The more mayo 3 year olds mauled by pibbles, the more peaceful the world gets. Think about it for once, idiots.

7  2019-05-03 by redxhed

Don’t even think about replying to this if you’re gonna defend a 3 year old that probably doesn’t even have a job.


Despite making up only 6% of the dog population, pitbulls commit 54% of maulings

Despite making up only 3% of the population, toddlers commit 90% of shits in their own pants.

Your numbers are off and you should spend some more time on ABDL twitter.

My numbers are perfect, and I am perfect. Your stupid fucking comment just made me voluntarily shit my pants out of pure disgust for who you are. You’re done here, kiddo.

Oh boy. I know some folx you should meet. Tell me are you more into a cute/cuddly nurturing sort of scene or a humiliating/emasculation with a mean daddy type?

I said you’re done here, kiddo. Don’t let me catch you wandering around my posts ever again.

Ooh boy. I'm going to recommend you try the #diapercuck tag.

Children make up a quarter of the population yet contribute nothing to society. They least they can do is feed some dogs.