TIL Atheists are an oppressed class

104  2019-05-04 by thisishardcore_


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Twitter atheists. Or, in short, twats.

Rude :(


soy lack of God in his life 😎🤭


that guy looks like he's never shot an assault rifle

That is an unfortunate face.

these are the people who call me an incel on the internet

looks exactly what you'd expect considering his bio on twatter.

Atheists might be more liked if they weren't such smug, self absorbed, euphoric wank stains.

Good thing theists are never smug, self absorbed or wank stains.

Those damn atheists being annoying on the internet, cant we theist just get to supress women and non believers rights in peace?

Wah wah but what about the theist. Atheists and theist are both retarded insufferable bitches.

Now worshipin satan is where its at.

Worshipping satan would make you a theist.

Death to athiest then i guess.

I dont fuckin know

I'm an anti-theist Satanist

Yeah, but thats satanism not literally worshipping satan.


also imagine not oppressing foids 😂😂😂

Theres many places in the world where you are free to do so, coincidentally they are all shitholes :)

only in the US do you have to choose of your own free will to oppress foids, everywhere else you're forced to!

There's also many atheist paradises like North Korea where no one will ever bother you with chr*stian hate speech

I already live in a place where people are ashamed of admitting they believe in god, so unless im online i very rarely encounter religion. Its also one of the best places to live so id rather stay here :)

well sweaty guess what as a god fearing man I have the Lord on my side and what do you have some soyboy on twitter that's what so whom should be smug now I wonder hmm

cant we theist just get to oppress women and non believers in peace?

This but unironically

Theres many places in the world where you are free to do so, coincidentally they are all theistic shitholes :)

Lmao, China is like the world’s biggest shithole once you leave the carefully-manicured showcase urban districts, and it’s overwhelmingly irreligious.

cant we theist just get to oppress women and non believers in peace?

This but unironically

Theres many places in the world where you are free to do so, coincidentally they are all theistic shitholes :)

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I just bruised your bussy.

I might have been able to take theists seriously if they could write a single original comment without going back to some tired copy pasta.

But reciting text is probably the only thing you are allowed to learn at sunday school, would be dangerous to encourage people to form their own thoughts. 

Dont get me wrong sweaty, I'm no theist. I just find atheists to generally be self important, needlessly confrontational dweebs. You're doing a fine job of reinforcing that opinion.

But if you arent a theist then you are an atheist, so you must be an edgy fedorawearing neckbeard yourself.

Id rather be confrontational than let theists feel like their ideas are sane and not absolutely retarded :)

I'd rather the fuck wits on both sides pulled their heads out of their massive, hairy arses and minded their own fucking business.

I find it strange that its only religious ideas that are coddled, if you say dumb shit people will point that out.

Are you this protective of flat earthers aswell?

If people want to believe dumb shit let them. Youre free to ignore them. Why is it so important to you to push your opinion on people? You're not enlightening anyone, you're just patting yourself on the back and fooling yourself into thinking you're better/smarter than them. Its fucking sad.

So you are just a spineless wimp who doesnt dare say what you think just because someone might be offended?

Where do you draw the line that its retarded enough for you to stand for what you yourself believe?

Will you let religious people hinder abortion rights just so you wont offend them?

I've got no problems offending you sweaty. People are free to believe whatever weird/stupid/dumb shit they want. Not my place to tell them otherwise and it sure as shit isn't yours either.

Lmao, imagine being this spineless, you state that you have no problems offending me but youll coddle the frail religious people.

They are free to belive what they want, but do you think they cant handle dissenting oppinion? You seem to think religious people arent capable of hearing another worldview.

You seem to have an issue with people with a contrary opinion yourself sugar. Might wanna keep that bigotry in check. Or dont. Winding you up would be significantly less fun that way.

I have no issues with contrary oppinions, i have issues with people who want to hide and not talk about their oppinions.

One day youll regret that, when its you who get the short stick :)

I'll be just peachy sweet cheeks. Just peachy.

Now wipe the slaver of rage from your quivering chins and go get a life, you're boring me.

Im happy i got to annoy you.

Dont get too bootyblasted the next time you see an atheist have the audacity to voice their oppinion online.

Yeah you really got me good you big yeasty minge. You should go and smug post about it.

Yeah i should probably do that. You tryharding to be smug was a bit cringy and left a bad taste in my smug mouth :)

You're pitifully unfun, you know that right?

Its my religious belief that im hillarious, if you say anything else you are just a bigoted neckbeard.

We're all bigots darling. Every one of us.

I know, difference is that im proud of being one.

Me too lover, I just dont rub it in everyones face

Abortion is arguably dysgenic. It should be decided by the state, not left up to individual “rights.”

the ever important right to murder babies

Ah, i guess you are one of those who never jack of so you dont spill all that precious life juice on the floor.

