Official /r/Drama Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 Prediction Thread. What more torment can Benioff & Weiss put these humourless fans through?

11  2019-05-04 by SandorClegane_AMA

HBO astroturfers are saying they are setting up a plot for Daenerys to go evil. So many obese Tumblr whores with purple hair will chuck their toys out of the pram.

The way this is going, I don't think they will get a 9th season - it is that bad.


With the amount of YAS KWEEN pandering we've seen this season I fully believe the finale will see Hilary Clinton take the crown as all the men are systematically castrated by Arya and Sansa

hot tbh

I agree 😍😍😍

So Daenarys wins?

Go read a book.

Which is the bigger "subverting fan expectations by disappointing them" media mess?


GOT because r/ASOIAFcels are absolutely S E E T H I N G

It only took one episode to definitively kill the GoT legacy. TLJ used an entire movie (technically three movies crammed into one.) GoT wins for its efficiency.

Cersei executes Missandei after Jaime betrays the North. Dany reveals her mayofoid power level and shrieks up a storm. Dragons beat Cersei in the last 10 mins, last two episodes are Jon vs Dany after she starts executing people every which way

/r/freefolk is cheating

no u

dragon capeshit


Daenerys is already evil. She is willing to commit genocide for her personal goals and has done so multiple times. She is also a dictator and and an authoritarian. Typical socialist revolutionary, whose true colors are hidden under the rubble of all the various conflicts going around her world (kinda like people didn't realize how evil Stalin was because Hitler was around the same time.) Anyways, I don't think the show will ever portrays her as objectively evil, because she's a powerful single wamen rail model. If we get to witness her rule without a global conflict, I predict she will be portayed establishing a "benevolent" autocracy and t there'll be many scens of her freeing slaves and handing candy to brown children while the show will completely ignore the usual faults of autocracy and socialism, like centralized economy, inevitable hierarchical corruption and endless domestic and imperialistic genocides to maintain the status quo. Anyways, here's my spoilers for then ext episode (I already saw the screener):

  • Tyrion dies

  • Missandei reveals she has a dick

Missandei reveals she has a dick

And she fucks Grey Worm's bussy

This is the only spinoff I want to see, Missandei trying to get Grey Worm pregnant.

Based and unsulliedpilled 😍

And I better not be banned soon. Or else I’ll cry for like a second or two then promptly get over it. 👏👏👏👏

When did she commit genocide? She's a murderous authoritarian leader who acts like she isn't, but she's never committed genocide, unless you count the elites as a class

I'm using the term genocide loosely here. Jews are also not race as anyone can technically convert, so are you saying that holocaust was not a genocide too because not every jew was part of the same race?

Her murder of the "elites" in the saga to free the slaves definitely counts as a genocide. In reality, if similar revolution were to happen, (and remember she was doing this solely out of arrogance to have her way and in spite against general antagonists not letting her have her way,) she would have exterminated an entire city, women would have been raped and tortured to death, children murdered, elders incapable of fighting, brutally slaughtered for the sole sin of borning into a hierarchical society that had social edicts that she objected to. Maybe some of them didn't like having slaves either and wanted to reform, but she didn't care, she just wanted to have her way. Of course, you wouldn't portray any of this in a show that wants to make her seem heroic and benevolent revolutionary. But at the bottom of it all, she is really just an entitled, spoiled, genocidal mayo cunt.

The most accurate leak thus far claims John kills Dany, so I believe it. It'll be fantastic for drama coin.

Everybody from Winterfell dies in a cheap last minute kill-off they want to be Red Wedding 2. Cersei dies in a miscarriage event while being raped by Jamie again. Evil Dany wins and makes all men her dick slaves. Except Grey Worm of course but that's because she had him executed.

The dragons have secret pit bull genes. First kill Gilly's baby and then kills Snow. Then mauls everyone's face. GoTcels say it was just because Dany was a bad owner.

Paging Dr. Pibble... clean up on aisle Westeros 🐕 🐶