r/Politics is in a huge fight over if Student Loans for 42 million American's should been forgiven.

35  2019-05-04 by GodOfDarknessWine


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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Slappity Slippity, that’ll be about $25k + tree fiddy

We need to bring back debtor's perisons

Agreed. I know a guy who still owes me 20 bucks, and I should legally be allowed to chain him up in my basement until his family PAYS what he OWES đŸ˜¤

If he can't pay with his wallet, he gotta pay with his bussy


This calls for radical centrism. How about forgiveness of student loans but only for people in red states?

You get your wish! All 3 college educated Republicans are now debt free!

You're making the rational choice. It costs so little and makes coastal states seethe

Are coastal states ever not seething?

But they were already debt free because their dads covered the degree.

Ain't those bootstraps robust?

Only stem fields and then restructure loans so prices of schools dont get jacked up in response as is the problem in the first place.

How about loan forgiveness but only for non-mayos?

Imaging giving a handout to the privileged middle class absolving them from their responsibilities then larping that it's workers rights

Just send all liberal arts students to the salt mines.

All these people wanting the government to do everything for them. SMH. Awful awful times.

Pocahontas been hitting the peyote a little too much.

Lmao you can literally go to a community college and get the same degree and not have 50k in debt, but people want the "college experiance" and end up paying 10's of thousands of dollars to party for 4 years. Imagine buying a Ferrari and then blaming the sales person because you can't make the payments lol.

Also imagine thinking that even if she did get elected she would actually follow through.

Warren's loan forgiveness is similar to Trump's wall promise. Both aren't happening. I'd rather have college education be free than to write off college debt.

common sense things like UBI, sweeping debt forgiveness for students(who have overwhelmingly contributed more than their loans are worth to the economy by the time they pay them off), socialized healthcare, and even things like subsized houses for homeless people and free education and investing in renewable energy(which is cheaper now than oil/gas), these are all things that are proven to bolster a country’s economy and countries that do these things enjoy less deficits and a much higher quality of life than other countries

Literally just pay for my entire life and don’t make me work

42 mil times ??,000 or even ???,000

that’s a lot money