This But Unironically

What about the god assisted abortions called miscarriage?

look as an enlightened atheist:

bad things happen

therefore no non-material meaning or spirituality can exist


Seems pretty stupid to pray for things if god doesnt even do anything in the world.

Is he uncapable of creating a miscarriage?

therefore no non-material meaning or spirituality can exist

Lets be as vague as possible, what religion do you follow so i can measure what level of retard you are?

God created all the fucking terrible things like murder, natural disasters, rape, disease, you name it! Ofc he's responsible for the bad things it's all a part of reality

Why use scripture when you can just use Marx to justify your murders?

Yeah you could, but thats communism, not atheism.

Would you say communism is an atheist ideology?

Nope, id say atheism is a good tool for communism to make the state a religion.

Theres no dogma to atheism, the only thing it stands for is no belief in a diety.

And why did the state replace the church? As for your assertion of no dogma, the same can be said of any religion aside from their belief in a higher power.

And why did the state replace the church?

Because religion controls people, a communist state want to have that controll for themselves and not share it with religion.

How convenient for your side that it’s just communism. Your assertion that there are religious scriptures falls flat because there are numerous sects of religions that interpret scripture differently. You sound more like a high school kid who’s pissed about having to go to Sunday school than a serious scholar.

Its not convenience, its just how it is.

Neither theism nor atheism have specific dogmas.

Simply believing the universe was created by a diety is not a dogma.

But religions with scripture and rules are dogmas.

But how are the scriptures interpreted? Isn’t that how rules are made for the religious? I’ve stated before, religious sects interpret scripture differently and form their own rules. If it’s fair to hold religious people accountable for the actions of zealots, then it’s fair to hold atheists accountable for their actions. Would you deny that the liquidation of the Russian Orthodox Church was due to anything but the atheist beliefs of communism? What about the attacks on clergy in pre-Franco Spain?

Most online atheists aren't even atheists they're lapsed theists. Being an Atheist isn't about striving against religion or theism constantly, its about having no need or place for it at all.

Unironically believing in God is just weird and alien to me, I don't feel the need to argue against it to feel a sense of security in my worldview.

Unironically believing in God is just weird and alien to me, I don't feel the need to argue against it to feel a sense of security in my worldview.

This is the case in any country where religion has no power, when it does get a hold im pretty sure you will be outspoken. Or would you just lay on the ground and let them run you over?

I would but I believe that once religion loses its power its pretty much impossible to get it back barring some major catastrophe in which case I'd just rope myself or go live in the woods.

Stripped of religous insanity, the concept of God come to mean simply the totality of creation, and thus belief in it is both logical and rationally justified.

You aren't a real athiest until you've reached that point internally, and then you become ablento engage with the religious in a way that completely disarms them that they cant defend against, with kindness, compassion, and a total certainty that their faith breaks against.

Unfortunately in many cases this causes the religious person great distress and they become angry and violent.

lmao do you actually think anyone believes that

and they become angry and violent.

Tell me more how you get beat up for being Atheist

I see you've reached the anger stage. That's ok, I still value you. I just hope you have capacity for growth in you.

You aren't important enough to get angry about, I was just asking if you live...in a sandy region because than you'd have a different positive or you'd just be another dumb Atheist larper.

Why are you so angry, then?

Terrible bit

There's that anger again

It's not trolling if you're called out immediately, and then slapped in the tits every time you respond.

So angry

Assuming you and /u/karmaisforsuckers are the same person, you’re like a shit version of Pizzashill.

So much coping

So you admit that you are KIFS?

I admit nothing.

Why were you banned? Your new account is dated to March 18, and knowing you, I have no trouble believing that you sperged out a little too hard after the Christchurch massacre and got deported.

t. Spinoza

Oh all the things that didn’t happen, this happened the least.

Rightoid COPE

the word you're looking for is anti-theist and usually has nothing to do with being atheist.

A “nay-theist” if you will.

The problem with identifying as an atheist is that you’re automatically annoying. Literally no one cares if you don’t believe in God.

Yeah, thats why being an atheist is punishable by death in several countries, because nobody cares.

In those same countries (which are Islamic) you'd get the death penalty from converting to another faith. They're getting killed for their apostasy not necessarily their atheism.

Nope some of them have multiple religions and allow conversion to those but all the religions see athiests as a threat so it keeps it illegal.

Maybe they should have shut the fuck up about being an atheist then

Maybe you shouldnt believe in two thousand year old mythology if you dont want peope to point out that you are retarded.

i believe in a HUNDRED year old mythology

Based and, uh, Moronipilled???




you’re automatically annoying

That’s why they get executed.

Nope, the reason they get execute is that people who are religious are taught that dissenting oppinions are dangerous. Its a desperate attempt of selfpreservation, it worked well in the past put it will be the reason religion will dissapear.

Counterpoint, you’re acting like an annoying sperg in this thread, and extreme as execution may be, that’s why people dislike you.

