

The best “y’all can’t behave” I’ve ever seen

I love you guys

Thinking this sub is about drama

Oh sweet summer child, can ya'll even behave?


Ban me, daddy.

Who gets banned?

Which of you faggot mods banned my alt from this faggy subreddit for no reason?

Thank the FSM. I woke up today and had nightmare visions that the bot had ended its course.

Went to Twitch, saw the counter ticking and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

this has to be the most boring drama ever not even banning people at the rate of replacement

yeah wtf. /u/spez plz fix

I don't think the bans automatically unsub the respective users. They have to unsub themself.




So much COPE in this thread 😋

playing gamer music while livestreaming the banout on the gamer platform

Really makes you think about who's running the sub.

When you realize the dumb fucking mods are banning 90% or Reddit and not just the subs subscribers.

Fucking idiots

Subreddits shit cause you are all faggots

Sshhh bby is ok

Heard about this fiasco from another subreddit. Posting here purely in hopes to get banned

I’m just tryna get banned tbh




Why would I give a flying fuck? IPs are damn near unlimited and Reddit accounts are free.

Besides, it’s fucking /r/drama not something good like /r/modssuckingcocks

Absolutely S E E T H I N G

Dumbest shit ever. How the hell is this showing up in the inboxes of people who aren’t even subbed to this garbage sub? Fuck...

They don't have a sub list so they are just banning 90% of the people who have ever commented


Why did my main get banned, just because I made a comment on a post here years ago doesn't mean I'm a member of this tard chamber

Yet here you are, on your second reddit account whining about being banned from this retard chamber you don't care about.

Fuck off retard.

Ban me for fucks sake.

Whatever dude shit’s boring who cares

fucking snap me


wtf are you doing here

just wanted to celebrate being one of the 10% 😤

not for long lol, the purge hasn't ended yet



Ban me too please :) I asked in twitch chat

r/drama asking for you to send provocative photos to get back in for the sake of being dramatic.

this sub sucks

Cry more, pussy

no u

About as concerning as being banned from /r/ShitRedditSays.

What is going on?

What a happening what



Everyone in here crying about the ban and how it’s not drama.

MFW everyone crying about being banned is almost 1000 comments worth of cope.

Unironically, this is the stupidest thing I've seen in a while. I'm ot going to play your stupid games, and certainly aren't going to make anything resembling effort to stay in your stupid club.

I could barely be bothered switching accounts to make this post.

Banning about 90% of your subreddit is clearly the smartest way to handle things, right?


Wow. Super dramatic move in this aptly named sub....

lol. You fags preemptively banned my alt account before I even knew this shitty sub existed.


Fuck you



Could I get banned ? So I won't accidently come to this cancer ass sub.? thanks

I didn’t even know this sub existed before you banned me. Retards you fucked up your own sub and sent a message basically saying “hey we banned you for no reason come hate us” you fucked up real bad