Are clowns a Neo-Nazi thing now? Is this the dumbest thing the alt-right has done yet? /r/TMOR discusses /r/Frenworld

80  2019-05-04 by Ghdust2


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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you'd have to be anti-drama to be anti-frenworld

the amount of seethe posts from communists thinking cartoon frogs are disturbing their revolutionary-posting larp is outstanding

> being a Nazi is funny and ironic because we use pig latin level coded language to discuss our idpol


Not enjoying ridiculous drama between retards pretending to be idiots and idiotic retards that think they're better than everyone else

Out out out! May the 4th cant get here fast enough!

> actually caring about a web forum dedicated to pictures of retarded frogs


Snap this man daddy thanos


We were merely pretending to be Nazis

Newfriend. You're embarrassing yourself.

Epic prank bro duh they repeatedly unironically call for the extermination of those uppity blacks and Jews as an ironic joke!

Mayocide isn't racism.

In what world is frenworld calling for the based mayocide

A world we deserve to live in

Day of the purge can't come soon enough


I'm really curious as to how these turbo-spergs on the Aut Right come up with this shit

Everything in the world is crazy

Circuses are crazy

Clowns are in circuses

Hey pepe was cool, let’s do that except name it honkler



Literally this, and to add on, it's based on the final stage of being "black pilled" where you know the world is insane and there is nothing you can do about it except laugh, in a sad clown way.

“I used to think x was a tragedy, but now I realize x is a comedy”

Hell yeah!

There's an old story. I ever tell you this?

Like a guy is pushing this boulder up to the top of this hill. And he's cursed.

So, like, every time he gets it right to the top, it rolls down.

That's the curse. He never makes it. But he has to get it up, so he goes back down and does it over.

Pushing it up again, watching it fall. Over and over. Forever.

That's a joke, right? It's funny. Right at the top, he's happy, and...WHOOPS!

ha ha ha ha ha

And that's me. That's all of us. We're all just pushing a boulder.

Whatever we're trying, we're goingto watch it fall, we're going to hear them laugh.

Right at the top of the hill.

All of us. We're all jokes.

But the thing is, right, you got to laugh, too.

It's the only way.

I mean, you got to laugh with them. Okay, I'm a joke. I'm a joke and I'm funny!

Then you're laughing with them. And if you're laughing with them....well, at least you're laughing.

And then they kill his son with a kite.

sounding like a edgy joker fan to own the libs

honk honk

Originally the clowns in those memes were supposed to be the people that /pol/ blames for everything bad, aka "the jews" mostly. But /pol/, and even worse the nazi part of twitter, are too retarded to understand their own memes. So now in most of those memes the clowns are actually the cool altrightists, like the joker.

clown world is an mpc meme you inbred orangutan





This says more about you TMoR fags that random 4chan kids can predict exactly how you're going to react.

leftists reacting negatively to retarded alt right memes

fucking galaxy brain needed to predict that.


The year is 2245; the last remaining humans live brutal, short lives in the hollowed out husk of a formerly vibrant and lush world. All the nukes have been used, the planet is all but dead. But those who remain know what caused this... GAMERGAAAAAAAAAATE!!!!!

That is fucking atrocious, ill sub to r/frenworld just because of the shit i just read.

Heard it here first. QAnon is Boomergate

Lol, from evangelical Christians to 9/11 to gamergate to Christchurch. 300 upvotes. It truly is a clown world lmao.

/u/Downvotes_All_Dogs makes a great point about how Brianna Wu is a modern-day Anne Frank.


thinking 9/11 and gamergate are comparable cultural events

Fuggin lmao

9/11 instilled fear of Muslims in people

Gee, I wonder why?

The whole thing just seems lazy to me. In the end the clown thing was just going to turn into another ok sign or white milk. But since clownworldwar got banned they're acting like they were just pretending to be retarded.

I think it's just quarantined

Either way my point stands.

No. Clowns are not Nazi symbols, Honkler is a 4chan prank, just like Pepe or the OK hand sign.

Not Nazi related, but made to look like it to prank the plebs and basic b*tches and bros of the dying establishment mainstream legacy media.

Imagine your activism and fighting """"racism"""" extends to complaining about a frog clown on reddit

Why are we asking this kind of question on r/drama? Why should we care what lefties and righties think of each other? All we should care about is the drama.