Also lol if you know you’re gonna be executed just stfu, why would you possibly wanna be a martyr for your cause? By definition you can’t expect a reward.

it worked well in the past but now that information can be spread faster it will be the reason religion will dissapear.

That’s true, social media has clearly helped the spread of reason and people have used it to seek out and engage with ideas that make them uncomfortable.

Dumb ideas need to be challenged.

They certainly wont give those ideas second thoughts if no one speaks up against them, so ill happily be annoy to spark those thoughts.

But why lol, you’re literally not gonna benefit at all. There’s nothing more cucked than this behavior of yours.

Cuck behavior is shutting up because you are afraid of having to argue with people.

My benefit is challenging my own ideas, which is something religious people should learn to do aswell.

Imagine thinking the examined life is worth living. Alcibiades couldn’t save Socrates from himself.

that bio is literal aids

sensing the bio isnt the only thing tho

Open mouth smile



And here's why that's a good thing.

When I lived in Nebraska I had to pretend to be a christcel and go to mayo church so I wouldn't get fired. Have you ever been to mayo church? That shit is boring as fuck.

Systemic oppression is real.

serves you right for living in nebraska

They are in MENA but yes twitter atheists must be an oppressed class.

Literally what the fuck. I thought celebrating differences and diversity was what SJWs want? I'm a cucked soyboy myself and I don't really see how that works

I might want atheists gone more than I want mayos gone. He forgot his pronouns in his bio and he forgot to remove that shit ball from his teeth.


Yeah I bet.


Sublime Text in current year

It's over for VSCode-cels

I love that the majority of the responses are calling him out for being a literal gigantic pussy

This is as stupid as saying Father’s Day erases and stigmatizes Mothers.

The foid speaks the truth.

national cheesecake day erases niggas who prefer ice cream 😤

poorlets who can't afford icecreamcheesecake


Jfl, this dude thinks he's oppressed because he's an atheist. No one cares about that, you're oppressed because you have a weak jaw, no chin, narrow palate, high forehead, and prey eyes.

unironic Braincels

You are all so obsessed with face bones holy shit

Spoken like someone with a flat occipital plate.


LGBTQ news junkie, gay, atheist, bi/trans ally, proud SJW, pianist, @ThinkProgress reporter, @icalumni board, Twitch: SirBlogzaLot http://SeeDisclaimer.com. Proud Poly, Jamal Admirer

Proud Poly,

That's a galaxy-tier Y I K E S from me dawg


The only issue I've with atheists is when they denigrate me or think they're superior because they've no faith. Bitch, I live on a ball shooting through space, held down by an invisible force, surrounded by pain, misery and disappointment, and I face the nothingness of death in a few measly decades. If I find solace in believing in something to soothe my existential pains and you try to take that away, it just makes you a dick.

Not being able to handle that without big daddy just makes you a pussy. Life sucks and then you die, try to make the best of it before its too late.

Well, rather a pussy than a dick.

Sucks if you chose the wrong god, guess well share beds in hell if thats the case :)

Chances are pretty good I'll end up there, I'm not a mormon.

Chances are just as high for you as an atheist.

Yes, I know. It was a South Park reference.

eh its kinda real tho

Really, now. What makes an atheist superior to me? His belief that the physical and natural laws we abide by came into being without a divine entity behind it?

Having to live on the same planet as religion-cels is oppression. Religion-cels can't comprehend it but I'm sure if they had to live with people who believed in unicorns they'd get annoyed too

This is the gay activist who was in Lourder with Crowder, he is all for knowingly infecting someone with HIV not being criminalised, because he says "it's not a death sentence anymore to have HIV" and also he claims people will be too scared to be tested.

This person is the embodiment of AIDS.

That fucking face. It's like a human chipmunk

Thoughts and prayers

Lol I wish atheists were as oppressed as they thought they were

Its the only stance on god/gods existence that is currently punishable by death.

tell that to christians in china lol

Imagine unironically thinking this lmfao

Its true tbough.

No lol

Theres thirteen countries where you being an atheist is punishable by death, there is 0 where its punishable by death to be a theist.


So you are both retarded and cant acknowledge when you are wrong, religion fits you very well.

Let’s settle this like gentlemen: over a nice tall 2 liter jug of Mountain Dew

Yeah you know hundreds of Christians being blown up is nothing compared to social dissaproval.

It's really weird how they demand you don't disapprove of them but will howl like hell if you do something they don't like

Also the idea of freedom from religion is retarded the notion of a seperatation of church and state is from Jefferson who was an incel

Atheists ought to be oppressed

They already are in many parts of the world, why dont you move to those countries if you want that?

Ya know what.. maybe I will

Jesus the Jew, is this 2009 still?

I previously blocked that dude because he loves to report people and is an f-slur

Stop downvoting the lolcow in this thread you genetic defectives.

what a fag