What has been one of your most favourite drama posts?

4  2019-05-04 by GodOfDarknessWine


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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Jewdank Christmas Special

Good choice!

Definitely top 5

I was torn. There were a few really good ones from around that time, like the one who got caught as a scammer because of the toilet destroying shits she took

Or this guy freaking out about getting mild citicism.

And of course all the lawlzstickies and tayposts

Thank you for blessing me with these posts. I’d have to say my all time would when blackpeopletwitter turned on it’s on Mod rubyrose or whatever her name is and downvoted her into the thousands over that coochie spray gif. I wish I could find it

Not the same scenrio you mentioned, but I think this involces some of the same players.

Blackladies and blackfellas mod stalking drama with screenshots and everything


Definitely the guy who roundhouse kicked the abortion protestor.

the one I made where it became dueling stickies about the florida goblino shooter

I don't even remember my exact position but DAMN did I have to put in some work to keep up with replies that day lol

Lawlz getting Will Wheaton to cry

Like its hard to get that pussy to cry...

It is not that he cried. It's that he took MasterLawlz serious enough to get bussyblasted

AHS modmail leaks were great this year. My favorites have gotta be from when r/greatawakening was still alive and well....trolling boomers is like plsying with puppies except you don't care if they get hurt