Fatties are outraged that they are over twice the size or normal people.

452  2019-05-04 by OG_Snapper


low average BMI gang rise up against the fatfags

I dont know what my bmi is

But I know I am skinny


What do you mean hmmmm

well you dont know your bmi do u know your height and weight

Let me go measure myself

I did a thinf online my bmi is 18.8

good mine is 21.1 im 6 foot 2


REAL LIVE people have meat on their bones with a high BMI you anorexic twig!! I bet you tumble away when the wind blows causing you to slip into a crack on the floor huh you bean pole

It said 18.8 bmi is that bad

You’re not a real human being according to the chart. Sorry. What the hams say goes.

I am anlien?

I am so sorry to be the bear of bad news. At least you can find refuge with the rest of us.

I will be a profit... A mayter... For anlien kind

ayylmaos rise up

Ja me de ja veska

I think that actually is on the lower side of normal, isn't it?

18.5 is underweight

I'm 6'1" at 180 and apparently I'm close to being fat, but I couldn't tell when I took a shower this morning.

youre normal bmi

Where my anxiety-based eating disorder bruddahs at?

6'4" 180 pounds, lookin like I workout but really I just vomit a lot

So many y'all posters, we need a camp for these people.

And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Lose weight fatty.

Life fuel for HighBMIcels

good lord its like a tent with two holes punched in the bottom

is this the lingerie section or the sporting goods department?

Thank you to kite man for another great comment

i chose to interpret this as sincere because i have very little else to sustain my self-esteem.

Hell yeah!

and thank you for the content, og snapper(carr?)

the name is shoob and yes it is sincere

That's an honest to God 3 season, freestanding tent. If that bitch didn't have massive bone and ligament damage, she could stand in the rain and protect and warm an entire family.

I know where to order more temp housing for the dramafugees now 😎

I thought we got rid of you garbage fph piles of shit? You are lesser to fat people you know that right? They are superior to you.

You are lesser to fat people you know that right

Way less yeah man.

ive never been to fph get a grip

LMAO what a crybaby! You upset fph crybaby? You worried me calling you out will get this account banned or something? And fat people are morally and just plain superior to you!

Try harder buckaroo LMAO I don't need to hide who I really am but you cowards do lmao

Cope harder fatty

Cope? I'm thinner than you fatass and I own my own three bedroom house kiddo, I'm in all ways superior to you buckaroo! :) I get to look down by nose at you all day champ! Say hi to your mom for me fph Nazi Trump supporter! Tell her I'm still vastly morally superior to both of you ;)

Organic lolcow or bait post?!

This guy is pure bait.

"oh shit someone who's morally superior to me! Better pretend he doesn't exist!" Lol always funny seeing the little people scramble when I show up

6d old account

Active as fuck

Negative comment karma

Everyone knows you’re posting bait


CHAPOCEL!! Aaaahhh!!!!

You ever stalk someone's history to see if they are trolling and only become more confused as to whether they are a troll or just retarded?

That's your own history you clicked on retard

I'm superior to you in all ways. Enjoy being an incel you fph virgin lolol.

WTF I’m getting fat now

It looks like one of those “Big Dawgz” shirts from the 90’s only it’s made of lace.

Omg thanks for that article that’s hilarious


Fuck i miss fatpeoplehate

Me too bruddah

Me too friend

It’s ironically the least toxic sub on Voat now

Subhuman VOATfugees get the fuck out, go back to your Hitler cosplay and never return

You sound fat

I hate fatties as much as the next man, if not more. However, the denizens of vote are like four or five rungs below even the fattest butter android

Gotta agree. Outside of FPH, Voat is an absolute fucking shitshow.

Which will be interesting when we all end up there after r/Drama is banned for toxic centrism.

suggesting we're not all going to go to the comment section of yahoo finance

haha idiot

What an absolute curse

Implying you don’t post unironic comments on Digg


I think I just found my political party

I hate fatties as much as the next man

Self loathing is toxic friend, cut it out of your life 🙅

I mean, judging from that selfie compilation, your user base consists of skinnyfats who likely couldn’t even 1pl8 , so I don’t think you have much room to talk.

go back to /r/BPT you fucking worthless mongrel puke

I'm one comment deep and I'm seeing terawatt levels of butthurt. Imagine being such a triggered simp that you breathlessly dig through someone's comment history in order to defend VOAT.

