A submissive joke gets mayos fighting in /r/mayopeopletwitter over whether if they are the cuckold race

29  2019-05-04 by WreckingYourHome


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Good. Mayocide soon.

Despite being only 13% of the population, they are responsible for 99% of all cuckoldry.

why are white people so drawn to be cucked by strong black men? Is it some white-guilt slavery revenge fantasy? What dark recesses of the mayo psyche has this nonsense sprung from

also who wants me to fuck their wife lmao

I see it as another disease of the intellectual class.

Can’t jump like Blacks

Can’t code like Punjabs

Can’t math like East Asians

Can’t fly planes like MENA

Can’t 💰 like Jews

Can’t drink like Natives

Cant cook like Latinos

Can’t club like eskimos

I guess they’re really good at waving to their neighbors.

Don't even mention punjabs and code in the same sentence 🤢

What dark recesses of the mayo psyche has this nonsense sprung from

it largely just comes from the history of seeing black people as less human (and therefore more animal) than whiteoids

and because feral animals are seen as less civilized and more masculine and sexual, there you go

If it means being an incel, yeah I would rather be cucked than be an incel.

Thanks for the gold

he gilded his own post lmfaoo

u/beefdx why are you an incel in denial

...I didn't gild my own post, and furthermore, I have a wife. What the fuck is this shit?

Nice, can I fuck her?

No thanks, you'll just have to jerk off tonight like you do every other night.


Excuse me, sweaty, but this sounds like something she should decide. Do you tell her what she can wear too?

This whole conversation is giving me cancer.

So she'll be single soon. Nice.

I have a lot of pink ribbon shit in my house, I'm pretty sure I'll make it through this.

You guna let me fuck her cuck?

Well gosh, you know if I was a cuck perhaps I would but I'm not, so sorry to disappoint you.