Swordshit goes to prom

7  2019-05-05 by LucidHuckleberry


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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I’m a cis dude and pretty rarted, but that hair is looking fried and whack. Foid needs to condition, or something.


Let the teenager do her hair, who cares

srsly this is a dumdum thread

Wheres the drama


This sub is terrible.

Its fine for the most part! I’ve gotten lots of supportive comments (which im super grateful for)! but also, as you can see, a lot of unnecessarily gross comments.

Oh awkward. I meant the fact that a hairstyle is one of the most upvoted posts and guilded multiple times. Sorry but I just can't comprehend how it's that interesting. It's just gone to Facebook level content.


Foid btfo

Reading that thread made me feel a lot better about myself.

This is why we have to cull the numbers. What kind of retarded shit is this? This isn't drama

reddit really has just become facebook next.

the queer subs like ainbow are especially bad for "look at me" posts

u/jennifermaverick You’re beautiful and reddit is a better place with you posting in it.