What kind of abyssal nightmare of a life could possibly have you stooping this low

That sounds oddly promising for Voat.

I wish I had the screenshots from their April Fools raid on #HAES and similar tags and the reactions. Tess Holiday's website had a giant rotating collage of dogs pooping, people puking, I think some real bad cases of herpes, tons of fat meme's for a good day or 2.

Me too. At least /r/adiposeamigos and /r/holdmyfries are still both going strong.

Don't we all

"Obesity is literally an addiction." Screamed the hump of lard.

Yeah, so is alcohol, cigarettes and other variants of drugs.

We don't sit around and act like alcoholics should be above criticism for their actions.

Consider how fucking fat most Americans are, and then consider how much fatter people who spend all of their time either on reddit or playing video games are.

fatter people who spend all of their time either on reddit or playing video games are.

Jesus christ, imagine the average BMI of the SRDines 🤢

A while ago we linked to an SRD post that was talking about how impossibly hard it would be for a hypothetical “only fattish” woman to lose weight. The SRDine’s idea of “only fattish” was 5’4” and 200 lbs. As I pointed out, that “fattish” woman literally has the BMI of a sumo wrestler.


Jesus christ, I'm a 5'8" manlet who's slightly muscular and the fact I weigh 175 makes me feel like I got a bit of a gut. 5'4" food at 200 pounds?!?! Ffs, that's morbidly obese, wtf is wrong with SRDines?!?!

They’re obese, that’s what.


Hey man, won't lie out on a few over the winter. At least I've shed most of it, but it's been a nightmare to be able to have to eat (gasp) 500 calories less than I burn a day 😭😭😭😭

Tbh, that post was the most pathetic thing I've read on reddit, and there are entire subs dedicated to white men watching black dudes fuck their wives

Try increasing your caffeine intake (unless your heart has problems obvs).

Anyway, it’s pathetic, but there’ve gotta be worse things on this site.

I drink a ton of coffee, what works for me is a strick schedule of eating between 10 AM and 6 PM. I started doing that after watching a really good fitness youtuber discussing dieting techniques that seem to work, I enjoy his stuff because he's always including actual research and all of his videos go in depth on the actual studies used.

I noticed it really does help a lot, I'm usually not hungry when I first wake up, especially if I have a coffee in the morning, so it's pretty nice.

Which YouTuber? I got the same idea from Martin Berkhan but he’s solely a podcaster.

Jeff Nippard, from what I can tell he's one of the legit fitness people on social media and strays away from bro-science. But then again I'm not an expert so I could be wrong.

Berkhan is pretty good too.

I might look into him then, I've been out of the gym for most of the last few weeks with finals and shit but in a few days it'll all be over and I'll be able to rededicate myself to it again, thank God.


That’s his most important article and one of the few that he hasn’t hidden behind a paywall, read that to get an idea of what he’s all about.

Definitely, I know all about the fuckarounditis, hate that shit. I'll read it when I'm done with my paper

have you tried just not being so fat all the time?

Of fucking course it's beanfiddler

Gunts? More like huts.

User was banned for insulting the mods


It's hilarious when you have a group of relatively fit people then like 1 or 2 fatties who don't take care of themselves. The worst is when its a foid fatty cause then you get people trying to pressure you into pity sex with her.

Who do you think you are fooling?

Only in your wildest dreams could you even begin to aspire to obeast-foid pity sex. You should be so lucky

whaling is sick pal

Only those with big dick energies can penetrate the folds to get to that musty fussy. Jealous much?

A spectre is haunting Reddit - the spectre of FPH. All the adipose of old Reddit mods have entered into a greasy alliance to exorcise this spectre.

It never ceases to amaze me that fph’s problems could be solved by putting down the fork, and somehow people had a bigger issues with that sub, as opposed to one the glorifies jerking your ding dong to 6yr old Jimmy in a speedo

Dude obesity is a addiction, and it takes strength and determination to come out of it, and it should be mocked, obese people don't have self control, it's not like they don't have control over the condition, not that obesity is a congential condition.

I don't get what you think mocking others accomplishes? It's not like you called a girl fat so she's gonna suddenly change her life. All you've done is make her feel shity.


I'd rather put positivity into the world.

It's not like you called a girl fat so she's gonna suddenly change her life. All you've done is make her feel shity.

After some time she will.

