User in T_D believes that Alex Jones and others being deplatformed will lead to tech companies being allowed to use smart refrigerators to starve conservatives by locking their food up.

145  2019-05-05 by Ghdust2


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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Anyone notice how The Donald layout has the “back arrow” obscured on mobile-plebbit? It’s like a boomer trap. “No back arrow, I’ll just stay on The Donald!”. 👴🏻📲⁉️

lmao, boomers using smart phones for anything but phone calls.

Unfortunately they're starting to learn from their idiot zoomer grandkids

Imagine buying a smart fridge lmao

The natural progression of burgerland technology. We must cram a computer into the food machine, IT IS THE ONLY WAY

Every appliance needs to have a clock on display, god damn it.

The fuck does a smart fridge even do? What do you need "smart" for keeping your fucking food cold? Where did all these kids come from and why are they on my goddamn lawn?

Has a worse iPad embedded in it

Ready your trebuchet for the kids.

It contains computing hardware that's made to fail before the rest of the fridge so that you're forced to replace the whole thing sooner.

For commercials

It's literally the most American Mayo Thing ever.

If you buy a smart fridge you deserve this.

I don't even get what convenience they're supposed to offer. Like okay, smart doorbells and smart cameras allow you to see what's going on in your house without having to extricate your ass from your gaming chair, so of course Amerifats are all over it. Smart fridges...what, you don't have to open the door to see what's in it? That's like our favorite thing to do.

Imagine thinking this is a bad thing.

We can only hope

actually that's not bad a plan

lmao do you not understand hyperbole you goofy fag

its a bad precedent for a bank to be able to refuse service for political opinions

Isn't that just free market in action?

thinking banks operate purely out of the free market.


once you establish yourself as a public forum or utility then you relinquish the rights of a private company including being able to refuse service

its why communists are still allowed to have food and electricity and why black people get literally anyone to perform services for them

No they dont, they have a terms of service

tos literally doesnt matter and governments can override it

you cant just write that youre allowed to do stuff lmao

Literally nothing in this post is even remotely accurate.

Not even the grammar.

lmao yes it is do you not know about anti trust laws

governments can just step in and ruin a companies shit if theyre refusing to allow competition for instance

why do you think trumps talking so much about conservative censorship and unevenly applied rules in regards to facebook and twitter

Anti-trust laws aren't clearly free market. Literally nobody has claimed they are. Also, nobody has claimed that current markets are free, I was referring to the single act as being something a free market would do.

Trump is a brainlet. Who the fuck knows what he says and why, except perhaps Putin. But you bringing up trump further indicates that you should stay away from any adult conversation.

Anti-trust laws aren't clearly free market. Literally nobody has claimed they are. Also, nobody has claimed that current markets are free, I was referring to the single act as being something a free market would do.

the "free market" doesnt apply and the omg its a private company argument is the worst take possible

Trump is a brainlet. Who the fuck knows what he says and why, except perhaps Putin.

lol dude are you really still on this

But you bringing up trump further indicates that you should stay away from any adult conversation.

turns out the president has certain powers over companies operating in america

wild i know but as it happens its relevant

I wonder how much of a crossover there is between "you shouldn't have to bake a gay wedding cake" people and "Facebook shouldn't be allowed to ban Alex Jones" people. Probably a lot.

The Venn diagram between those two is a circle

Shoo, Rand

OP has to agendapost, hard.

Someone call T_D, one of their boomers got out

lol no im just someone who understands precedent and that letting billion dollar corporations make the rules is fucking dumb as shit

No matter your political opinion ypu deserve that fate if you buy a smart fridge

tfw your google car drives you off a cliff because you visited a nono website.

Day of malfunctioning airbags when?

Can't wait tbh.

Yeah I bought a tv recently and went out of my way to find a tv that wasn’t a smart tv and the woman selling it looked at me like I was a retard.

Because you are... Just don't connect it to your wifi retard if youre scared of being monitored.

not buying a smart TV in the year of our Lord 2019

Might as well stick with a CRT at that point

Ultra nerd g*mers still use CRTs cuz muh frame lag

verizon patented the smart TV listening to you and targeting ads based on ur conversations


Smart TVs suck so god damn hard though. What can a smart TV do that a PS4, Xbox, HTPC or Roku can't? They are pointlessly expensive for gimmicky bullshit.

Also if you live with a bunch of fucking autists (or if you yourself are an autist) then it's so much cheaper to replace when somebody inevitably breaks the fucking screen because they lost in fucking mario cart.

The smart tv function is baked into the price now. Meaning you aren't paying extra for it. The price is more due to the quality of the tv and size than anything else.

Whoever downvoted you is a dumbass, because the electronics that make the TV "smart" likely cost less than $15

Are you sure about that? Because my experience and the pricing of online retailers suggest otherwise.

Smart TV

TV with just Google assistant support

If you look at those at the time of posting there is a $400 difference on 2 TVs each from Sony, each 65" each 4k and it looks like they even have the same bezel. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually had a fairly good amount of parts that they shared.

