This will never work.

19  2019-05-04 by ctrthomas

How are you going to ban 90.69% of subscribers? What about those who never posted? What about those who posted but never subscribed? You mods are idiots. This isn't going to work.



unapprovedcels smdh


I wish you good fortune in the cloakshit bannings to come.

thanks I'm glad to be part of such a wholesome sub 🤗🤗


From the fertile ashes of the bannedcels shall grow a new and glorious era

TFW you have no clue what the mods are actually doing so you make a dumb post and end up looking like a fag

People who took this seriously deserve to be banned, tbh.

You mean the whole banout?

Lol bye bitch


Embrace the ban, it’s for the greater good.