The fuck is problem with calling a obese girl obese, so what should i call her, zero figure girl, huh? She needs to feel shitty. It's not about she, i am talking about a fat human, irrespective of gender.

You could people by their name.

And you can't just say "she will". Fat people have been getting bullied for their weight their whole lives, yet...

Even i was, and i stood up for me, and lost weight, so there the thing

Well done for loosing weight, I bet it wasn't easy and took a lot of self control, I respect that. Not everyone has that level of self control though. It's not as simple as "I did it so you can".


There are so many people in the world who have mental health issues and are undiagnosed. Often these people are our friends, co-workers, even family, and you would never guess because they hide their feelings day to day.


A lot of people who struggle with their weight won't make a life change because you insulted them. If they're on the verge of a mental breakdown, as many people are every day, it's much more likely that your insult will be the straw that broke the camels back, and they'll go home and kill theselves. Making 1 in 10 people thinner doesn't seem worth all the suicides from the bullying involved. These people killing themselves are someones son/daughter/mother/father. And believe it or not, some of them even have partners who love them.

Okay dude, i see your point.

not enough apparently

Umm, hun, it's not possible to lose weight... 1 in 10 people in America has a disease that prevents them from losing weight, OK! STOP FAT SHAMING

Except you can quit alcohol or drugs and that's it.


How many alcoholics would be able to not abuse the drink if they physically needed to have a whisky a day to stop them dropping dead.

There are low carb and calorie foods out there dude. Its not like its meat or famine. You can survive on low calorie/carb diets and billions do.

If you were a recovering heroin addict, it would be hard to not relapse when everyone around you is shooting up and offering you some. The first thing addicts do is they stop hanging around with other addicts. If that means hanging around with gym bros who talk about nothing but how shreaded they're gonna get and a life of quinoa I'd rather get fat.

You mean like how cigarette addicts find things to twiddle their thumbs with fat people can't find salads and fruits to twiddle their stomachs.

Like i said, there is a variety of food you can stuff your face with.

I'm not saying it's impossible to lose weight, I'm saying bullying doesn't help most people. If a person is on the edge of a mental breakdown and feeling low, they're likely to kill themselves. If they had the will power to lose weight they'd have done it already.

You conflate diagreement with bullying. Most people disagree with the lies people make in defence of their obesity.

Plus the bullying angle when it comes to name-calling is pretty flimsy since most people use "neckbeard" as an insult then turn around and scream foul when somebody else makes a comment about their whale-ness.

Bullying is bullying. Don't try and pretend they're all deluding themselves, when you're deluding yourself if you think it's not bullying to go around making fat jokes at people.


A disagreement doesn't require you to insult someone's appearance, that's a petty argument and I would urge you to try and be the bigger person in that situation.

The whole acceptance movement is predicated on stupid shit.

But the fat person is already the bigger person there. You can't beat that.

I really don't understand what you feel there is to gain by just going about your life, making other people feel bad about themselves?


I can only assume that you have very little about yourself that you feel good about, so you need to knock down others. I've tried to polietly disagree, but it's pretty pathetic behaviour mate if I'm honest.

You know what's even more pathetic? Defending people who are killing themselves from being told that they're being fucking stupid and need to change their lives lest they die a horrible painful death

Rather? You are a "bigger gal" and "curvy" why deny it?

Nigga just eat less and walk around the block a few times. It ain’t hard.

Many, actually. Withdrawal is something you can overcome. Your brand of autism, however, seems terminal

Lol, you fucking moron.

As a former fatty I have the right to say fat people are disgusting, and should be reminded of this on a frequent basis because being constantly shamed into being healthy is probably the only that's going to get through to them.

There was a post here with some foid who was complaining about her boyfriend's small dick constantly coming out during doggy and he blamed her fat ass. She insisted it wasn't her having a ginormous ass and that it was the fault of his small dick. She referred to herself as "curvy."

Turns out her bmi was over 50. How do you get that big, look at yourself in the mirror and go "yeah, I'm hot."

That hog knew she wasn't attractive, it was all cope and Gillett adverts

Nobody cares about gamble-shaming

Fph versus Reddit was just a chubby civil war.

Why do they always claim that people are ignoring weightlifters like it’s some kind of gotcha excuse? It’s a well known and much discussed issue in the powerlifting and strongman communities. Nobody thinks it’s healthy that Eddie Hall has to sleep with a CPAP machine.

