/r/FO76 is _..$<S E E T H I N G>\?.. over a YouTube video

72  2019-05-04 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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Unpopular opinion: I have no strong feelings about fallout 76 one way or the other

I'm shook

I actually want to play it when I get it free or under 9€.

It’s not bad. I’m a loser, so I prefer to be a death god within the first fifteen mins of my vidya. 76 is slower, which doesn’t make it bad, just different

It's between tards who thought that Bethesda would take their single-player game engine and turn it into an MMO and got butthurt when they failed and tards who thought it would work but got Stockholm Syndrome. I don't really have a dog in this fight.

Unpopularer opinion: fallout 76 is worse than wandshit but better than capeshit.

I expected it to be a shitshow, but thats because i expected them to introduce a new engine that can handle multiplayer better and 76 would have been a tech demo.

So yeah, im also in a weird boat, i was expecting it to be bad so i dont care about that, but i also expected it to be a new engine, which they bitched out on so...

r/fo76 is an untapped goldmine of drama

We had posts about it when it was current, I remember. A friend bought me it so I remember the shitshow, I posted about a few of the more hilarious issues

I'm amazed people are still playing the game.. And spending even more money on it... How?

Some people are just fundamentally broken inside.

battered wife syndrome.

Shows a guy with a lgbt, metoo fedora while talking about mods of forums and reddit. O K




this ain't it, chief

What I would give to be the lawyer sitting down with the marketing and customer service employees asking “you fucking did what.

I said, “Yes they deserved to die and I hope they burn in Hell!”

Gamers often remind my of crypto enthusiasts, buying into stupid shit and getting all defensive when they get called out.

It's even worse though, because at least the cryptos are hoping actually get something tangible and make money.

Gamers will literally beg developers to add more fake things for them to buy, just to keep their "community" alive.

Can you imagine being so retarded that you get angry that someone critiqued the actions and products of a fucking private company.

Cheap outrage magnet.

Don't give the hack the money.

Yes, dont give THIS hack money

I would like to meet the people who saw the first trailer and didnt immediately go " this is going to be shit".


Is there anyone on that sub who isn’t paid to be there?

The majority of people already believe all this shit. They genuinely believe the game hasn't received an update in months and Bethesda ignore the bugs and just add new player vending or outfits.

because it would be so unlike bethesda to leave a thousand game-breaking bugs in a game ¯_(ツ)_/¯