Why did you end up where you are politically?

10  2019-05-04 by GodOfDarknessWine


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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Flipped a coin

It landed on the edge.

Realized that "Fuck you, I got mine" is actually a perfectly functional ideology.

Wouldn't that just make you another lolbertarian? I think working towards the social good, without identity politics or trying more rounds of failed 20th century ideologies, (including neoliberalism), is better than "I've got my Bitcoins, fuck you".

Basically lolbert/ancap without the kiddie diddling yeah

without the kiddie diddling yeah

Pics or it didn't happen

Well I got no pics, because the kiddie diddling didn't happen. Sorry DarqWolff, better luck next time I guess?

Pics without the kiddie diddling, you fornicator of gussies!


But why? I want more for me. MONEY PLEASEEEEE

Increase taxes on everyone on both sides of my income bracket plz

Step snek no

I was shrieked at by a street leftist

Open Letter To The Spindly-Armed Cave Wight Who Screamed At Me On The Street Before Bowling Into A Group Of Leather-Armored Proud Boys

Because radical centrism is the only political option for true Americans.

Enjoying the simple things in life, tbh

Mostly from youtube videos

I was a lefty but somewhere along the way they changed what that means so now Iā€™m a nazi.