Also, most casual weightlifters aren’t pulling 1000 pounds on the reg.

"b-b-but what about weight lifters" says the lump who has never so much as touched a weight above 20 pounds.

I'll have you know they carry at least 500 pounds around with them everywhere they go

It's like the weighted training clothes in dragonball

hiding their power level

I can guess it from a great distance, actually

Holy shit

Tbh, I only worked with two types of clients when I owned my gym. The very rich , or the very fat. You ever see the calves on a person who loses 200lbs? Diamonds for days.

I’ve never got this, like I know from firsthand experience that being a strength athlete is an unhealthy lifestyle. Its not healthy just because it’s the best way to live for a sport. I’m held together by ibuprofen, preworkout, medical tape, and strength of will right now, I’m currently the fluffiest body fat percentage I’ve ever been, and I am not and should not be happy with any of that, even though I’m also the best I’ve ever been at what I do. It doesn’t make you healthy if you’re good at a sport. And that applies to any sport.

There is a middle ground between being a land whale and a power lifter lol. As in someone who lifts recreationally, runs a few times a week and is in general food and healthy shape.

Sorry, are you trying to claim that the averageness of your physique is something people less worthy than you should aspire to?


Wow you must be searching hard for something you like abour yourself if you need to put fat people down to boost your ego.

Couldn’t have said it better myself tbh.

The only exception to this I can think of is football. I mean, just getting to a professional level in any position outside of special teams involves sustaining repeated head trauma which has indisputably proven to cause CTE. But the NFL and the murican public just don’t give a fuck cuz ‘muh super bowl’.

This but unironically. I used to play hockey, skate, mountain bike, etc. and let me tell ya my knees and back are wishing I had taken things at better pace. I feel like a human clickity clack at 25 years old. Being active is a good thing but like all things it's good in moderation. Getting smashed into the fucking boards isn't good for you. Absorbing multiple hits from an opposing player in a game, heavy/multiple impacts from landings/uneven trails, pushing yourself to clear that steep hill, etc. takes a toll on oneself and if you think it hurts then just wait until you're older

How many big macs is that? Asking for our American brothers, sisters,thems.

those panties are fucking massive lmao

Man, I'm jealous of burgers, they have good clothes for fatties. In India all you can get are XXL and that XXL is probably an xl in the USA.

the xxl is probably a small in burgerland tbh

XXL Asian is actually medium American, I own some clothes from Asia. IDK if Indians use the same sizing scale as the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans, though.

Indian clothing size is very wierd, 36 of a US brand is much smaller than 36 of a Indian brand.

Literally couldn't find people that fat in china.

Dude bussy Mao

Dude Mao fed millions with his house garden.

When you melt all your farming Equipment le epic style. 😎

Why can't they use plus size people to model the clothes?

Because thats gross

The doorways are too small and the studio floor isn't rated for that kind of weight

Shut up, nerd.

Shut up, it was a legitimate question kid.

You got me there.

Lingerie on fat people isn't appealing.

If they wanted to pay a fat person for existing whilst fat, they could just donate to Virgie Tovar's Patreon.

Because it would hurt their sales to see unattractive fat people in their clothes

The amount of fat people that WOULD buy them is less than the amount of not-obese people who would stop buying them

Clothing runs on glamour, is this a new concept for you?

I already see plus sized models in the industry and modeling agencies are now using plus sized models. I was wondering why they would use skinny models to model large clothes that are way too big for them.

I'm confused. Do you think all brands benefit from the same type of marketing or what?

The people selling versaci are not the people selling Target clothing lines.

So, for that brand in the linked post, it would hurt their image as they're not catering their image to that body type and they would lose money overall

But sure because you saw a different brand running a different ad campaign, they all should. Idiot.

It was a legitimate question idiot.

These things are being marketed to fatties though, so I don't see how reminding them of how much larger they are than a regular person would be a good strategy.

They are not being marketed to them. That's obvious by the model used.

Why are they showing the huge versions then?

Because it's an option and if someone wants to buy a product without it being specifically marketed to them, they can?

I'm done with your stupid questions.

Being lazy is your choice.

I'm not lazy I just like food

You can eat lots and still be in good shape as long as you exercise

Lol clearly you have no fucking idea about exercising and diet. You clearly never counted calories in and out, and never checked how calorie dense is a meal, and how many hours of running it takes to burn two slices of cake.