With the $400 I could go buy a console and just use it for Youtube, Netflix and Hulu and still come out $100 ahead with the added bonus of being able to play video games. This of course also assumes I'm not just buying a brand that doesn't even make smart TVs, because then I can get that same 65" 4k for more like $500 or so.

the more expensive one has a picture processor (whatever that is), more colour, clarity and contrast enhancement and a content bar (whatever that is).

Sounds like someone desperately trying to justify an undeserved pricetag.

We call those things marketing. Marketing execs think you're a fucking retard, please do your best to not prove them right.

The difference is in the details my friend:

While both are 4k tv's one seems to be a higher end product than the other. I don't much about tv tech but the internals not the smart tv part is likely why you have the $400 difference.

you are paying extra for it

Not anymore you aren't.

a ps4 is more expensive than a decent sized tv these days

What can a smart TV do

You can download a bunch of movies into a hard drive and connect it to your TV so you can use it to freely watch movies.

u can just connect ur laptop to the tv and do that

You can do that with literally any of the other options I listed. And with better support since last smart TV I used had subtitles just converted to plaintext. Even closed captioning was preferable to that crap.

I can't watch my cartoons of underage girls getting railed by BBC without subtitles.

Lmao when you get into tvs that are 2 grand plus the processor and the ability to connect to the Internet goes a lot farther than just being able to stream. Poorcels cope.

What else can they do other than stream? Do they cure autism or something? I might change my tune if that's the case.

Congratulations, you spent 2 grand to stream and... do smart home things? If somebody want's to put a bug in my house they could at least have the decency to pay for it themselves.

But what if you are over 6' tall with functioning testicles and thus don't own a videogame machine?

Then rub the brain cells you have together and build an HTPC? Any chimp can do it and it's better than buying a Roku or smart TV.

They can't chromecast

Oh no I can't use specifically google's streaming features. If only there were alternatives that literally every other option listed had. Play on Roku is a thing, and Pixel media server will let you stream to your PS4 or Xbox. With an HTPC if you can't figure out how to get that running then I wonder how you dress yourself in the morning.

But they can't chrome cast can they.

Roku is garbage and is another thing I have to plug into my TV along with the 3 remotes. Instead of just using the 1 thing that has all streaming services along with literally anything I want to watch built into my TV

You know you can also just buy a chromecast dongle right?

So another extra right? Starting to run out of space here

If your smooth brain can comprehend 2 controls total, and it's worth $400 then honestly that's up to you. I will continue my inhuman hatred for smart TVs for being gimmicky bullshit.

It's at 3 now at minimum.

I also need to set multiple WiFi passwords, make sure I don't lose all my remotes, run out of space in my TV, make sure I have space for the extra garbage, go out of my way to purchase all the extras, make sure they all work.

You're just old, that's all there is too it

1.) TV remote

2.) Phone for chromecast dongle

2a.) A controller for your console if that's how you want to go.

Where the fuck did 3 come from? how are you going to run out of space on a TV with no storage space? The dongle weighs less than 1lb, and is about the size of a tin of altoids. It's one additional purchase to the TV its self. Wifi setup take about 3 seconds (and you'd do that with your smart TV anyway.

I'm not old, I just have the 3 brain cells necessary to setup a home theater.

My hatred of smart TVs is to the point where if Hitler came back tomorrow with his same policies, but added the abolition of smart TVs I would slip on my jackboots and brown shirt and tell Goebbels to hold my beer.

I can buy a smart TV for about $600.

I can't buy a dongle, xbox and a 4k TV for $600.


If all you wanted was chromecast, then why are you buying an Xbox?

YouTube, Netflix + other apps.

Chromecast can't do everything, xbox can't do everything. All in one, surprised you can't see that.

Run netflix off your phone.

So another extra I need to use. Its starting to get a bit rediculas now

TV (which most people already have anyway), Dongle, Phone (which if you're not poor you already have) that's it.

I don't care what you do with your money, if you want to spend extra on a stupid gimmick, it's up to you. I figure there is a non-zero chance you are being intentionally dim, if not then I hope the neetbux buy you the nicest smart TV money can buy.

But I'm not spending extra on a smart TV.

I am spending extra to make sure I have a phone, dongle and/or a xbox because once again the phone can't do everything.

You're argument doesn't make sense.

How the hell do you have a hard time finding a non smart tv? There are less smart tvs than non-smart tvs.

Based boomer poster.

The Chinese need to increase their fentanyl shipments

Nice to have a reminder that conservativoids still still lead the rest when it comes to truly retarded beliefs


“Shit, that’s fucking brilliant. Someone get on that.”

-Silicon Valley

Questiong historical narratives

psst he means denying the Holocaust


i wish td was that epic but sadly no

Why are they sharing these great ideas?

I wish we live in the world rightoids think we do

Tfw I can only access my fridge if I earn enough ‘Amazon Good Boy Points TM’ from daddy Bezos.

A doomsday type scenario in which a fridge refuses to open keeps Americans up at night. Just imagine not being able to inhale your fridge's content throughout the day. Americancels would starve.

Such a great statement. I used to think we could start a Galts Gulch and just disappear but no, it's time to fight for what's ours

They may take our lives... But they'll never TAKE OUR CHEETOS!!!!

It's Kaczynski-level fearmingering, but it merits a discussion.

Not really.