The main rule of weight loss is that you cannot outrun a bad diet.

Nigga your fucking stupid looll

building mental fortitude to not eat whenever the fuck you want requires effort you lazy faggot.

Imagine thinking you need mental fortitude to not eat like a hambeast or that it requires effort to eat normal size portions

Can confirm, r/loseit inspired me, down from 176lbs to 150lbs, let me tell you, it requires good self control and i am proud of myself. All those fat people who can't control their mouths don't deserve a bit of sympathy.

500 calorie slice of cake.


~120 calories burned per mile for 150lb human (extremely conservative estimate here)

1000/120 = 8.33 miles

At 10 min/mile, that’s 1hr 23min

Easily done over two days for someone with a moderate amount of effort. Don’t eat two slices of cake everyday!

Don’t eat two slices of cake everyday!

a thought that literally never crossed these peoples' minds.

Uhm sweaty, try living a little

At 10 min/mile, that’s 1hr 23min

If you're running a ten minute mile you are fucking slow and need to unfuck yourself.

Do you know what the OP topic is? I think I’ve been pretty conservative here haha

That's true. I'm just from an environment where running an 8 min/mile is slow too

Weight training is even more efficient, HIIT too.

I’m just responding to the running comment. Totally agree.

Why not eat the cake while working out?

like literally how much food do you have to shove in your fat fucking face before counting the calories is too much work? and if you don’t have the hours to burn off two slices of cake (also lol @ two), then why isn’t putting the fucking fork down and stepping away from the (two slices of) cake not an option? these people are so much more pathetic than drug addicts, imagine having a heart attack in your 30s because fucking mcdonalds was your drug of choice.

It’s so fucking retarded. I like food too, but I like my health better. They just have no impulse control and issues with priorities

Portion control is scientifically the best way to lose weight retard

nah pretty button better

Am I banned yet?

It’s over for Hamcels

You have to be real fuckin fat to need to go to specialty store in current year. Most mass market lines stock at least up to at least 3XL/size 20 (women’s) nowadays.


It is hard to find normal sized cheap workout gear at like Walmart/Target, I swear to God.

Stop going to fatties store then, go to a clothing store like a regular person

I learned my lesson 😔

I wear a small/medium and they're never in stock, it's always XXS and XXXXL.

Isn't that depressing though

imagine needing to remind people to boycott and be offended by something that will probably cause the same reaction naturally.

Please boycott walmart, they sell spoons and junk food that has made me a 300 pound hamplanet.

300 pound

rookie numbers

Sorry sweaty I meant 3000, fatfingered and missed the 0. #bye

Small Fat

Holy shit this is actually so tone-deaf though lmao. Based Chinese sisters

They should take it as an wake up call

Honestly hilarious tbh. It's so amazingly offensive.

Dabs and dies of a heart attack at 35 like a boss

People who say “plus sized” instead of fat are pussies.

I fucking love this sub. And honestly fat people have the biggest problem with themself which they put on others

Amerilards in action. 56% strikes again

I don't really believe in fatphobia but damn. Some of y'all bitches are literally on highschool bullying level with yo unhelpful and degrading comments about overweight people. Quite disgusting to look down on a fellow human being like that. You don't have to find them sexy or appealing but you should at least tolerate them smh.

Some childish shit right here, getting offended over another persons weight lmao.

/u/The_Daily_Frog why are you typing like that as an obvious mayo?

Mayocide NOW.

Dafuq is a "mayo"? Guessing you're not referring to condiments?

I lost over 100 pounds (look at my posts) and this shit isn’t offensive at the least. If anything, being told that I was obese was my largest motivation for losing weight.

People treat you differently, because nobody takes you seriously when you’re fat as fuck.

Serious post incoming

Ok good for you man keep up the great work

Serious post over

Ty ty

I imagine it’s difficult to get one of these pervy photographers to snap photos of big gals.

They need to bring back muumuus as the only piece of clothing that hams can wear. At least with some actual shame, they might make some improvements for themselves.

This shit is always so frustrating. All it takes to lose weight is good ole discipline and willpower. Asking meaningful commitment from anyone on the internet is just a waste though so we get wonderful shitstorms like this.


I'm just glad that since my size is 3X I don't have to pay three times as much.

It is a problem when 3X The Big Bang Theory shirts are always sold out.